The 'Jesus Never Mentioned Homosexuality' Argument

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This conversation is getting a little ridiculous and I fear I must say one last thing before I sign off from this topic.

Yes, all things are possible with God but to assume Christ will cure all is absurd and most unchristian. Christ does indeed heal those who are hurting and to compare someone with alcoholism with homosexuality is well ridiculous. The alcoholic made a choice or often were lead down a dark path for many (NOT ALL) homosexual there sexuality is not a choice. Whether or not God will heal me is not really any of your concern…you should be more concerned with what is in my heart and how I live the Word of God. The Church does not teach that gay people need to become straight…they teach that gay people are called to live chaste lives. We are called to bear our crosses with dignity and take our suffering to the Christ who is my strength and my salvation.

To wish gay people to marry is ridiculous…if the person is bisexual and can make a choice of course. If God chooses to make the gay person straight well then I guess they are no longer gay but for most they will live there lives as homosexuals and until God delivers them from this they should be responsible individuals and remain within the teachings of the Church. No woman or child deserves to have a spouse that is not fully committed to them. A marriage is a union between a man and a woman…the two become one. The responsibility and the gift that each brings is themselves. To fully give yourself to your partner means you give yourself physically, mentally and since you are together united in Christ you gave yourself to each spiritually which the Church teaches fully emulates the image of Christ. A gay man…who has not been miraculously changed or is not a bisexual is unable to give themselves to there spouse and if marriage is the road they take then it is based on selfishness not selflessness.

You can go through my past responses. I have no more to say on this topic except to charge each of you with the responsibility to love one another and do not disguise your hatred or personal prejudice with love. Christ loves me and he will judge me for what I do and I would rather be me standing before the Lord then be the hypocritical Christian that fill so many of our pews with. I ask for your prayers and I will also pray for you too. Pray that God will open our eyes to see His truth and we will practice and live according to his will. Pray also that our Church will live and teach the will of our Saving Grace.
This conversation is getting a little ridiculous and I fear I must say one last thing before I sign off from this topic.

Yes, all things are possible with God but to assume Christ will cure all is absurd and most unchristian. Christ does indeed heal those who are hurting and to compare someone with alcoholism with homosexuality is well ridiculous. The alcoholic made a choice or often were lead down a dark path for many (NOT ALL) homosexual there sexuality is not a choice. Whether or not God will heal me is not really any of your concern…you should be more concerned with what is in my heart and how I live the Word of God. The Church does not teach that gay people need to become straight…they teach that gay people are called to live chaste lives. We are called to bear our crosses with dignity and take our suffering to the Christ who is my strength and my salvation.

To wish gay people to marry is ridiculous…if the person is bisexual and can make a choice of course. If God chooses to make the gay person straight well then I guess they are no longer gay but for most they will live there lives as homosexuals and until God delivers them from this they should be responsible individuals and remain within the teachings of the Church. No woman or child deserves to have a spouse that is not fully committed to them. A marriage is a union between a man and a woman…the two become one. The responsibility and the gift that each brings is themselves. To fully give yourself to your partner means you give yourself physically, mentally and since you are together united in Christ you gave yourself to each spiritually which the Church teaches fully emulates the image of Christ. A gay man…who has not been miraculously changed or is not a bisexual is unable to give themselves to there spouse and if marriage is the road they take then it is based on selfishness not selflessness.

You can go through my past responses. I have no more to say on this topic except to charge each of you with the responsibility to love one another and do not disguise your hatred or personal prejudice with love. Christ loves me and he will judge me for what I do and I would rather be me standing before the Lord then be the hypocritical Christian that fill so many of our pews with. I ask for your prayers and I will also pray for you too. Pray that God will open our eyes to see His truth and we will practice and live according to his will. Pray also that our Church will live and teach the will of our Saving Grace.
I mentioned this as a wholesome alternative…Marriage is not for everyone not even all heterosexuals should Marry…Celibacy is also a viable alternative…All I am saying that having a tendency does not make the act any less wrong…I can have a tendency to steal, it’s wrong, I can have a tendency to lie or cheat, it’s still wrong…I would expect you as a christian to call me on it and help me with my sin…

I am commenting on the act of nomosexuality not condeming the Homosexual…

You are correct Jesus did not come to heal all phisical ailments he did however come to heal souls and this means that we must do all we can to make our life reflect what is right… If that means being celibate or marrying so as not to sin in a homosexual act, so be it…if marrying will cause more suffering then just stay celibate…
From Adam and Eve who at their creation were as genetically perfect as God designed, successive generations have had mutations that can explain some genetic disorders that are being discussed here.

