I love the OP’s classic knee-jerk (mis)reasoning: Wolves are among them as Jesus promised, therefore ‘they’ are all hypocrites.
Here’s another one sporting the same “logic”: The My-Laiy (?sp) Massacre was carried out by American Soldiers therefore America is evil.
issue of pedophile priests
Holly, with all due respect, your thinking has been conditioned by the media. There is no “issue of pedophile priests.” Where do you think the expression “pedophile priest” came from? A headline writer looking to sell papers. There has been a sad “issue of sexual abuse” but if you want to narrow the field it’s an “issue of homosexual priests.”
A few facts for perspective:
*** 78% of the abuses studied involved males aged 16 or 17. ** Read that over and over until you truly grasp what it means. Actual instances of pedophilia - (medical definition: involving prepubescents) are a tiny fraction of the total abuses.
Given this fact, if there is an “issue” that needs headlining, it’s clearly an “issue of homosexual priests,” but there is SIMPLY NO WAY that the media will ever print that. Facts or no. Such is the entrenched pro-homosexual, anti-Catholic bias of the media. Don’t expect any truth to be reported there.
The incidence of child abuse among priests is among the lowest, if not THE lowest of any group studied. The incidence of pedophilia is WAY higher among the general male population than it has ever been among priests, while the percentage of homosexual priests - and proportion of abuses - VASTLY exceeds that in the general population. How clear can this picture get?
Nonetheless, the media will NEVER report that the problems of the priesthood are caused by homosexual activity, because that would suggest that there might be something unwholesome about homosexuality–and the media simply will never say that. It doesn’t matter how true it is.
Imagine if on September 11, 2001, CNN and the New York Times had begun reporting that the cause of the attacks was Hollywood. Imagine if they would NEVER AIR any of the video of the attacks, but instead insisted all the deaths were caused by Hollywood.
In 2002, the Christian Science Monitor reported that the insurance industry was sounding an alarm because they were paying out sexual abuse settlements at the rate of 20 a week, and had been for years – against instances of abuse by NON-CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN LAYPERSONS. I’m pretty sure you never saw that reported anywhere.
I have heard it suggested that the percentage of pedophilia attacks is most alarming among professions lke teachers, counsellors, ministries, even–God protect us–firefighters, and police.
The media is guilty of demonstrating its callous disregard for the plight of such children. If they cared, they would start focusing on the source of the problem instead of obsessing over the already-admitted abuses within the priesthood.
People don’t love reading about a secular professional abusing children. But for some reason, they love reading about ANY trouble a priest causes or is subjected to.
It’s like a desire to desecrate. They love to juxtapose filth against a roman collar, and they will be as selective as it takes to maximize the initial impact of the headline because that’s where the purchase impulse is.