The left and family separations

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You’re conflating two separate life issues… both abortion and separating the children/parents are very wrong. I recommend you follow the USCCB and denounce both.
@help1 As a Catholic you said you were open to marrying a transgender person because you could “be procreative” until they fully transitioned. Well, if you are genetic female and can only have sex(not open to life) with a man who multilated his penis into a “vagina”(so oral sex with no ends being unitive or potentially procreative)then that sort of sex is a sin.

Also, if a person is taking trangender drugs it will affect their fertility and fetuses exposed to transgender drugs may have mutations or even die from exposure to teratogens.
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I feel the opposite. I wonder why people so sorry for an embryo but care little for the separation of families. They think they simply committed a crime so the separation of children is justified
Part of the issue with the Church’s language right now is that it appears to not make a definitive statement regarding sex reassignment surgery, at least within the catechism. According to CCC 2297:
Except when performed for strictly therapeutic medical reasons, directly intended amputations, mutilations, and sterilizations performed on innocent persons are against the moral law.
The thing is that most people seeking SRS would say that it is therapeutic, and there is evidence to show that it does have a positive psychological impact on the patient. Unfortunately, most Catholics who cite CCC 2297 to oppose SRS tend to forget that.

That said, the Church in general does have other writings. Pope Francis in particular is hardly liked in the transgender community, to put it mildly. He has described teachings about choosing one’s gender as “ideological colonization”. (Yes, the transgender community would absolutely dispute that it is a choice, but I think it is fair to say that while gender dysphoria is not a choice, how you present yourself is a choice. Again, I say this as someone with gender dysphoria who has chosen to not transition.) The USCCB has also used comments made in Amoris Laetitia about “accept[ing one’s] body as it was created” in their statements opposing transgenderism. Of course, this is just from Pope Francis. His case can be made going all the way back to Scripture and other Catholic teachings.

So to summarize: The Church’s most official collection of teaching doesn’t really condemn gender transition or SRS explicitly. However, the Church’s teaching has consistently been to oppose it.
The left is suddenly so concerned about family separations at the border but doesn’t seem to bat an eye about deadly separations in abortion. Any open borders person here care to explain this inconsistency?
  1. I’m deeply concerned about both. Does that make me on the Left or on the Right?
  2. You’re equivocating between two separate issues, “open borders” and the separation of asylee families. It’s possible to advocate for broader immigration policies, commonsense border screenings, and keeping families together.
  3. Assuming you’re pro-life, don’t you get annoyed enough by people accusing you of not caring about “born children?” Why turn around and employ the same tactic on abortion rights proponents? Either way, it’s intellectually dishonest; inconsistency =/= being wrong.
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It goes against Church teaching for priests to “condemn those who choose abortion.” They are supposed to offer forgiveness; condemnation is outside of their power.

They can and do condemn the separations. That is a case of condemning an action, not an individual person.
I find that most opposition to homeschooling comes from the Left, as well. So yes, it would be unfair to say that the Left “believes parents should make decisions about their children.”

On the positive side, the Left does stand for a lot of basic human rights that get neglected by the Right. But then, basic human rights like keeping impoverished asylum-seeking families together AND keeping unborn children alive shouldn’t be Left-v-Right issues. I’m frankly baffled and disheartened that they are.
The way to fix the problem is actually, believe it or not, to be nice to trans people (I actually am directing this more at Arkansan). Surprise surprise! Also what God recommends.
Not quite correct, kindness and love and mercy and compassion are what God commands.
They scream at republicans for not accepting science
I scream at Republicans for speaking out of both sides of the mouth. Those in control claim pro-life in order to harvest the votes of a portion of their base, yet, for decades and decades they support legislation that is a paper tiger. Big loopholes and exception clauses that stay out of the spotlight.

They turn a blind eye to creating a society where women do not feel so afraid or coerced by circumstances that abortion is seen as the only way out.

A double minded man is unstable in all of his ways. Same for a double minded political party
Isn’t sex change surgery considered a sin according to the Church?
Aside from informal statements by Popes, there has not been a definitive, doctrinal statement.

Another thing to remember, few people can afford and there are many who do not desire the reassignment surgery. Hormonal treatment and cosmetics are as far as the majority of people go.
I do believe that if the surgery mutilates your genitals and renders you sterile then it would be considered a sin by the church the same way that sterilization is.
I totally agree with you with regards to those in control in the government. I was speaking more about the constituents on the left with the science talk.
After a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, a lady had surgery to remove the damage. This happened to her twice. Each surgery mutilated part of her reproductive system and the second rendered her sterile.

These surgeries are not immoral because they were done for therapeutic reasons,

That is the big question, is reassignment surgery therapeutic. The science has not yet been able to tell us that, so, in her wisdom the Church provides some advice, but does not speak with doctrine on the subject.

Maybe someday we can prove there is a genetic or other physical cause of GID, then the surgery could well be considered a last resort therapy. We are not there yet, so, best to err on the side of loving people.
The Church has always condemned the theory that castration can be justified for psychological reasons.
They turn a blind eye to creating a society where women do not feel so afraid or coerced by circumstances that abortion is seen as the only way out.
The first rule of feminism is that women are always the victims, even when they’re the perpetrators.
I happen to be of the opinion that women should be treated like adults. I know that’s an extreme POV nowadays.
Your posts are chilling.
It’s the internet anonymity.

I’ve sat across the table from Klansmen telling me there would never have been lynchings if black people knew how to stay in their place. That’s chilling.

(Note: I am African-American)
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