The cause - sin. Genetic corruption has set in as a result of our first sin.

It has never been proven that there is a homosexual gene. The tendency is disorded and is a result of sin (separation from God).

So, while some argue that God created homosexuals, I contend he permits it as he permits evil, without endorsing it and because we have free will.
Do you really think all homosexuals are single and live in unnatural relationships? In my youth the majority of the men I had relations with were married with children.
Thank God…but how do you know these men were not just using you for a thrill? What makes you think that because they were unfaithful to their wives with you that they are not capable of being happy in heterosexual relationships? Their behavior was as reprehensible as your was, but it doesn’t prove anything.
While as a man I now understand how wrong that was and have since gone to confession for those mistakes it does not dilute the fact that many men & women go into such unions to try and escape who they are and to try and conform to society’s wishes.
How do you know this?
While I can respect and honor the teachings on the Church for celibacy with homosexuality I am against many of the “rehabilitating” experiences and or retreats that gay men and women are subjected too.
That’s too bad, I’ll wager a high fraction of these folks find happiness in their lives subsequent to such experiences. Why do you speak against those that are trying to be helpful? Why resist the chance at healing? If some of these previously gay men and/or women found that their homosexuality was indeed environmental is that a problem? Are you closed to the possibility that homosexuality is not 100% genetic but can indeed be brought on by external influences? And not one of these persons is “subjected” to anything, they go of their own free will…seeking healing.
So whether or not the Church will change its opinion on gay marriage, and I am confident it won’t, it is up to the Church on realizing what is Tradition and what is tradition.
I have to disagree with you in the strongest terms on this, it is very clear from the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles that the church’s position on homosexual marriage is doctrinal, not traditional.
Again I urge you DeeMarie to be more compassionate for your gay brothers. Even if you don’t agree or understand put yourself into there shoes and try to figure out how they are feeling. Ask the Spirit of God into your heart and stop whining about how hurt you feel. You’re not the one who has picket signs coming at you telling you you’re a degenerate and the spawn child of Satan. For me this is a tender issue and one that I don’t always see black and white and I no for a fact many Church leaders don’t see it black and white. I’ve known some compassionate priests and Bishops and maybe some people reading this could learn from that.
There is no lack of compassion in DeeMarie’s comments, and in fact I see the Catholic Church in general as perhaps having the a very compassionate stance towards our gay brothers and sisters. But that does not mean we have to accept the your views and/or opinions of homosexuality.

I will pray for you and for all gay men and women, but you must understand I am not praying for a normalization of the gay lifestyle, I am praying for your healing.

You may find my words hurtful, if so I am sorry, but I stand behind them.

God Bless you.
Yet in all that we say and do we must keep in mind that the harlots may enter the gates of Heaven before us. I always wonder who when commenting on this topic has committed adultery, premarital sex, and spilling of their seed. Who has lied, stolen, cheated, or even killed. Who has casts stones and who has ignored the log in their eye.
Good point! That’s all very true. The homosexual act just like sex outside of marriage etc. but one serious sin among many others. God knows we are all guilty. Thank God our Redeemer lives and patiently waits upon our repentence until our last breath, maybe longer. However, it is worth knowing what is a sin and when we have committed sin especially because sin effects us on the inside whether others are judging us or not.
Acknowledging sin and failing is much different than refusing to acknowledge an act as not being sinful.

. . . . I was making a general statement about when people choose to use the words of the Bible to condemn other individuals.

🙂 Shibboleth,
I was not trying to 'condemn' prostitutes when I said that having sex with one is one of the worst things a man can do, but I was condemning the sin itself.
There is a difference. There is a lot of prostitution in the city I live in, and if young men are not warned about it, they could do this and it could kill them in any number of ways. Emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, physically, or in any combination.

