The Iranians Say the Holocaust Never Happened

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The Zionists in Hollywood have made it all up! So says the Tehran Times on Holocaust Remembrance Day. And yes, that is really what is said–old, tired hate.
Will you please tell me what is Zionist is suppose to mean in the context of the other threads,Gilliam?
Will you please tell me what is Zionist is suppose to mean in the context of the other threads,Gilliam?
Someone who supports the state of Israel is a Zionist.
Someone who supports the state of Israel is a Zionist.
This is being used as an insult by the other poster isn’t it?
Gilliam,I am fixing to respond to your post and the tone is not at you and before I start I want you to know this.My uncle is a Jew,he and his two brothers,sister and parents escaped from Poland,before the Nazis could kill them.They used uncle Joe’s dad for a while as a blacksmith,when things started going bad for the nazis they had to run.All of the Family was INDEED MURDERED aside from the forementioned and one uncle.All Uncle Joes parents parents,their siblings, their neices and nephews dead,executed:mad: exterminated!My uncle is over 50 now he hoards and saves money in case he has to run again!Shame on them for printing this nonsense and I pray that one day they never have to suffer the same fate!
John TE:
How about those Catholics who were murdered by the Nazis?
I am Catholic and I did not see the Catholics being accused of making it up.By the way sir I am Catholic and if you can not sympathise with what happened to my uncles family because he is a Jew you are very depraved of conscience and hate will consume you.I will pray for you sir.
Mr.John TE,sir I have some advice for you.To hate someone because he is a Jew, or a Muslim or a Hindu,Buddhist, Christian is evil.You throw their humanity and the fact that God made them in Gods face.Stop.You made assumptions about me I do not appreciate at all,first despite history I do believe the Palestinians should have a state a place to live, I also believe Isreal should have a state a place to live.But to blow people up,including your own chidren to make a point is evil,just as suppressing a people is evil.If Palestinians want some leway tell them to stop blowing folks up.I had alot more sympathy by the way for the Palestinians BEFORE the posts that you wrote.I now see why my uncle feels like he should be ready to run at a moments notice,because of the unbridled hatred some people have for him merely because he is a Jew:mad: While you are busy hating you just remember Jesus was a Jew!
You know I will never forget when it finally hit me what happened over there one day.
I was going over to a friends house for dinner. They were jewish and ate kosher, me being a buding culinary chef I was actually excited to see and taste differant kinds of ethnic foods. They had a traditional family where grandma lived at home, and she was cooking that day.
Now granted I saw and read what happened over in europe during that time, but you never get a real sense of it, you never really understand, and there is always that err of is it real?
I never met his grandmother before, she was a lovely lady but very worn face. I will never forget the number tatooed on her arm, I actually stared at it and I could not take my eyes away from it. I just weeped, I just felt such sorrow and sadness. She gave me a hug and we talked about it believe it or not. We actualy became close till she passed away a few years later. The horror that happened there should never happen again.
You know I will never forget when it finally hit me what happened over there one day.
I was going over to a friends house for dinner. They were jewish and ate kosher, me being a buding culinary chef I was actually excited to see and taste differant kinds of ethnic foods. They had a traditional family where grandma lived at home, and she was cooking that day.
Now granted I saw and read what happened over in europe during that time, but you never get a real sense of it, you never really understand, and there is always that err of is it real?
I never met his grandmother before, she was a lovely lady but very worn face. I will never forget the number tatooed on her arm, I actually stared at it and I could not take my eyes away from it. I just weeped, I just felt such sorrow and sadness. She gave me a hug and we talked about it believe it or not. We actualy became close till she passed away a few years later. The horror that happened there should never happen again.
I agree,never again.God Bless You
I don’t know how I ended up posting three times:nope: So my apologies to future posters:o God Bless
I dated this girl in college who’s grandpa was in the infantry in WWII. His unit was on of the first ones to find a concentration camp in Poland. He was Polish, parents immigrated here so he was first generation American. The only way he could desrcibe it was to imagine finding people in a concentration camp all from your home state. You recognize the names of towns they’re from when you talk to them. THen you find someone who came from the town your family is from and that person recognizes your last last name and facial features. Then they tell you about their childhood friend who went away and it turns out thats your dad. Pretty depressing.

