The legal reckoning awaiting Donald Trump if he loses the election

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If you’re trying to be formal, it would probably be President Obama, but I thought this was a relatively informal board.

You seem to be more concerned about titles than the fact that President Obama killed Americans in drone strikes.
It was by the direct order of Mr. Trump that General Soleimani was assassinated, not by the result of some obscure arms sale.
I think that Biden should pardon Trump for any crimes he committed as president.

Others disagree:

" But as painful and hard as it may be for the country, I believe the next attorney general should investigate Mr. Trump and, if warranted, prosecute him for potential federal crimes.

I do not come to this position lightly. Indeed, we have witnessed two U.S. presidential elections in which large crowds have found it acceptable to chant with fervent zeal that the nominee of the opposing party should be jailed. We do not want to turn into an autocratic state, where law enforcement authorities are political weapons of the reigning party.

But that is not sufficient reason to let Mr. Trump off the hook.

Mr. Trump’s criminal exposure is clear. I was a senior member of the investigation led by the former special counsel Robert Mueller to determine whether Russia attempted to subvert our fundamental democratic source of political legitimacy: our electoral system. Among other things, he was tasked with determining whether Mr. Trump interfered with our fact-finding into this issue.

We amassed ample evidence to support a charge that Mr. Trump obstructed justice. That view is widely shared. Shortly after our report was issued, hundreds of former prosecutors concluded that the evidence supported such a charge."

I think that Biden should pardon Trump for any crimes he committed as president.

Others disagree:
I will agree with, with one exception. If there was proof, good proof, that he tried to bribe state officials with jobs for overturning the election, that is serious enough it should not go unpunished, and is something could never be allowed to happen again.
I personally don’t think there will be a legal reckoning. He is used to lawsuits.

Stormy Daniels’ failed phony lawsuit got her a court order to pay the Trump team over a quarter million dollars if I recall correctly.

She probably won’t pay (just like she apparently lied about her own alleged NDA - true or false, she shows her dishonesty of her own alleged NDA by “disclosing” and accusing Trump), but Trump may not let others off the hook.

Here’s what WILL happen though (or at least be ATTEMPTED to happen) . . . .

The leftists will (mis)use Government for political retribution against President Trump if and when they ever get the chance.

They will use “trumped”-up charges again.

They want Trump arrested, perp-walked, discredited, and behind bars.

They also will go after President Trump’s family to a certain extent.

And the vindictiveness of the left won’t stop there.

They will also go after people who supported President Trump.

As a matter of fact they have already admitted to this.

None of this is in the name of justice (which would be fine if it were) but in the name of political vindictiveness.

They will want retribution and also simultaneously want to make an example of these people as a warning to others who may dare (REALLY) run successfully against Democrats for the White House again. That is not allowed anymore. Hasn’t been since the Bushes got away with it.
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Here’s what WILL happen though (or at least be ATTEMPTED to happen) . . . .

The leftists will (mis)use Government for political retribution against President Trump if and when they ever get the chance.
You make some very insulting speculation. After January, Trump will have to account for some of his corner-cutting in his businesses, as will his children. Nothing more, nothing less.

That’s not persecution.
And the vindictiveness of the left won’t stop there.
Has Trump ever apologized for calling for the death penalty for the not guilty Central Park 5? (You know the answer!) Examine Trump for vindictiveness on that one.
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Has Trump ever apologized for calling for the death penalty for the not guilty Central Park 5? (You know the answer!)
Actually I know or recall nothing about it.

If you want, please refresh my memory as right now, I have too many other things going to take the time for another of these.
If you want, please refresh my memory as right now, I have too many other things going to take the time for another of these.
No, thanks. The subject is real and has been gone over several times. If you do not know of it then it says quite a bit about Trump supporters. And he never apologized.
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You can prove that broad-brushed statement for me too.
Gracious, person! The story of the Central Park 5 was filmed as a TV movie and you don’t know of it? You don’t have to be from NYC to be familiar with what happened and Trump’s part in all this. It was not a small or minor incident.

Please look up the details. Remember that Trump never apologized.
You make some very insulting speculation.
We’ve already seen years of political misconduct against him as the sitting president. Based on their demonstrated actions, it is fair to assume that the attacks will continue, not abate.
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We’ve already seen years of political misconduct against him as the sitting president.
Misconduct? What, someone made an unfair criticism? His finances have been investigated? He’s been held to account for his use of official power to gain an edge over a political rival?