Likewise, homosexual sex can kill your personality, corrupt you, 'For what can a man give in exchange for his soul?" and if you get into that aspect, you could live as half as long as you would have otherwise.

I was condemning the sin as being not good for a person at all, and not the person practicing it. Also, the woman caught in adultery was an adulterous woman and not a harlot, if I remember correctly. There is a difference.

I think a lot of people wink at sin, and this is a big mistake. The Catholic Church in Latin America, by the way, is the Church of Philadelphia, I believe, in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 3. Much of the church in North America is the Church of Laodicea.
Please read CPB’s post closely. CPB has never stated that sinning is ok. He has never said that God acepts any sinful act. CPB has said that he does not feel he will change and has accepted the cross he has been given.

Where is your compassion? Where is your Christian Charity? Will you not see the hungy? The unclothed?

Jesus never said, feed the hungry once they repent, (this has nothing to do with you CPB and is in no way directed to you). He didn’t say visit those in jail once they have joined the church.

We are all saying that sin is bad. This is easy to see. Is individual prejudice in this area showing through? CPB has stated that he has repented and is in communion with the Church. Why is there so much hostility?
He accepts his cross with dignity and courage. He acknowledges that he has homosexual tendencies and maintains that he remains chaste.

There is no desire for any re-orientation, afterall, there is no need to a re-orientation. He accepts his limitations and strives to be the best Christian he can be.

I think being gay is one of the toughest challenges God can throw at someone.


If God made you blind, you learn to cope with the handicap. But if God makes you gay, it’s like having a handicap that allows choice - do you accept the handicap and remain true to God, or reject it and sin against God?

How many of us would choose to be handicapped? Gays who try to be true to God have to make that choice EVERYDAY.

I salute those who stay true to God and I pray they have strength and courage to keep carrying their cross.
Where is your compassion? Where is your Christian Charity? Will you not see the hungy? The unclothed?
heenan -

Not one post on this thread has been uncompassionate. Quite the opposite as open, frank discussions on this topic are VERY RARE yet very valuable.

Compassion does not equal acceptance! I am compassionate to my gay brothers and sisters, but that does not mean I think their lifestyle or homosexuality is not disordered or should be normalized in our society or in our church. Compassion in my mind is doing everything I can to help them either overcome their disorder or live with it with chastity. To create a false belief that their sexual preference is acceptable does us all a great disservice as does living any lie.
I can’t help but notice that you seem to take great pains to refer to yourself as a 'gay man" and say that your sexuality is not an issue with your relationship with the church and Jesus. You also take great pains to point out everyone else’s sins and intimating that we should accept the sin of homosexuality because it is no worse than other sins. All sins wound Jesus and our relationship with Him, and when the time comes, we will all have to face and accept the responsibility for our sins. I think that the reason people are so focused on homosexuality is because many gays and lesbians are not just content to have people say, well, I am a sinner too so whatever they do is alright. Many gays want to force their lifestyle on others. They want not only acceptance but celebration of their life. I can’t do this and I believe that many others can’t either. It is not normal, or natural. It is not the same as the love of a man and woman and the creation of life within marriage. I understand that most of us have destroyed the sanctity of this already and that is a sin, but, it is sinful also to say that homosexuality is okay. That is scandal and leading others to sin. I don’t know why some are homosexual, I don’t know why some are born without limbs, or blind, or deaf or ugly or cruel, or murdurous or any of a number of things that are not the norm. This generation has bitten the apple once again. They have decided that they know what is right and what is wrong. No one is willing to suffer or sacrifice. No one wants to bear their cross. If you are homosexual, and not having sex, then I commend your spirit.Maybe by your cross and suffering, you are saving someone else’s soul. Maybe, you would have something to teach someone like me who smokes and knows that it is a sin but can’t seem to break the hold. One more thing, are you so angry about Ron Reagan because he was a sinner or because he didn’t do enough about the initial AIDS epidemic? God Bless, reggie
CCC 2358 - The number of men and women who have deepseated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. They do not choose their homosexual condition; for most of them it is a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensativity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrafice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

Please harden not your hearts. Pray that God does not put you to the test.

