Evidence???It might not be “spying” but it certainly is committing perjury in getting the warrants.
Evidence???It might not be “spying” but it certainly is committing perjury in getting the warrants.
Maybe because he was an Iranian officer?why then was Soleimani allowed to continue to command in Iraq for another ten years without being arrested or molested in any other way?
Evidence???It might not be “spying” but it certainly is committing perjury in getting the warrants.
Because the U.S. administration was, for that time, trying to “make friends” with Iran, sending them billions of dollars, etc. The lives of American soldiers were secondary in that administraiton’s calculations. Trump took their lives more seriously, and knew no amount of American taxpayer dollars would cause the evil Mullahs to cease killing our people.why then was Soleimani allowed to continue to command in Iraq for another ten years without being arrested or molested in any other way
Probably something we could all learn from.This close to the election, I’ve got more and more people on ignore, just to keep the temptation down.
What makes you think that was the purpose?If US forces could attempt to arrest Osama ben Laden
What about the 8 Obama years in between Bush and Trump? Was that not a period of tine in which Soleimani should have been arrested?he time frame that Soleimani should have been arrested includes at least six years of Bush administration and three years of Trump,
Perhaps Iran has other plans for retaliation. In any case, whether or not Iran chooses to press charges at the UN is irrelevant to whether or not Trump committed murder.If the attack broke international law I’m sure that Iran would have taken its case to the UN, and many in the US would support them.
Also, for all of this propaganda being posted, we could easily just tell Israel that if they are concerned about Iran’s nukes, then, they can deal with them how they want and that seems very dangerous.Qassem Soleimani was never going to die peacefully in his bed. As leader of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and puppet-master of militias and terrorist groups across the Middle East, he had the blood of hundreds of thousands on his hands: Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Lebanese, Palestinians, Israelis, Americans and fellow-Iranians, among others. His death was hoped for and prayed for by the families of his victims, and plotted by their governments.
There are lots of things we can go after Presidents about.I am not saying that Soleimani was not guilty of committing crimes. What I am saying is that the President of the USA does not have the right to go around assassinating people based on accusations. Unless Soleimani was planning attacks on US interests, he had the right to a trial. The Trump administration has provided zero evidence to justify this extra-judicial killing.
Were you saying the same thing when Obama was killing Americans overseas?What I am saying is that the President of the USA does not have the right to go around assassinating people based on accusations.