The left and family separations

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What’s your solution to things like transgenderism or homosexuality anyway? Just throw them into those camps where they get molested and then become more homosexual? (not lumping transgender and homosexual together here btw).

Such cold heartlessness and indifference that I am feeling from your posts. Lots of Trump supporters like to make fun of feeling and instead favor what they consider to be cold hardness. They make fun of “snowflakes” and anything not up to their masculine, egotistical standards. I’ve got news for you: you’re on a Catholic website. You might be shocked to find that the Christian faith is very much opposed to this philosophy and way of thinking. Trumpism as a philosophy has in common with Fascism a Darwinian outlook on society - survival of the fittest, anti-femininity, etc.

There is a reason that the Church condemned Fascism and in fact the Nazis persecuted Catholics because of this fundamental philosophical dispute. Human life didn’t matter to the Nazis, to the Catholics it did. All life mattered, Jewish lives mattered, Homosexual lives mattered…even if we did not agree with the lifestyle, we still showed compassion. Do you even know about the whole love the sinner, not the sin thing? Your complete avoidance of what is in fact Jesus’ most essential command to his followers is frightening. I’m afraid for your soul.

Christianity and especially Catholicism IS, for all intents and purposes, a wishy-washy, touchy-feely thing. This is why it’s a bit difficult for the Trumpist he-men to accept it…that is, the philosophy. It’s basically what they despise. I know that calling Trump a Fascist is a bit of a fringe thing to do - that’s why I’m not doing it. Trump isn’t a Fascist. That’s ludicrous…but the philosophy of his supporters is in fact rooted in a similar darwinian worldview. Social Darwinism as a matter of fact is the exact opposite of Christian philosophy.

This whole “I don’t care if this offends people, in fact, I love pissing them off” ideology is very darwinian. You’re doing it 'cause you can, it makes you feel good to pick on the minorities, the people that can’t really defend themselves. Right? I’m not a psychologist, but there has to be some reason you people admit to getting a kick out of offending and hurting other people’s feelings. There’s nothing Christian about that, I can assure you.

Men are going to have to shed some of their masculinity if they truly want to embrace the Christian faith. It requires an almost feminine sort of love for humanity and lack of testosterone-induced egotism and survival-of-the-fittest type thinking. You’re going to have to become a snowflake if you want to truly follow God.
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What’s your solution to things like transgenderism or homosexuality anyway?
I’m not qualified to say whether those conditions are treatable, but the first thing to do is not encourage disordered behavior and ideas. People can learn non-harmful ways of coping with untreatable mental disorders.
Men are going to have to shed some of their masculinity if they truly want to embrace the Christian faith. It requires an almost feminine sort of love for humanity and lack of testosterone-induced egotism and survival-of-the-fittest type thinking. You’re going to have to become a snowflake if you want to truly follow God.
I’m not qualified to say whether those conditions are treatable, but the first thing to do is not encourage disordered behavior and ideas. People can learn non-harmful ways of coping with untreatable mental disorders.
Yes, homosexual men can be celibate and transgender people can have hormone therapy or sexual reassignment surgery.
Bravo! Excellent take-down of my argument.
I really enjoyed this post. Good writing.

I’ll just point out a fine detail between choice of words: The difference between ‘Masculinity’ and ‘Machismo’, is analogous to the difference between ‘Femininity’ and ‘Feminism’, I think the choice of Machismo over Masculinity would have been more correct (spot on) in you last paragraph.
Self-mutilation is precisely the sort of harmful coping mechanism that is morally wrong to encourage.
I appreciate the compliment. There’s another point I wanted to make, by the way. Of all kinds of Christianity, Catholicism (cough the true kind coughhh) is pretty darn feminine compared to the others. I mean, you’ve got a bunch of guys that are basically in dresses (of course it’s far more than that but that would be the observation of your typical white, anglo-saxon protestant american man), you’ve got monastic orders made up of men that make vows not to ever have sex (and well, priests don’t either!), you’ve got Mariology…hail Mary, mother of God. I have a feeling a good number of Trump voters from a certain part of the country would have a tough time admitting inferiority to a woman. You must have noticed how American conservatives are having fits about the idea of God not having a defined gender, so what does that tell you? Christianity itself is more feminine than many would think but I wanted to clarify that our faith in particular is much more so…
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I remain constantly impressed how people can tie any and everything back to abortion. I’ve seen a discussion on racism in cartoons tied to abortion. This is just as relevant.
Actually the medical doctors at John Hopkins Hospital were the pioneers in the procedure.

“Self” doesn’t apply, the patient would hardly be operating on himself.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully missed the point.
As a matter of fact, it’s not “self” mutilation as someone else already pointed out. Care to explain why it’s harmful? It seems to benefit those people most of the time. Sure there’s individual cases of people that may regret it, but that’s irrelevant because you have to judge on a case-by-case basis.
It’s harmful because it involves the removal of healthy body parts.
It’s amazing how they don’t even realize how insane they make their position look. Even going so far as to argue that castration is good for you.
You don’t seem to be getting the point. I don’t honestly care that there are people out there who are offended by what I say.
I’m aware. I just feel like it’s worth bringing up the case for charity over Trumpism.
Do you have a rational counterargument to what I said?
Frankly, @angel12 already gave a pretty good response. If you think gender dysphoria is comparable to you not wanting to wear a polo shirt, you clearly don’t know anything about it. Maybe that isn’t what you want to hear, but you really should seek to learn more about it rather than just offering a typical “lol, typical leftist offense” response.

Sorry if that offends you. 😜
Self-mutilation is precisely the sort of harmful coping mechanism that is morally wrong to encourage.
Much of it isn’t self-mutilation. That indicates that the person actually tried cutting…err, stuff…off by themselves. Generally, people have sex-reassignment surgery, a process far more involved than the manic nature of self-mutilation. It often requires hard work to afford and psychological evaluations to be permitted.

We can recognize that SRS isn’t the right response from a Catholic perspective without resorting to exaggerations that do little more than try to paint someone as crazy.
Frankly, @angel12 already gave a pretty good response.
No. Her response consisted in insulting me. She didn’t in any way address the topic.
If you think gender dysphoria is comparable to you not wanting to wear a polo shirt
The position that I expressed was that making a child wear clothing that is socially appropriate but not what the child wants to wear, is not child abuse.
No. Her response consisted in insulting me. She didn’t in any way address the topic.
The position that I expressed was that making a child wear clothing that is socially appropriate but not what the child wants to wear, is not child abuse.
And again, if you think that that is all gender dysphoria is, then you don’t know anything about it.
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Why is the right so concerned with abortions, but has no interest in preserving life once babies are born?
This meme is tired and unsupportable.
Low unemployment is the best way to support their families.
Single mums living 100% off welfare are horrible role models for their children.
There are better options.
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