The Fear of Hell

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Yes that is true, but rather than blamed for his guilt we could say he should be praised for his super-abundant generosity and goodness in that case.
Here one of my favorite private revelations…

I can tell you about the different degrees of Purgatory because I have passed through them. In the great Purgatory there are several stages. In the lowest and most painful, like a temporary hell, are the sinners who have committed terrible crimes during life and whose death surprised them in that state. It was almost a miracle that they were saved, and often by the prayers of holy parents or other pious persons. Sometimes they did not even have time to confess their sins and the world thought them lost, but God, whose mercy is infinite, gave them at the moment of death the contrition necessary for their salvation on account of one or more good actions which they performed during life. For such souls, Purgatory is terrible. It is a real hell with this difference, that in hell they curse God, whereas we bless Him and thank Him for having saved us.
. . . So not only do we have a proposed hypothetical we also have documented evidence that this life brought nothing but misery, anguish, despair and death to many. . .
I am not talking about hypotheticals, but reality.

As to misery, anguish and despair, I have had my share. We will all see death. While others have suffered more in terms of lost loved ones, being left behind is personally not an unfamiliar occurrence.

This life is a stretching out in time and space of what occured in an instant when the angels chose. On that note, everyone feels badly that demonic persons exist in the hell they created, some denying its existence. What about the billions, I would imagine, angels that chose to follow Satan. Their reality is hell. No one seems to feel sorry for the guy that convinced us to follow him here. No, some people get angry that God made it possible for you and I to exist in paradise.

What we are participating in, here and now is huge! The numbers that describe the dimensions of this universe are a metaphor for the magnificence and glory of existence.
So we’re all exactly equal in worth and dignity? Me and Pol Pot? You and Bryant?
Oh my gosh, luv! How many times must I say this: yes!

Every person is exactly equal in worth and dignity, by virtue of our being a member of the human race.

And I think that even you believe this, except that you haven’t been able to articulate this.

Else, why are you so opposed to the idea of hell for, say, Pol Pot?

Why? Because you understand that even how horrific Pol Pot was…he does not deserve eternal torture…because he is a member of the human race…and inherently worthy. You recoil at the thought–because he has dignity.

(I suggest that it doesn’t bother you one bit to consider the idea that an amoeba would suffer in eternity, right? Why? Because amoebas are not…worthy of anything.)

That Pol Pot chooses it for himself is…well, unfathomable…but the choice is his. (NB: this is a hypothetical only. I have no idea what he chose for himself, although the choices in this life seem to suggest he would find God’s love odious and repellent. But, again, that’s above my paygrade.)
They are also both equal in the eyes of the law. That is, they are to be treated equally, despite the fact that one spends his life in charitable work and the other is a wife beating drug dealer.
Let’s look at this a bit deeper, Bradski. Connect the dots.

Why are they “equal in the eyes of the law”? This ethos must be based on some idea.

What is this idea?

Is it that any member of the human race has…

inherent dignity?



Again, we don’t start with the premise that every living creature is “equal in the eyes of the law”. That would be absurd, right? We don’t give an amoeba rights over an infant. We don’t give a kitty rights over Pol Pot. We don’t give a snake rights over Hugh Jackman.


Because we understand that human persons, by virtue of their membership in the human race, are inherently worthy.

Amoeba, kittens and snakes are not.
What do you think is the just punishment for unbelief? Isn’t faith supposed to be a “gift?” What is the fitting punishment for a person from whom you have withheld a gift?
God does not withhold the gift. It is we who refuse it by our stubborn and idiotic pride. 🤷
God does not withhold the gift. It is we who refuse it by our stubborn and idiotic pride. 🤷
What do you make of Exodus 9:12?
But the LORD made Pharaoh obstinate, and he would not listen to them, just as the LORD had foretold to Moses.
Paul thinks it means God dispenses grace to whom he wills. Romans 9:18. St. Thomas specifically talks about the reprobate. I have linked to this in a prior post in this thread.

