The left and family separations

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That’s because the system is obviously being exploited. No-one really denies that. Well, I don’t anyway. Lots of Republicans actually want to entirely do away with any welfare at all, though. Which is different. Also, are you familiar with Distributism? It’s an economic system advocated by the Church which is actually not disimilar from Socialism. Seriously, I think Catholic Trumpists should reconsider their faith. I’ve already gone over the ways in which the church would be feminine to someone of Arkansan’s persuasion…now I’ve even had to admit that the Church is socialist to them too.
You’re the one that’s running around arguments. You never bothered to respond to the fact that Eunuchs live longer. You had just said that sex reassignment surgery is unhealthy, and I proved you wrong with a cold, hard, fact. I’m sure the next thing you’ll do is create a strawman and suggest that my intention is thus for everybody to get castrated. No sir. Assuming you’re not an adolescent, you’d know that’s not fair play.
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and I proved you wrong with a cold, hard, fact.
I don’t think it proves what you think it does.

Eunuchs tended to be high power individuals living in a very protected environment, with access to the best available medical care. Also, their modification had nothing to do with their sexual preferences.

Trans people are not innately unhealthy physically, they just tend to off themselves at a high rate, and are prone to higher levels of addiction (with it’s negative outcomes)

You are comparing apples to oranges.
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Actually it lessens the risk of prostate cancer, which is one of the big killers of men.

As an aside, sex reassignment operations also have nothing to do with a person’s sexual preferences, so that seems like a non sequitur?
ex reassignment operations also have nothing to do with a person’s sexual preferences,
maybe you should read that again, then think about it.

They elect to reassign their gender expressly because they prefer to be the other sex. That is a sexual preference.
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ex reassignment operations also have nothing to do with a person’s sexual preferences,
maybe you should read that again, then think about it.

They elect to reassign their gender expressly because they prefer to be the other sex. That is a sexual preference.
No, sorry but that’s not what the phrase sexual preference means. Nor is it about preference so much as affirmation.
I just explained to you what it meant when I wrote it,
don’t presume to read my mind.
The left is suddenly so concerned about family separations at the border but doesn’t seem to bat an eye about deadly separations in abortion.
This is mostly because they believe abortion is okay. Granted, they are wrong, but it’s kind of like a “Do not pity the dead; pity the living, and more especially, the living who do not live with love” kind of thing for them. They take that the wrong way, and the left is generally inconsistent (not to mention tyrannical when they have the chance).


Planned Parenthood has killed over 7.6 million babies since it legally began performing abortions in 1973 following the Roe v. Wade decision. That’s a catastrophic number. It’s easy to read 7.6 million and shrug it off. That’s more than two times the population of Los Angeles. That’s 7,600,000 humans that were never given a chance at life because of Planned Parenthood. 7,600,000 babies that never had the opportunity to celebrate a birthday. And that’s not even taking into account the number of babies aborted by Planned Parenthood illegally, before the Roe v. Wade decision was handed was decided by the United States Supreme Court.

Planned Parenthood is by far the nation’s largest abortion provider. Over the holidays, they conveniently and quietly published their annual report for 2016-2017. Last year, Planned Parenthood published their annual report months late – in May! An analysis of the 2016-2017 report along with Planned Parenthood’s previous reports shows that Planned Parenthood is responsible for the deaths of over 7.6 million human babies. We know the Planned Parenthood number is likely low, in fact, pro life journalists with the Media Research Center estimated in 2016 that Planned Parenthood had killed upwards of 7.5 million babies.

In the 2016-2017 fiscal year detailed in the report, Planned Parenthood performed 321,384 abortions. Last annual report (2015-2016), Planned Parenthood performed 328,348 abortions. The year before that (2014-2015) Planned performed 323,999 abortions.
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Fair point about Eunuchs. I remember when I was going to a therapist about my gender they gave me some information about all those suicides, though. Apparently they did a survey and trans people that put down they had suicidal thoughts weren’t doing it because they regretted being trans as the right would quickly assume, but because of social isolation for being trans. The way to fix the problem is actually, believe it or not, to be nice to trans people (I actually am directing this more at Arkansan). Surprise surprise! Also what God recommends.

I’ve done a lot of thinking lately on the issue of transgenderism, and I must say, I’m not sure if it’s right or not. Papa Benedict talked about an ecology of man. I’ll tell you one thing, though. Arkansan is not dealing with the issue like we are instructed by God to. I refuse to ever adopt his way of thinking…the whole “trigger people intentionally” thing which is very in-Christian. I don’t care how much you love to piss people off, or to quote directly “I just don’t care” that is very, very, un-Christian. I emphasize this because treating others like you’d want to be treated is literally Christ’s most emphasized commandment in the Bible. I’ll stand by loving the sinner, not the sin. That, my friend, is the Christian way.
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“There a new city ordnance that says we’re supposed to separate glass and plastic in the recycling bin…”

Have you considered that Arkansan is a racist who mistakenly think having odious views makes him a brave truth teller?
Ultimately, what we say here will have no effect on @Arkansan in the slightest. He is quite entrenched in his Social Darwinism and Scientific Racism. God bless him.

We will all have to answer for our actions when we stand in judgement before God. I hope he’s got a ready explanation for his ill-treatment of some of God’s creation, and I hope God is merciful toward him.

As a matter of fact, one thing we can do for him is to offer a Divine Mercy Chaplet for him. Perhaps he can do likewise for us. He does, after all, profess to be a Catholic Christian.
I’m aware. I just don’t think that that’s a good reason to completely avoid dialogue, and it isn’t that I think he’ll change from a single thread on a forum.

I do have my limits, though. As seen above, that’s when the memes come out. (I also might just stop or report, depending on if it breaks rules, but I couldn’t resist the call of the memes this time.)
Isn’t sex change surgery considered a sin according to the Church? I think it is, for the same reason that sterilization is.
Now that we know about the prevalence of child trafficking, it demonstrates a reckless lack of regard to be all for not detaining these “families” at all and having open borders or catch and release. I am against family separations but there NEEDS to be a DNA test done on each family to VERIFY a familial link before releasing people.
Also I am completely against abortion, as well. So many people are so inconsistent with their beliefs. They scream at republicans for not accepting science but they blatantly disregard science in regards to both abortion and gender theory.
Not true at all. Look at the left’s position on medical kidnapping-where beurocrats can decide end of life decisions for children including euthanasia
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