It is fair because no one is compelled to punish themselves.
Do you mean that if I go to hell, I will be able to stop punishing myself if I get tired of it or decide that I’ve had enough and want to go to heaven?
They know full well what they are doing and are prepared to pay the price. God doesn’t even come into the picture because they alone are entirely responsible for their decision.
Oh but tonyrey, I
don’t know what I’m doing. According to the RCC, I’m on my way to hell since my unbelief is grave matter. You have disputed this, but it seems like a clear reading of apostasy. I’m an apostate my friend! I can’t help it, but right now hell opens its maw wide for me…except I can’t even believe that anyway. I don’t want to pay that price (if it exists)! If it turns out I’m wrong, I will gladly repent, but as-is, I just can’t believe.
It amounts to destruction because God created us for love and happiness of which we deprive ourselves.
OK, but how much more destructive then is eternal hell? To keep us alive forever and ever just so we can never achieve our purpose. That seems
worse than being blotted out.
Might is not right! Power does not justify any form of destruction, let alone annihilation. To create us entails responsibility towards us especially when the motive is love. The Creator incurs an obligation to respect our existence and our decisions even though they are against His Will and separate us from life with Him in heaven. To destroy us would amount to rejecting Himself because we are made in His image and likeness.
It is a facile solution that doesn’t correspond to the purpose of giving us free will.
Actually, the RCC does insist that might=right with respect to God’s nature. They just express it differently. They say God is “perfectly simple” and that his supposed attributes are co-identical. This would mean that is divine power = his divine justice. He allegedly
is power, justice, truth, love, etc.
I think it is interesting that you intuit God’s responsibility to his creation. I have a similar intuition. The question is to what extent and which duties God is bound.
So you’re saying that to annihilate us or let us slip out of existence would be “rejecting himself” but to allow us to torture ourselves forever isn’t? Why not?
To be precise, hell is not a place but a conscious state of mind which is a just punishment for one’s vices. Schadenfreude is a good example*.* It is only right that those who enjoy the suffering of others should suffer as the result of their own vicious enjoyment. Those who cheat others cheat themselves because they lose their integrity and become corrupt like poisonous, rotten fruit. Not only do those who detest others become detestable they also detest themselves because they know they are detestable. Yet they allow their lust for power and pleasure to overcome the misery it causes them. They become divided from others and also internally divided.
What do you think is the just punishment for unbelief? Isn’t faith supposed to be a “gift?” What is the fitting punishment for a person from whom you have withheld a gift?