Hi again Hodos (and all)!
In regards to the verses you cited, I read through Isaiah Chapter 6 and didn’t find anything that teaches Total Depravity. The Chapter shows how Isaiah, like all of us, needed to be cleansed of his sins because he was a sinner. We’re on the same page there!
Okay, in regards to the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew Chapter 5, I don’t quite see how it explains Total Depravity (please correct me if I’m wrong or have missed something). These passages on murder, divorce, adultery, ect. are examples of conduct for Christian life. Concerning your citation of Romans 3, this passage, Romans 3:10-18, is explaining how sin is universal, how we all are sinners and how we all share the common burdens of sin. What we must keep in mind, though, is that this passage does not teach Total Depravity, as John Calvin understood it. Also, Paul is citing heavily from the Psalms, particularly Psalm 14, so maybe I’ll run through that real quick.
Psalm 14:3-4 talk about how all are perverse and not one does good. However, if we move on to verse 5, we read that “God is with the company of the just.” So, obviously there are the righteous and the unrighteous. Please keep in mind that it is all by grace that we are made just or righteous. Also, back in Romans, we read in Chapter 2:12-16 that “when the Gentiles who do not have the law by nature observe the prescriptions of the law, they are a law even though they do not have the law. They show that the demands of the law are written in their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even defend them on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge people’s hidden works through Christ Jesus.”
So, what can we take from all of these verses? Well, mankind is definitely depraved and is totally unable to save himself. Mankind is not totally depraved, however, where every one of his actions is sinful. The unregenerate man is capable of natural goods on a mere human level but please remember that these actions in and of themselves cannot save. It’s all by the grace of God that we are saved and not merely by our own efforts by themselves. We cannot come to God but through His freely-given grace. All of the blessed in Heaven are there 100% sola fide.
Anyhow, thanks everyone for this dialogue. Hope my post isn’t too long or something.