Those things go with the territory of being president. Taking a jaundiced look at a president is not misconduct. I think that after he leaves office much of what Trump does will be ignored. He’ll still be tweeting, though.
I’ll readily admit the Democrats are far better at criminalizing political opponents than are Republicans.
Its easy to state something like that. You have an example?

Often when people are charged with crimes it is because they have violated the law.
Nepperhan - this is very rich - you are a smart person … you really know better than this

We had the FBI [a senior lawyer for the FBI] tampering with evidence - fraudulently creating evidence to present to the FISA court to obtain a warrant to “continue” to spy on the administration. That warrant was a continuation of the existing wiretaps spying on first a presidential campaign, then the president elect transition, and then the initial months of the new duly elected president - an investigation that was started with a dossier that was purchased from a foreign agent, with fraudulent information from another foreign government by the opposition candidate, the opposition party organization and then subsequently also funded by our own FBI - and that the FBI knew was bogus before election day …

And you can say [via your written post] with a straight face there was no misconduct? No politicization? No “Official power to gain an edge over a political rival”?

I get that you enjoyed the attempted coup …The Democrats in Congress, the MSM and activist left tried every which way to destroy Trump and hamper his presidency … the newspaper headline the day after election day in 2016 stated the Impeachment begins now … Schiff had to read a fictionalized version of the Ukraine call into the congressional record in order to frame the narrative - something you are aware of , and a tactic that would have been unnecessary if Trump had really done something illegal …

There was never any attempt by the Democrats - and many others to work with Trump.

As an American, you should feel ashamed at what occurred over the last four years … but now the Left wants to call for unity as they ALSO call for listing the names of those who supported Trump, worked for Trump and voted for Trump. They label nearly half of America as racist and worse - calling for re-education camps, loss of jobs etc … there is no unity beyond the lip service and a fear that the right will use the same tactics as they have over the last four years … They fear the results of their actions coming home to roost

The right wont riot, loot and burn public and private property as the activist left did - you wont see the same carnage in the inner cities - I do hope you see the same level of stonewalling in congress though as that will be vastly better for the average American than the activist legislation promised by Biden and Harris.

AND I hope there are courageous whistle blowers that come forth with real information to obstruct the Biden/Harris agenda
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We had the FBI [a senior lawyer for the FBI] tampering with evidence - fraudulently creating evidence to present to the FISA court to obtain a warrant to “continue” to spy on the administration.
Changed an email so he could get a warrant in an investigation? That’s small beer, not political misconduct. The agent was not a politician.
There was never any attempt by the Democrats - and many others to work with Trump.
That’s not accurate at all. Trump just was a very partisan individual. You see fumbling with appointees all during his administration?
I get that you enjoyed the attempted coup …
Look, Trump was impeached for impermissibly using his office for private political gain against a presumed rival. Conservatives need to haul that aboard – it was no coup. An impeached politician does not deserve a second term.
he newspaper headline the day after election day in 2016 stated the Impeachment begins now …
I recall one statement by one person. Look, people knew how Trump was cutting corners and not being presidential. Even then he was misleading in his statements. It was bound to happen.

Remember when the Republican congressman sought the impeachment of Obama? There was good reason for Trump’s impeachment.
As an American, you should feel ashamed at what occurred over the last four years …
I am ashamed that America lost standing in the international community due to the actions and habits of Trump.
They label nearly half of America as racist and worse - calling for re-education camps, loss of jobs etc …
Now you are just being inaccurate. We can always find nutty statements by those on the fringe. What person in authority called half of America racist? What authority called for re-education camps? You exaggerate.
AND I hope there are courageous whistle blowers that come forth with real information to obstruct the Biden/Harris agenda
That sounds like Limbaugh hoping Obama would utterly fail. Why can’t the opposition hope that the other party makes things better in America? That would be more positive and less petulant.
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As an American, you should feel ashamed at what occurred over the last four years
But the eight years before that, with McConnell openly stating his goal of blocking everything Obama did, was just fine, right?
Seems to be a bit of a double standard here.
Yeah why can’t the opposing party,ie: support the potus rather than phony conspiratorial charges,sham impeachment’s,undermining him at every turn.?Hmmmm?🤨
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