This conversation is getting a little ridiculous and I fear I must say one last thing before I sign off from this topic.
Yes, all things are possible with God but to assume Christ will cure all is absurd and most unchristian. Christ does indeed heal those who are hurting and to compare someone with alcoholism with homosexuality is well ridiculous. The alcoholic made a choice or often were lead down a dark path for many (NOT ALL) homosexual there sexuality is not a choice. Whether or not God will heal me is not really any of your concern…you should be more concerned with what is in my heart and how I live the Word of God. The Church does not teach that gay people need to become straight…they teach that gay people are called to live chaste lives. We are called to bear our crosses with dignity and take our suffering to the Christ who is my strength and my salvation.
To wish gay people to marry is ridiculous…if the person is bisexual and can make a choice of course. If God chooses to make the gay person straight well then I guess they are no longer gay but for most they will live there lives as homosexuals and until God delivers them from this they should be responsible individuals and remain within the teachings of the Church. No woman or child deserves to have a spouse that is not fully committed to them. A marriage is a union between a man and a woman…the two become one. The responsibility and the gift that each brings is themselves. To fully give yourself to your partner means you give yourself physically, mentally and since you are together united in Christ you gave yourself to each spiritually which the Church teaches fully emulates the image of Christ. A gay man…who has not been miraculously changed or is not a bisexual is unable to give themselves to there spouse and if marriage is the road they take then it is based on selfishness not selflessness.
You can go through my past responses. I have no more to say on this topic except to charge each of you with the responsibility to love one another and do not disguise your hatred or personal prejudice with love. Christ loves me and he will judge me for what I do and I would rather be me standing before the Lord then be the hypocritical Christian that fill so many of our pews with. I ask for your prayers and I will also pray for you too. Pray that God will open our eyes to see His truth and we will practice and live according to his will. Pray also that our Church will live and teach the will of our Saving Grace.
Yes, all things are possible with God but to assume Christ will cure all is absurd and most unchristian. Christ does indeed heal those who are hurting and to compare someone with alcoholism with homosexuality is well ridiculous. The alcoholic made a choice or often were lead down a dark path for many (NOT ALL) homosexual there sexuality is not a choice. Whether or not God will heal me is not really any of your concern…you should be more concerned with what is in my heart and how I live the Word of God. The Church does not teach that gay people need to become straight…they teach that gay people are called to live chaste lives. We are called to bear our crosses with dignity and take our suffering to the Christ who is my strength and my salvation.
To wish gay people to marry is ridiculous…if the person is bisexual and can make a choice of course. If God chooses to make the gay person straight well then I guess they are no longer gay but for most they will live there lives as homosexuals and until God delivers them from this they should be responsible individuals and remain within the teachings of the Church. No woman or child deserves to have a spouse that is not fully committed to them. A marriage is a union between a man and a woman…the two become one. The responsibility and the gift that each brings is themselves. To fully give yourself to your partner means you give yourself physically, mentally and since you are together united in Christ you gave yourself to each spiritually which the Church teaches fully emulates the image of Christ. A gay man…who has not been miraculously changed or is not a bisexual is unable to give themselves to there spouse and if marriage is the road they take then it is based on selfishness not selflessness.
You can go through my past responses. I have no more to say on this topic except to charge each of you with the responsibility to love one another and do not disguise your hatred or personal prejudice with love. Christ loves me and he will judge me for what I do and I would rather be me standing before the Lord then be the hypocritical Christian that fill so many of our pews with. I ask for your prayers and I will also pray for you too. Pray that God will open our eyes to see His truth and we will practice and live according to his will. Pray also that our Church will live and teach the will of our Saving Grace.