I love my wife and cherish her companionship, love, support, respect, etc… I could go on and on… I read CPB’s posts and know that he longs for this companionship.

My heart weeps for CPB - but he does not ask for any sympathy. No pitty. He has never asked for any charity. He has choosen to follow our Lord - from what he has posted. He has taken solace in the sacrament from what I read. Take time to read a quote from our catechims! Our Church states that CPB has done what he is called to do. He has stated that he is chase. Why do we not listen to our own catechim? It states that CPB does not choose his fate. Why do we question?

I know it is used often, but… John 8 - “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone…”

Luke 6:36 - Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. 37 Stop judging and you will not be judged. Stop condeming and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.

My question is, why do many of you view CPB any different from any of us? He is a brother in Christ, just as we claim to be. He has stated that he has confessed his sins and tries to walk a path of Christian faith with the grace given freely by God. I am no different - I have sined. If my sins disgust you, and you feel the need to berate me because of them - then do so. We are all sinners. Only through the grace of God are we saved. We are all one Body with Christ as the Head.
How to get cured/healed of being addicted to same sex . . . through prayer, also. . . . also healed of things like alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.

I did not realize CPB’s problem, I was just replying to what he said taken as it was written, not thinking he had some problem such. Sorry. He has to realize that people can’t walk on eggshells re: a traditionally pretty much avoided topic or also not allowed in normal society. I feel Matthew 25:31 on is a good test if you are a Christian. I agree with the Catholics and disagree with many Protestants. I think thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself is more important than thou shalt be saved. If you are saved from your past sin condition, then you will do right and please God and man. I believe that. But the word of God can make a person clean or also transformed and know exactly what to do. Such is not always as easy as falling off a log.

**But anybody **out there in some sort of social marginal condition whether it be sexual addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, being nuts, depressed or other such condition, I have discovered through Scripture that the way to get out of these conditions is to learn wisdom, especially the wisdom in Solomon’s Proverbs, really the Holy Spirit speaking through him, but the key is that the translation must be as accurate as possible. I feel the closest Protestant translation to the original Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic, is the KJV. Perhaps the Catholics have a translation as accurate. The **Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible **available from for about $29.95 plus about $5 shipping in the KJV is about the best Bible I have ever seen for seeing the exact meaning of a text, or as close as you will get with anything out there in a volume you can carry around.

The word ‘fool’ in the KJV in Proverbs I feel is about the nutcase or loco. He is the quintessential fool. Though things can be foolish such as drinking, taking drugs, being depressed for no apparent reason, being addicted to almost anything including ‘sex’ - homosexuality is one form of sexcaholism, I feel, but one can also be selfcaholic, and that could be the worst one, where you won’t listen to anyone.

