Fruits of Vatican 2:
- the use of the vernacular in the two Liturgies of the Church - the Mass and the Liturgy of the hours.
- the encouragement of the laity to engage in saying the Liturgy of the Hours.
- The move away from the use of condemnatory language of prior Councils. Christ spoke often of the unwillingness of those who would not accept him in strong language, and there is a place for it., But when asked what the greatest Commandment was he gave two: Love God; Love neighbor. Not exactly the use of condemnatory language. There has been a change from the Holy Office and the condemnations which emanated from there prior to V2, plus the original proposed documents which were rejected, to the positive documents of V2 and the move away from a juridical approach to the Faith to a reflection on the mystery of the Church, Christ’s presence in it through its clergy and laity, the Scriptures, and the sacraments, and most especially through the Eucharist.