The 'Jesus Never Mentioned Homosexuality' Argument

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Those of us of faith accept fully that the entire cannon of scripture is inspired of God, however those looking for reasons to attack Christians over their views of homosexuality always cite this arguement:
“Jesus never mentions homosexuality in his ministry, so it can’t be that big of a deal…”
How do you answer this question to people that ‘discount’ the validaty of anything written outside of the Gospels?
Perhaps the answer lies in the expansion of the Ten Commandments. If lusting in the heart is adultry, then even our thoughts must be confined to the actions between a man and a woman joined in matrimony. Perhaps this is a start…
And how about Romans chapter one which near the end of the chapter, Paul talks about men leaving relations with women and being ‘un-natural with other men’.

Does this further support the non Gospel account too?

Go with God!
Those of us of faith accept fully that the entire cannon of scripture is inspired of God, however those looking for reasons to attack Christians over their views of homosexuality always cite this arguement:

How do you answer this question to people that ‘discount’ the validaty of anything written outside of the Gospels?
Just use Matthew 19:4 - 6, where Jesus reaffirms Genesis 1:27 >From the beginning He made them male and female, and the man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one.< Can’t get any more explicit than that!
In fact, Jesus does mention homosexuality in the Gospels when he refers to Sodom and Gomorrah. See for example

Matthew 10:15 – “I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.”

also Matt 11:23ff; Luke 10:12; Luke 17:29

So Jesus was well aware of the “sin of Sodom” that required God’s judgment. It wasn’t “inhospitality” as some “pro-gay” theologians attempt to argue…

From an evangelical site by Greg Koukl

Commentary on Jude 7 referring to Sodom

Different view from Jewish texts

And some pro-gay biblical scholars, probably taken out of context :mad:

Phil P
Jesus MAY have mentioned homosexuality!
And that MAY be why the early christians were opposed to it!

Many assume that the words and actions of Jesus portrayed in scriptures encompasses ALL the words and actions of Jesus.

But doesn’t the gospel of John tell us otherwise?
Didn’t he specifically say he could not accomplish that?

And that is why it is so important to look also at what the early christians taught about homosexuality - as they were closer to Jesus and the apostles - the ones who actually DID hear what Jesus had to say - whether it made it to “print” or not!
I am thinking that the Corinthians were a very sexual loose society when Paul appeared on the scene. I think something around 1 Cor 5 may be a clue.

Go with God!
I was attacked verbally on this very question from some homosexuals recently. This is what I had to say, and in turn THEY had nothing further to say to me…well…except that I was “intolerant”

Naturally, their argument is that JESUS (NEVER) said ANYTHING about Homosexuals… FIRST: I told them he CONFIRMED, Genesis…MAN & WOMAN, etc… THEN…

in fact, when one can read DEEPER into what scripture tells us, one does in FACT find Jesus speaking of this subject:

Jesus spoke to the Apostles of sending them the HOLY SPIRIT to FURTHER (INSTRUCT) them on their mission to spreading the FAITH and TEACHINGS of GOD. Jesus BREATHED the HOLY SPIRIT (INTO/ONTO) the Apostles telling them to RECIEVE the HOLY SPIRIT. Since we believe in the HOLY TRINITY…ONE GOD in THREE (DISTINCT) BEINGS…GOD the Father, God the Son, and GOD, the Holy Spirit… they CANNOT be separated from each other, but yet each act accordingly…but ALWAYS in UNION…ONE in being (WITH) the FATHER…The Holy SPIRIT (PROCEEDS from the Father AND the SON…WITH the Father and the Son, he is WORSHIPPED and GLORIFIED…he has SPOKEN (thru) the Prophets… therefore, ALL that the apostles taught and agreed upon, was from the Holy Spirit…which was breathed upon/into the Apostles by Jesus HIMSELF… the Apostles didnt say things on their own accord, unless they stated something was of THEIR (OWN) opinion. So technically, YES…Jesus DID speak out on homosexuality, thru the teachings of the Holy Spirit (which proceeds from the Father & Son) he said HE would SEND the Paraclete to instruct and help… end of story, end of debate with Homosexuals who say Jesus NEVER said ANYTHING on being Gay… um, yeah…he did… its not even a stretch to accept this expanation…only ones pride and being steeped in that sin will harden their hearts to accepting this FACT… you cannot separate the Acts of the Apostles, Letters, etc…from NOT being part of the NEW TESTAMENT…something that homosexuals try arguing…that NOWHERE in the NEW TESTAMENT are their actions CONDEMNED… um…yeah… the action IS… The ACTS, etc…wasnt just thrown in as an afterthought…