Clearly, God withholds the gift of faith from some. If he didn’t, then they would have faith. This seems obvious to me.
It is fair because no one is compelled to punish themselves.
We have that opportunity in Purgatory. There is no reason to believe a person who values total independence more than anything else will ever want to relinquish it in spite of its drawbacks. As Sartre pointed out, sooner or later we have to commit ourselves. It is implausible to suggest we could sit on the fence for all eternity.

Those who are in hell don’t punish themselves deliberately. It is their vices that make them frustrated and miserable. How much they are tortured by their pride and selfishness depends on how proud and selfish they are. Nothing happens by chance in the spiritual world. They know full well what they are doing and are prepared to pay the price. God doesn’t even come into the picture because they alone are entirely responsible for their decision to reject His love…
Oh but tonyrey, I don’t know what I’m doing. According to the RCC, I’m on my way to hell since my unbelief is grave matter. You have disputed this, but it seems like a clear reading of apostasy. I’m an apostate my friend! I can’t help it, but right now hell opens its maw wide for me…except I can’t even believe that anyway. I don’t want to pay that price (if it exists)! If it turns out I’m wrong, I will gladly repent, but as-is, I just can’t believe.
Sincere unbelief is not even a sin, PC, let alone a grave matter. We’re not expected to be infallible but do what we believe is right to the best of our ability. The real test is whether we love others in the way we live, not what we claim to believe or disbelieve. Sometimes we’re not even sure of what we do believe!
It amounts to destruction because God created us for love and happiness of which we can deprive ourselves.
OK, but how much more destructive then is eternal hell? To keep us alive forever and ever just so we can never achieve our purpose. That seems worse than being blotted out.

We do achieve our purpose in hell! We are created to shape our own destiny and that is exactly what occurs in heaven and hell as it does on earth.
Might is not right! Power does not justify any form of destruction, let alone annihilation. To create us entails responsibility towards us especially when the motive is love. The Creator incurs an obligation to respect our existence and our decisions even though they are against His Will and separate us from life with Him in heaven. To destroy us would amount to rejecting Himself because we are made in His image and likeness. It is a facile solution that doesn’t correspond to the purpose of giving us free will.
Actually, the RCC does insist that might=right with respect to God’s nature. They just express it differently. They say God is “perfectly simple” and that his supposed attributes are co-identical. This would mean that is divine power = his divine justice. He allegedly is power, justice, truth, love, etc.

The Church follows the teaching of Jesus that God is Love. Any belief which is incompatible with that doctrine is false and would be condemned outright.
I think it is interesting that you intuit God’s responsibility to his creation. I have a similar intuition. The question is to what extent and which duties God is bound.
Totally - as far as that is possible when His creatures reject His love. For example, He cannot forgive us if we don’t forgive others because that would be contrary to His justice.
So you’re saying that to annihilate us or let us slip out of existence would be “rejecting himself” but to allow us to torture ourselves forever isn’t? Why not?
If we choose hell we don’t torture ourselves deliberately or gratuitously. Our misery is the inevitable consequence of pride which makes us rebellious and the other vices which stem from pride such as scorn, impatience, callousness and overweening ambition. If we make ourselves detestable we are bound to become isolated and suffer accordingly. It certainly happens in this world. Why not the next?
To be precise, hell is not a place but a conscious state of mind which is a just punishment for one’s vices. Schadenfreude is a good example. It is only right that those who enjoy the suffering of others should suffer as the result of their own vicious enjoyment. Those who cheat others cheat themselves because they lose their integrity and become corrupt like poisonous, rotten fruit. Not only do those who detest others become detestable they also detest themselves because they know they are detestable. Yet they allow their lust for power and pleasure to overcome the misery it causes them. They become divided from others and also internally divided.
What do you think is the just punishment for unbelief? Isn’t faith supposed to be a “gift?” What is the fitting punishment for a person from whom you have withheld a gift?

