How to get cured/healed of being addicted to same sex . . . through prayer, also. . . . also healed of things like alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.
Flying - Do you really believe that homosexuality is a curable addiction, a choice?
Look into your own heart. If its a choice, do you have the ability to choose to be with someone of the same sex? Try it. If you did, would that feel natural to you? Or would you feel like you were living a lie? Would you be disgusted by the experience?
Same goes for homosexuals. Being attracted to the same sex is what is normal for them. Choosing to pretend to be in a heterosexual relationship feels like they are living a lie, fake, unnatural. To the point where some people even commit suicide for how much their hearts are torn.
Homosexuals are Gods children just as Heterosexuals. We are all made in Gods image. They live in long term, committed, monogamous relationships with their true love. The sex is not the focus. The relationship is the focus. God is the focus.
Some relationships work and some don’t, some people are committed and some people are not. Its the same rather you are Homosexual or Heterosexual.
Too many gays look poorly on the Church and the people in the church because of some preacher preaching hatred from the pulpit.
Too many of our children are becoming bullies because of the bigotry they are being taught. Too many of our children are being bullied. Too many of our children are feel so scared and so hurt because of what they feel in their hearts. And every day they have to face that bigotry. Too many of our children take their own lives because they don’t see a way out. ITS NOT A CHOICE!
FYI… I was raised Protestant and converted to Catholicism in my 20’s. I’ve read the Bible. I’ve sat in many different Christian denominational services and I’ve heard hatred as well as Love being preached first hand. And I’m also Gay and have been in a loving, committed, healthy marriage (I live in MA) for the past 10 years.
It is unfortunate that usually only the most extreme people are the ones who are heard, on both sides.
I agree with coolcola, “Above all else, love one another as I have loved you”.
I pray that all of you who hold such hatred in your hearts for homosexuals will one day soften your hearts. I pray for love, I pray for forgiveness, I pray for peace all in the name of Christ.