Regardless…dont expect a round of applause and a conversion from whatever homosexual you explain this to… like a dyed in the wool far left liberal, they will most likely IGNORE your proof, explanation, well reasoned debate, and instead of addressing what you said, they will go flit off to some other point, topic, etc… to try and support their viewpoint…

Jesus might not have spelled the word homosexuality in the Gospels. However he gives several eferences to the punishments made to Sodom and Gomorra. At least Sodom was punished largely for homosexual acts.
I believe this would be a good way to prove that even if the word homosexuality is no directly mentioned in the Gospels it’s evil is implicit in it’s teaching.
On the other side, if you don’t regard the OT as inspired, how can you know if Jesus is the Messiah? or if there is supposed to be a Messiah?
Also Jesus told the apostles to follow what the Faresis preached since they seat in Moses sit but not what they did. With this, he is implying that what Moses tought is to be Believed as true. That includes the rule of a man not to lay with another man as he does with a woman.

Hope this helps,
Jesus MAY have mentioned homosexuality!
And that MAY be why the early christians were opposed to it!

Many assume that the words and actions of Jesus portrayed in scriptures encompasses ALL the words and actions of Jesus.

But doesn’t the gospel of John tell us otherwise?
Didn’t he specifically say he could not accomplish that?

And that is why it is so important to look also at what the early christians taught about homosexuality - as they were closer to Jesus and the apostles - the ones who actually DID hear what Jesus had to say - whether it made it to “print” or not!
What exactly are you referring to in John’s Gospel?

I don’t get the significance of “MAY” in your posting. Jesus DEFINITELY affirmed a Male/Female marriage and does condemn ALL lust. If a homosexual is soooo steeped in sin, he/she can’t see immorality no matter what.
I think Lorarose must have been referring to John 21:24-25.
“It is this same disciple who is witness to these things; it is he who wrote them down, and his testimony, we know, is true. There are still many other things that Jesus did, yet, if they were written about in detail, I doubt there would be room enough in the entire world to hold the books to record them.”

In my opinion, people need to look at this from an entirely different angle.

God most definitely spoke loud and clear about homosexual acts, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We all know the OT and NT passages that speak about homosexuality. As Catholics, we believe that the Bible was written by men, yet it was inspired by God (the Holy Spirit).

Here is what many people miss:

The Father is God!
The Son is God!
The Holy Spirit is God!

The Son is Jesus.
Jesus is God.

One cannot say that the Bible (OT and NT) came from God without including Jesus in that statement of belief! Every canonical book in the Bible came from God and Jesus is God!

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.”
Thank you JimG - yes that is the verse I was referring to.
And by the word “may” - I meant what St. John stated in that verse.

In other words: the apostles spent alot of time with Jesus. They heard alot of His words about many subjects. Not all of this made it into print.
Jesus MAY have directly discussed homosexuality with them in a more direct manner than what we can already read in scriptures.

The apostles did not have the New Testament with them after Jesus ascended. They remembered what Jesus spoke to them over those years - and carried that with them as they evangelized.

It is important to study what the early christians believed about homosexuality - because they would have received their beliefs from the apostles - who received them from Jesus.

As it is…Paul was pretty clear in his letter to the Romans wasn’t he?
Whether Jesus mentioned homosexuality is beside the point. Paul did mention it. To only believe something because “Jesus said it” would be to rip out all of the New Testament besides the four gospels. ALL scripture is true and inspired by God. To counter Paul some have claimed he was a homosexual. Jesus may have said it to the apostles. Whether he said it or not Scripture does condemn homosexuality. Unfortunately, there’s an attitude in America today that disagreeing with someone is a sin. Scripture says “Love your neighbor” not “Always agree with your neighbor”. Nor does it say “Facillitate your neighbors’ sinful lifestyles” It’s not a pleasant topic, but Scripture does call homosexuality sinful. Twisting Scripture to support one’s erroneous beliefs is also sinful, but not as sinful as forcing others to do the same.
About 1 1/2 years ago, my family found out that my sister is having a homosexual relationship.😦 Since she still professes to be a strong Christian (by the way, she was previously very vocal about how sinful this lifestyle was), I was very confused as to how she could justify this behavior as “ok with God”. She started going to a “gay Christian” church where she was told that what she had learned all these years was wrong. Anyway, I started doing research into how someone could be made to believe the opposite of what seems so clear to me in the Bible. Joe Dallas’s book called “A Strong Delusion” is an excellent resource if you’re interested in learning more about the specific arguments of the pro-gay Christian community. It’s pretty amazing to me how the words of Scripture have been twisted. For instance, the argument for the “unnatural behavior” is that, if God made you that way, then it’s not “unnatural” and that the Bible is only referring to heterosexuals having sex with someone of the same sex. An informative read if you’d like to hear more about the subject. I learned alot!
I have a theory on this topic as to why Jesus is not quoted in the bible as speaking directly about homosexuality. It may stem from the fact that the people he was speaking to had no homosexuals amongst them. If there were none in the crowd why bring up the subject? The Jews did not tolerate homosexuality whatsoever. They followed the Law of Moses, which had a zero tolerance policy on the subject. The Jews were not free from prostitutes and adultery and therefore Jesus addressed that subject directly. It can be inferred logically that Jesus was/is against homosexuality from his views on sexual purity/chastity and that he condemned sex outside of marriage and homosexuality is outside marriage.