God doesn’t withhold the gift of faith in love and that is all that matters. If we accept the teaching of Jesus that we should love others and put it into practice we cannot possibly be damned. Some are given more opportunities than others but they also have a greater obligation to follow His teaching. Ignorance per se is not a sin but it is culpable if we don’t ask ourselves whether what we intend to do is right because we are too lazy to do so. Most of the suffering in the world is caused by negligence rather than malice.
What do you make of Exodus 9:12?

Paul thinks it means God dispenses grace to whom he wills. Romans 9:18. St. Thomas specifically talks about the reprobate. I have linked to this in a prior post in this thread.

Clearly, God withholds the gift of faith from some. If he didn’t, then they would have faith. This seems obvious to me.
It does not seem obvious to me. If God withheld the gift of faith from some, that would set some up for destruction, since Paul says we are saved by faith. God does not deliberately damn some and deliberately save others.

That is predestination and blasphemy. :mad:

You appear to be a determinist when you say that you cannot help yourself in your unbelief.

Of course you can help yourself. All you need is a dose of humility to admit that God is great, and not argue as some do that God is not great and religion spoils everything.
If the Devil would repent, Hell would cease to exist.
Are you saying that the devil has God over a barrel, so to speak?

Are you saying that with all that God did in the Incarnation and thru other things, associated with the Incarnation, that the devil is in charge?

Are you saying that God created someone, for it was God Who created the devil, that is more powerful than God?

Are you saying that it is in the devil’s hands and that God’s Hands are tied, so to speak?

Are you saying that ALL that God did is NOT enough but if the devil repented, it would be enough?
It’s a useless hypothetical, in that we as human beings are not given omniscience of our own life, let alone that of our progeny.

Let’s drop the Bryant thing already and get back to the justice of Hell.

As far as, “Let’s drop the Bryant thing already and get back to the justice of Hell”, if hell is for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever, as in forever, than there is NO Justice in hell.

If God has a “Godly reason” for hell, such as one seeing themself through God’s Eyes, so to speak, as opposed to an existence terrible beyond our comprehension forever with absolutely no chance of it ever ending is making God worse than the worst human being could ever be since a human being can only finitely torture their fellow human being.

Anyone who says that this hell is preferable to being completely and utterly destroyed as in unexisted, doesn’t seem to realize just how cold and cruel they are and if nothing else it proves that they have not a clue about hell.

When one of the creeds says that Jesus went to hell, maybe we should believe that God really did do more than some think God capable of doing when Jesus was on the cross.

Anyone ever heard, “Simon, thou art Peter and upon this rock, I will build MY CHURCH AND THE GATES OF THE NETHERWORLD SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT”.

“The gates of the netherworld”, hell and spiritual death, maybe Jesus actually meant something when He said this.
If we could get to hell and be forgiven and released from hell, there would be no reason for taking hell seriously. Does God not want us to take the promise of hell seriously?

We should take the promise of hell as seriously as we take the promise of heaven.
If we could get to hell and be forgiven and released from hell, there would be no reason for taking hell seriously. Does God not want us to take the promise of hell seriously?

We should take the promise of hell as seriously as we take the promise of heaven.
Then why not show us what it is, rather all these parables and euphamis said? It appears to many to be too horrible to contemplate. So they…don’t contemplate it.
Are you saying that the devil has God over a barrel, so to speak?

Are you saying that with all that God did in the Incarnation and thru other things, associated with the Incarnation, that the devil is in charge?

Are you saying that God created someone, for it was God Who created the devil, that is more powerful than God?

Are you saying that it is in the devil’s hands and that God’s Hands are tied, so to speak?

