he group that assigns the amount a worker/manager/boss would get paid would be made up of honest working Americans from all parts of the work force. There are probably a lot more holes that need to be thought about and taken care of.
But how would these people be selected? Would it be a vote by the citizens? An appointment by the President or by State Senators or Representatives? Would they apply for the position–then what “company” would interview and make the selection?
And frankly, HOW would the people have the time to do this work and still be '“working Americans from all parts of the work force?” This is impractical–unless they will hold their committee position for a lifetime, they will end up losing their "'working jobs!–companies can’t just hold positions open for a few years until they have served their time and done their duty assigning paycheck amounts to everyone else!
Even now, the Family and Medical Leave Act guarantees that a worker will be able to return to employmnet–but there is no guarantee that they will still have their current job–they just have to be given a position with equal pay to their job. That means that if I take FMA from my job in Microbiology Day Shift–I may come back after 12 weeks to a job in Chemistry Night Shift!–which is UNACCEPTABLE to me after working exclusively in Microbiology for over 30 years! But I fully understand why my hospital would have to do this–they simply don’t have enough staff to allow me to take 12 weeks off while the rest of my Microbiology department attempts to do all the work that I would normally do! There would have to be a new hire for Microbiology, so I would be bumped to Nights–an “equal” position with the same pay, but NOT the job I would want to be doing now that I am in my 60s!
I can’t imagine any American workers wanting to serve on this committee and losing their jobs. And I can’t imagine their families wanting their lives uprooted while Mom or Dad or Grandparent is off–where? Washington?
Finally, no matter how good the intentions of such a “committee” are–inevitably they would be under such heavy pressure from corporations, unions, guilds, associations, etc. to assign high salaries. How would a “worker” face down a Union President, or the head of the AMA, or the NEA, or Joe Gotbucks the President of Amalgamated Sludge, or the Realtors Association, or the American Guild of Organists!—HOW would anyone have the intestinal fortitude to face these people and tell them calmly and lovingly, “No, sir or madam, we will be paying your people X amount and we will be paying your cleaning ladies X amount, and the difference between these two salaries is only a few dollars because everyone has worth and should be paid according to who they are, not what their job is.”
I think this would not work at all.