Paul on the other hand was speaking to the Greeks and Romans who had open homosexuality throughout their society. Therefore the subject had to be addressed directly and he did rightly condemn it. Scripture is clear: unrepentant adulterers, fornicators and homosexuals are going to be thrown into the eternal lake of fire.
Before I address the doctrinal teaching of the Catholic Church I feel it is necessary to state that I feel deeply in my heart for the homosexual persons who struggle with their personal dignity. It is also necessary to say very plainly that God loves all his creation and no one is called to live this life without the opportunity to have the grace and mercy of our most loving Father. All as children of God are perfect and our sexuality is a gift from God. All gifts are to be used to praise God and as with all things we need to have an attitude of thanksgiving. I hope you pray with me for all those who feel persecution because of there sexual desires. If we as pilgrims in the journey of life dedicate our lives to God and allow with deeply prayerful lives the opportunity for the Holy Spirit to guide us in this life we will be filled with much joy and peace.

Tradition has always declared that homosexual acts are unnatural. The Church teaches that for most it is a trial and they MUST be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Any sign of unjust discrimination is unacceptable. The homosexual person is called to fulfill God’s will in their lives by embracing the Cross and the Pascal mystery (death, resurrection & ascension of Christ.) The Catechism teaches that homosexuals are called to a chaste life. Chastity the Church teaches is a gift from God. Remember one thing, God loves everyone equally.

Life is a free choice and sometimes it is hard to know what is right and what is wrong. This is a country where most are lead by their passions and teaches us to believe or at least except the evils of this world to be beautiful and normal. There is great unhappiness and much sorrow in this world, and as long as mankind is governed by their passions they will never know freedom of true peace. The Church, I believe is flawless and perfect. Those who govern our Church are men. I believe they are holy and Spirit lead but they are also human who are capable of grave sins and much prejudice. Though I know in my heart our church leaders feel they have the best interest of the faithful at heart. Life is a gift and God created us man and women in his own image. I cannot explain why my hair is blond and yours is not. I also cannot explain why some are fat and some are not, why some are lonely and some are not. Nor can I, or anyone, explain why some are gay and some are straight. There seems to be a great deal of injustice in the world and sometimes it seems easy to blame God. There is great beauty in Christ’s Church. There is much love and there is definitely a place for each person no matter if they are gay or straight. When it comes down to it each of us needs to ask God what is right or wrong. What is our path in life? Only through deep prayer and meditation can we attain answers. Pray with me for those who are struggling with their sexual identity, and also those who have their hearts filled with so much sadness and hatred, that they will find the love of Christ in their heart and never know the agony of not having the presence of God in their life. Remember my friend that God loves each of us and would never allow anything into our lives if he were not able to cause good to emerge from our suffering and through us show his love for humanity.

*I am confused about one thing. Why does Ronald Reagan, who was a great man, get hailed as a great leader and Christian when he was an unrepentant adulterer? If this is the measure by which we make a man great then the homosexual too will go to heaven. There sexual activity is no more a sin then someone who is divorced, someone who is fat, someone who lies, someone who steels (even a pen from work!) I know these examples sound absurd but they are all Bible backed reasons. Do not judge…that too is a sin. *

Catholic Catechism

Article 6, The Sixth Commandment: 2339, 2345, 2357-2359
I was very confused as to how she could justify this behavior as “ok with God”. I started doing research into how someone could be made to believe the opposite of what seems so clear to me in the Bible.
Just a quick note on prophecy. “you will recognize the great apostosy when white becomes black and black becomes white”

Thought for the day!
In the areas where Jesus walked and taught and spoke to people he may not have encountered homosexuality or a homosexual person. It would be odd for Jesus to condemn a sin, like bribery for example, when he didn’t encounter it.

It’s clear that Jesus defined marriage as between one man and one woman as it was in Eden. It’s clear that Jesus condemned sexual relations outside of marraige. So the lack of an explicit condemnation of homosexuality as forming its own endorsement is a bogus claim and easy to dismiss.
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