Are you saying that ALL that God did is NOT enough but if the devil repented, it would be enough?
Actually this is from Jesus who told some saint or mystic, can’t remember, in a private revelation.
Then why not show us what it is, rather all these parables and euphamis said? It appears to many to be too horrible to contemplate. So they…don’t contemplate it.
Whether it be heaven or hell, there is no reason to show us what it is until we deserve to see it. 🤷

Showing people a photo of a horribly diseased lung won’t stop them from smoking.
Showing people the disfigurement of AIDS won’t stop them from homosexual lust.

Stupid is as stupid does. 🤷
To be precise, hell is not a place but a conscious state of mind which is a just punishment for one’s vices. Schadenfreude is a good example*.* It is only right that those who enjoy the suffering of others should suffer as the result of their own vicious enjoyment. Those who cheat others cheat themselves because they lose their integrity and become corrupt like poisonous, rotten fruit. Not only do those who detest others become detestable they also detest themselves because they know they are detestable. Yet they allow their lust for power and pleasure to overcome the misery it causes them. They become divided from others and also internally divided.
You wrote, “Schadenfreude is a good example*.* It is only right that those who enjoy the suffering of others should suffer as the result of their own vicious enjoyment.”

Wouldn’t Thomas Aquinas saying that, “one of the “joys” of heaven is seeing the “horrors” of those in hell, even if indirectly”, be “a good example” of “Schadenfreude”?

Except in this perverse “example” of “Schadenfreude” those that “enjoy the suffering” are supposedly those in heaven, isn’t that what it seems that Thomas Aquinas is saying?

Are you saying that “Schadenfreude” is wrong if one is alive on earth but is fine and dandy if one is in heaven?
Totally - as far as that is possible when His creatures reject His love. For example, He cannot forgive us if we don’t forgive others because that would be contrary to His justice.
Remember the parable about the person that was forgiven a great deal but then would NOT FORGIVE a little deal from a fellow servant?

Seems to me that it was said that he would not be released until he paid it all, it DID NOT say that he would NEVER be released, did it?

Maybe God accomplished more on the cross than many think possible.

Could be we are getting “our conception” of justice, which seems to be light-years away from anything even resembling justice, mixed up with God’s Justice.

Just as the old saying goes, “God created us in His Image and Likeness and we have been trying to return the favor ever since”.
It does not seem obvious to me. If God withheld the gift of faith from some, that would set some up for destruction, since Paul says we are saved by faith. God does not deliberately damn some and deliberately save others.

That is predestination and blasphemy. :mad:

You appear to be a determinist when you say that you cannot help yourself in your unbelief.

Of course you can help yourself. All you need is a dose of humility to admit that God is great, and not argue as some do that God is not great and religion spoils everything.
Ever thought that God just might like us to be honest with God even if it is that we do not believe that God Is?

If one doesn’t believe than it is my opinion that one should not try to pretend that one believes.

Do you really think that God does not know that some do not believe that God Is?

Remember Thomas the Apostle, he was honest in his unbelief and he was “rewarded” for his honesty, at least that is my take on what happened.
Whether it be heaven or hell, there is no reason to show us what it is until we deserve to see it. 🤷

Showing people a photo of a horribly diseased lung won’t stop them from smoking.
You think?

This is what we have on the cigarette packages down here. Along with gangrenous feet, cancer ridden faces and plenty of other stomach turning examples of the results of smoking.

And guess what…it works. People, once they are confronted by what is likely to happen to them - every time they take a cigarette out of the packet, are deciding it is not worth the risk.

Now, if God could just give that heads up on hell…?
If we could get to hell and be forgiven and released from hell, there would be no reason for taking hell seriously. Does God not want us to take the promise of hell seriously?

We should take the promise of hell as seriously as we take the promise of heaven.
Maybe we should take seriously that each and every one of us nailed Jesus to the cross and we should be thankful that Jesus took ALL of the SINS of ALL to the cross.

If the GOOD NEWS is not Good News for ALL then it is not good news at all.

Father forgive THEM, THEY know not what they do.

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