Has Trump proven that Obama was born in Kenya yet?Yeah why can’t the opposing party,ie: support the potus rather than phony conspiratorial charges
Has Trump proven that Obama was born in Kenya yet?Yeah why can’t the opposing party,ie: support the potus rather than phony conspiratorial charges
Trump will have to blame himself for that one. He was impeached for what he did; not by any conspiracy. And that is over.Yeah why can’t the opposing party,ie: support the potus rather than phony conspiratorial charges,sham impeachment’s,undermining him at every turn.?Hmmmm?
We’re just not going to go over all that again. Its done.He was impeached for a baseless reason I know you know we all know it…
Yes. Trump spent years pushing that lie. Just like he did with the Central Park 5, Muslims celebrating 9/11, QAnon junk, and now his election fraud.You’re comparing a comment President Trump made years ago to the relentless witch hunts the Dems have foisted uon a duly elected president and this country four the past four years,srsly?
We can have opinions about many things - but a what you call a small beer … I find very serious … it is never a minor thing for a ANY trained law enforcement officer - an FBI officer . .and an attorney at that - admitted to a bar in this case… to EVER FALSIFY EVIDENCE to fraudulently and illegally obtain a warrant before any court in the nation let alone a FISA Court which by its very nature operates in secret with the target of the warrant unknowing and unrepresented …Changed an email so he could get a warrant in an investigation? That’s small beer, not political misconduct. The agent was not a politician.
To be completely accurate, the comment was made by Mr. Donald Trump, a private citizen, before he entered politics. President Trump has not made such a statement.You’re comparing a comment President Trump made years ago
I didn’t excuse anything. I noted that in the grand scheme of things, this agent misconduct is a mere ripple.That you excuse this speaks about where your heart and mind are … you have joined the "ends justify the means crowd … and that is not a moral place to be.
Has Trump apologized to Obama for slurring him as foreign-born? No. Candidate Trump two months before his election offered a half-amendment that he now believes Obama was born in the US. That’s all.To be completely accurate, the comment was made by Mr. Donald Trump, a private citizen, before he entered politics. President Trump has not made such a statement.