I never really grasped it all until I watched *Band of Brothers. *
I dated this girl in college who’s grandpa was in the infantry in WWII. His unit was on of the first ones to find a concentration camp in Poland. He was Polish, parents immigrated here so he was first generation American. The only way he could desrcibe it was to imagine finding people in a concentration camp all from your home state. You recognize the names of towns they’re from when you talk to them. THen you find someone who came from the town your family is from and that person recognizes your last last name and facial features. Then they tell you about their childhood friend who went away and it turns out thats your dad. Pretty depressing.

I never really grasped it all until I watched *Band of Brothers. *
I can’t understand how anyone can deny it:confused: I am quite distressed that some people here are so full of hatred for Jews that they belittle their deaths:nope:I find it disturbing to hear people give so little thought to that travesty.
How many here know Jewish people that survived I wonder?The survivors need to tell their stories so it will never be suppressed.God Bless

I have read much about the Holocasut and have been to Yad Vashem twice. Moved me to anguish, especially the children’s memorial. I even bought a book there full of statistics about everything that happened in the Holocaust. I feel so bad for your family…this kills me. I do not know why and I do not understand why I feel so oppressed and feel such a link about all of this as I was born in 51. I know one Jew from a major city and made good friends with one in Israel. I even own a Tanach. I just finished the book about Himmler and his masseur who helped save thousands of Jews… I think about 200,000 of them since he had such influence on Himmler. He did it to help as much people as he could at great risk to himself.

But Lisa, I think there is a difference between the Zionist movement which the orthodox Jew does not agree with at all and the Jewish people themselves. I think it is two seperate entities but I am not well read enough to comment. Maybe someone else can comment…

God bless you Lisa…and Shalom!
Shoshana (my jewish name)

But Lisa, I think there is a difference between the Zionist movement which the orthodox Jew does not agree with at all and the Jewish people themselves. I think it is two seperate entities but I am not well read enough to comment. Maybe someone else can comment…

God bless you Lisa…and Shalom!
Shoshana (my jewish name)
It is anti-semitism, coming out in the Left of today. It is very sad to see. The Left is turning its hatred upon the Jews. It is sad…

I have read much about the Holocasut and have been to Yad Vashem twice. Moved me to anguish, especially the children’s memorial. I even bought a book there full of statistics about everything that happened in the Holocaust. I feel so bad for your family…this kills me. I do not know why and I do not understand why I feel so oppressed and feel such a link about all of this as I was born in 51. I know one Jew from a major city and made good friends with one in Israel. I even own a Tanach. I just finished the book about Himmler and his masseur who helped save thousands of Jews… I think about 200,000 of them since he had such influence on Himmler. He did it to help as much people as he could at great risk to himself.

But Lisa, I think there is a difference between the Zionist movement which the orthodox Jew does not agree with at all and the Jewish people themselves. I think it is two seperate entities but I am not well read enough to comment. Maybe someone else can comment…

God bless you Lisa…and Shalom!
Shoshana (my jewish name)
Thanks Shoshana,when I said Zionist it was in reference to the poster JohnTE who used it as well as the manner he used Jewish with such disdain it made my hair stand up:eek: Then it hit me that the scars that uncle Je had from the Holocaust were not the only reason he has to be afraid.The venom about Jews from this poster is truly scary.Gilliam told me that a Zionist supported the state of Isreal.The manner in which it was used:confused: Anyway,thanks Shoshana your great:thumbsup: God Bless
It is anti-semitism, coming out in the Left of today. It is very sad to see. The Left is turning its hatred upon the Jews. It is sad…
gilliam…I thought the zionist movement originated in Russia? Am I wrong?

gilliam…I thought the zionist movement originated in Russia? Am I wrong?

What is happening is that today many of those on the Left have embraced the age old hobby of blaiming Jews for problems. Since many Jews are back in their homeland, they have chosen to hate Israel. Their second choice of hatred is the Jews in America (that they call neocons) since that is the 2nd largest population of Jews on the planet.
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