Hi, Catholic Dude.
The idea behind openly and bluntly discussing what our Church has done to hurt the young in the 50,000 cases in which the priests have been caught …
… perhaps another 100% more, for a total of about 100,000 victims) is to shine a light on it and so kill it.
While a small percentage of our priests – about 4.5% according to the Church’s own study – perpetrated the crime, probably the * overwhelming majority of our bishops* participated in the nationwide “shell game” of shifting the perpetrators around from victimized parishes to unwary parishes.
Additionally, according to the book “Goodbye, Good Men,” a large number of our seminaries are still run by homosexual clergy …
… unbiased study by the Gay Studies Project in the University of Chicago generated evidence that male homosexuals appear to be inherently promiscuous – 87.8% of the large sample of gay men interviewed by them admitted to more than 15 sexual partners, 61.3% admitted to more than 30 sexual partners, and 42.9% admitted to more than 60 sexual partners. In other words, it is arguable that our Church is still functioning as a haven for inherently promiscuous young men.
It sounds like prejudice against our Church, but it’s not.
It’s our Church.
If we don’t openly discuss it, no one will bother to solve the problem, and make us "holy" again.
First Ill start off with the 4.5% thing. I read the UCCB link you posted, and it uses a key word ACCUSED. This means that they are not yet guilty. As Americans we should follow the innocent until proven guilty model. So 4.5% ACCUSED does not equal 4.5% GUILTY.
Second, 50,000-100,000 is a HUGE spread, to go assuming these numbers only make the Church look bad, especially coming from a Catholic. Again, this is ACCUSED not hard fact. Now in terms of Bishops shifting them around, does that mean that the Bishop knew for a fact that a given priest did it, or did he move him because AFTER the ACCUSATION his good name was tarnished in that area. If he knew for sure, he will have to answer to God.
I did a quick Barnes and Noble on “Goodbye GM”, it looks like any other gold digger “writer” / “journalist” . Hes out to make a buck, thats why the book costs almost $30 and was published in 2002! I havent read it, but I would question its quality.
Now about that “unbiased study” by the GSP. First of all there is no such thing as “unbiased”, this is another university made up study to make it look like they are academic, fair, and, making progress in education. all BUNK! Second you say a “large sample” what does that mean, 1,10, 100, 1000, 10000? what is large? Second I dont believe that gays would go giving out the kind of info about how many partners they have had, especially if it is “60%+”. It makes them look bad, and hurts their position.
Next underlined quote “In other words…” The UCCB study show ACCUSATIONS for people 1-18 years old. There is a difference between a victimized child and a fully concenting promiscuous adult. When you say “young men” that only hurts your child rape position, because we dont know how many of the 16-18 young adults concented, which could in turn change the perspective. i.e. there is a big difference between grade school and high school maturity level.
For the last underlined part, why is holy in quotation marks? According to you how do we “solve the problem”?
We have to be VERY careful about putting blame on any individual person. Here in the AchDis of Portland OR. There are two separate cases that want a total of $250mil, for 3 “victims” , this smells fishy. Also one of the accused priests is DECEASED, that means he cant even defend himself! And yet they are still able to sue. There are no statute of limitations for these cases, so even after 50 years a person can still be accused. Lets look at the flip side, one of our ex-govs was found guilty of raping a girl while he was gov, guess what there is a statute of limitations, so he cannot be held accountable. He just shrugs it off! Beware the gold digger “victims”!