But there are 31 Chapters in Proverbs, one for every day of any 31 day month, of course, and if one takes the chapter corresponding to the day and reads it at least 5 times, not stopping too long to belabor any particular verse at the outset, and keeps this up, also learning wisdom from Psalms, many written by Solomon’s father David (his mother Bathsheba, as many no doubt know), this person can get out of any ‘social marginal conditional,’ and that means any, I feel homosexual addiction included. These addictions all have a demonic power involved with them, even smoking. The demon can be as small as a small spider, and can make a person think about a need to smoke, for example. If the person says: “Demon of cigarette smoking, I order you to leave, never to return, in Jesus’ Name!” if the person especially is a believer, he will notice that the need or desire to smoke will be gone instantly. I quit a 27 year 2 pack a day habit in 1985 and this worked each and every time I had a desire or urge to smoke after that. After a while the demon gives up and just tries to harass someone else or get someone else addicted.
Edwin Taraba:
I have a theory on this topic as to why Jesus is not quoted in the bible as speaking directly about homosexuality. It may stem from the fact that the people he was speaking to had no homosexuals amongst them. If there were none in the crowd why bring up the subject? The Jews did not tolerate homosexuality whatsoever. They followed the Law of Moses, which had a zero tolerance policy on the subject. The Jews were not free from prostitutes and adultery and therefore Jesus addressed that subject directly. It can be inferred logically that Jesus was/is against homosexuality from his views on sexual purity/chastity and that he condemned sex outside of marriage and homosexuality is outside marriage.
That’s exactly right, Edwin. Jesus never explicitly condemned homosexuality because he didn’t have to. You may notice he also never told his folowers not to murder. He didn’t have to - they were Jews who had already had Morality 101. That’s why Jesus was “sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” - He only had three years to preach His message, so He didn’t have the time to teach people with no moral standards or training in righteousness. That’s what the OT was all about - preparing a people to receive Christ. They all knew the Law of Moses, which included strict prohibitions on homosexual behavior, murder, abortion. lying, stealing, etc. Jesus did not need to restate the obvious. He only clarified those points of the Law that were being systematically violated. Apparently everyone at that time was very clear about the sinfulness of homosexual behavior.
Regarding the question of whether or not a homosexual is born that way or that there is a gene. I don’t believe there has been any irrefutable evidence of that. I do believe that there are people who live the lifestyle for reasons other than biological. I see girls in my daughters age group(teenagers) that think it’s cool to be a lesbian and try out new things. I also think older women are so full of hate of men that they reject them for other women. And who knows how many men believe they are homosexual because they were introduced to it when young and because there was physical pleasure, believed that they were in fact gay. There is too many factors in the why people are the way they are to conclude one way or another. The point is that it is wrong, and just as with any other sin, to continue in it while knowing it is wrong is damaging to your soul. We all need to examine the log in our own eyes. In this day and age, we have not only allowed but encouraged people who commit all kinds of sexual sins. Watch any movie, any TV station or listen to most music and you’ll find the glorification of all sexual sins. Pray, for our nation, our young people and each other that we can regain the shame we used to feel over these sins instead of the apathy. Lukewarm Catholicism is a sin too. God Bless.
Regarding the question of whether or not a homosexual is born that way or that there is a gene. I don’t believe there has been any irrefutable evidence of that. I do believe that there are people who live the lifestyle for reasons other than biological. I see girls in my daughters age group(teenagers) that think it’s cool to be a lesbian and try out new things. I also think older women are so full of hate of men that they reject them for other women. And who knows how many men believe they are homosexual because they were introduced to it when young and because there was physical pleasure, believed that they were in fact gay. There is too many factors in the why people are the way they are to conclude one way or another. The point is that it is wrong, and just as with any other sin, to continue in it while knowing it is wrong is damaging to your soul. We all need to examine the log in our own eyes. In this day and age, we have not only allowed but encouraged people who commit all kinds of sexual sins. Watch any movie, any TV station or listen to most music and you’ll find the glorification of all sexual sins. Pray, for our nation, our young people and each other that we can regain the shame we used to feel over these sins instead of the apathy. Lukewarm Catholicism is a sin too. God Bless.
All good points, Reggie. We should keep in mind that all men are born with propensities toward sin of one kind or another. That does not make those sins acceptable any more than homosexual behavior is acceptable. But we must pray for those who carry such a heavy burden. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be.
Theory: it is possible to have a gene that would cause a negative symptom or condition to appear, but the same gene could cause a positive opposite to appear, too. So one is not doomed to have a genetically determined negative outcome or personality trait.

**That is, **I feel that one can have a gene for something negative, but the same gene can work for an opposite nature, or a positive one. I don’t think I have said it was all right to be a homosexual or any other kind of deviant or addicted, and have never promoted such, in fact have come out against this aspect, to the point that the feds will torment/persecute you since if you are a ‘poet’ they think it is unnatural for a poet to criticize such.
One can have a gene which would tend toward depression, but the same gene could be such that it would tend toward happiness, if the positive nature were had or learned through wisdom (esp. through Proverbs in the KJV or in other European similar versions, or non-European.

Instead of a dissolute character, the homosexual gene, so-called, could be also for a very Christian or moral, socially positive or beneficial character.

There could be a gene for being nuts (sz or ‘schizophrenia’ - a name designed to make the condition seem hopeless or from some other world or such), but the same gene could allow for a wise person to appear, if wisdom is learned to go into the positive phase or nature. Same for drug addiction, a person could be the opposite: knowing. And alcoholism, the person could be the opposite - or very capable.

