remember in college when the teacher of the economics class was trying to convince the students that economics is a science. Economics is like predicting what the weather going to be like in 10 years. You can put all the scenarios you know into your model to predict the next 10 years but there are so many different things that can happen that will trash the predictions.
I totally agree with you in this; when I took econ, we had just gone through a fad called
pet rocks. Who would have thought people would buy rocks with eyes glued to them?
However, economics is not entirely unpredictable. On a large level, we can see rules and how it works. It is not completely random.
Thus it is that we know certain things. One of the things we know and have seen in action is that pumping a lot of uncreated money-- printed money with nothing behind it-- leads to inflation. We have seen this in Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe, and now Venezuela. And probably other places as well.
For sure, we have seen what can cause economic disaster. And one of those things is printing a lot of money and putting it into the economy.
Why inflation? Because when people suddenly have a lot of money, they want to spend it. The existing structure has only so much to sell, so either prices go up or there are huge lines waiting to get the stuff.
Believe me, your plan sounds very nice, but would cause a catastrophe.