The Proverbs and other writings of Solomon as well as other Scripture in the Bible can form a basis or foundation from which one can recover from any social marginal condition, which is what these have been called before. As in the case of the criminal, he could go into the positive phase and end up a very law abiding citizen, a positive force or effect.

There are 31 chapters of Proverbs: read the chapter corresponding to the day at least over 5 times. In a KJV or RVA, RV1960, Louis Segond 1909, Luther, etc., Figuerreiro de Almeida translation or similar.


**1 Corinthians 15
**33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
**1 Corinthiens 15
**33 Ne vous y trompez pas: les mauvaises compagnies corrompent les bonnes moeurs.
**1 Korinther 15
**33 Lasset euch nicht verführen! Böse Geschwätze verderben gute Sitten.
**1 Corinzi 15
**33 Non lasciatevi ingannare: «Le cattive compagnie corrompono i buoni costumi».
**1 Corinthians 15
**33 nolite seduci corrumpunt mores bonos conloquia mala
**1 Korintierne 15
**33 Far ikke vill! Dårlig omgang forderver gode seder.
**1 Coríntios 15
**33Não vos enganeis. As más companhias corrompem os bons costumes.
**1 Corintios 15
**33 No erréis; las malas conversaciones corrompen las buenas costumbres.
**1 Korinthierbrevet 15
**33 Faren icke vilse: »För goda seder dåligt sällskap är fördärv.»
**1 Corinthiërs 15
**33 Maar laat u niets wijsmaken. Slechte vrienden bederven goede zeden.
Here’s one blog saying that Jesus never mentioned it, therefore, it’s okay. He goes on to say that there are other things the Bible said, but that we don’t do punish as a society for those offenses, therefore, homosexuality should be treated the same way.
Read for yourself–he calls himself the “Nonreligious Christian”

Yours in Christ,

The above statement trumps everything. Why is everyone focusing on putting people in their place. “I right, your wrong”, “I’m going to be saved, you’re going to hell”. Why not just focus on the most important message of all?! We are all Gods children. “Love one another as I have loved you”.
I disagree with the premise of this thread. Jesus actually did mention two gay and lesbian couples in Luke 17:34-35.

When I investigated those verses, and the context of Luke 17:23-37, I found a number of interesting things.

Notice that it is “in that*** night***” that the “two men in one bed” and “two women grinding together” are discussed.

The first thing I realized was that the O.T. references behind "two men in one bed” are Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. Jesus referred to the exact verses that prohibit man-on-man sex.

But he didn’t take this opportunity to warn us about it.

The second verse I studied was verse 35, which refers to “two women grinding together.” I discovered that words like “mill” and “corn” are not in Luke’s version. (“Mill” is present in Matthew, but not in Luke.)

I also discovered that the word “grind” was a sexual euphemism in Old Testament Hebrew, as well as in the Greek and Latin as it was spoken in Jesus’ day. Horace uses it in Latin a couple of decades before Jesus was born, and Plutarch uses it in Greek at the same time Luke wrote his gospel.

So, in Jesus’ day as well as in the O.T., “grinding” was just as polite as talking about “making love” is today. But still, Jesus doesn’t warn us against lesbian love-making.

The third thing I examined the story about Sodom, Lot, and the fire and brimstone. These are the verses that come immediately before the ones about “two men in one bed” and “two women grinding together.” I discovered that Jesus’ comments about Sodom did not mention man-on-man sex at all.

And still–Jesus doesn’t take this opportunity to denounce homosexuality. You would think that Jesus would warn us about homosexuality, about accepting homosexuals, when he was talking about Sodom, when he talks about two men in one bed and two women grinding together at night.

IF he condemned gays and lesbians the way everybody says he did.

What we have here is Jesus using two gay and lesbian couples to illustrate a lesson on God’s judgment. In the Great Separation what is clear is that, in this chapter, God separates those he accepts from those he does not accept. Half the gays and lesbians in Luke 17:34-35 are acceptable to God, even in the middle of their love making.

Gay and lesbian celibacy is a non-issue for God [especially when they are forbidden to marry].

Some sexually active gays and lesbians are acceptable to God, and some are not, just as it is with heterosexuals.

Jesus did mention gays and lesbians. He used two gay and lesbian couples as the main characters in Luke’s Gay Apocalypse.
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