The 'New Evangelization' for Catholics ... why not join with the Protestant Evangelicals ?

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2 Corinthians 6: 14* Do not be yoked with those who are different, with unbelievers. For what partnership do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? 15What accord has Christ with Beliar? Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? 16 What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said:

“I will live with them and move among them,and I will be their God and they shall be my people. 17Therefore, come forth from them and be separate,” says the Lord, “and touch nothing unclean; then I will receive you18and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”

Protestants are neither “unbelievers”, or a demon called Belial, nor are they unclean.

I am astonished to hear some peoples view of protestants. I just left a thread where a person was agreeing with burning and torturing protestant leaders. But there are many people in the protestant church with hearts just the same. I can see a thing for what it is.
Protestants are neither “unbelievers”, or a demon called Belial, nor are they unclean.

I am astonished to hear some peoples view of protestants. I just left a thread where a person was agreeing with burning and torturing protestant leaders. But there are many people in the protestant church with hearts just the same. I can see a thing for what it is.
Me too !! But, we know it goes both ways. Many Protestants feel the CC is errant and her popes are the Anti-Christ.

Christians were taught alot of error by our teachers. And, we later have to learn/discover them and leave them behind. People often use OT scriptures [intended to keep the Hebrews pure] … to support current Christian denominational biases. So, we look to Christ, and what he taught. His New Commandments, his Beatitudes, … turning the other cheek, forgiving those who err 70 X 7. The NT/New Covenant … are for our AD times.

We need alot of Ecumenism, and dialogue of Catholic with Protestants …to root out our bias and wrong thinking.
Take another look at that verse:
Acts 5:38-39

Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)

38 So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this undertaking is of men, it will fail; 39 but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!”

Gamaliel is speaking only about the Christians. I don’t think it can be used as an umbrella verse to cover all religious undertakings, no matter what the source. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, have all been around for a VERY long time. Even more recently, LDS, JW, Christian Science, Unity, are all going strong. Error can have great lasting power
Yeh …but, as you suggest here, ---- he was speaking of the Christians, and that if they were being empowered by God, they would not fail.

Now, does our Church feel any others you list here are from God … or the creation of man ? So, Gamaliel is not saying a man-made construction/creation will always/eventually fail —but, that a God-Sponsored one won’t.

Now, 50 years isn’t so long … but, 500 yr of Protestantism is quite a time. 🙂
Now, 50 years isn’t so long … but, 500 yr of Protestantism is quite a time. 🙂
500 years isn’t long at all to God. When I was a Protestant I was taught things that were wrong. To paraphrase St. Augustine, wrong is wrong even if it has been taught for 500 years.
Lets find out on this. Lets you/I apply to be Campus evangelists for them. Let’s tell them we are former Protestants, now Catholics, —who wish to win lost souls for the Lord.

If we are as good at Evangelism as they … they will love to have us on board !! 👍
No, they won’t, because we’d have to agree with their doctrinal statement, (and there certainly will be one) and I would never give such a false witness like that.
Well, the Jesuits do a good job … they are to be applauded and saluted. But, how many of us would qualify to join their ‘exclusive’ ranks ?

I will read up on the Militia Immaculata … probably devoted to / empowered by Mary ?

But, let us recall what scripture says on this matter of us against them, Catholic vs Protestant ideas. ‘If their mission is not of God … it will fail’… now tell me this. Has the Campus Crusade mission failed … after 50 years ? Does Scott Hahn not know of what he speaks ? Am I not a lost soul, they claimed from satan … and introduced to the
Savior King ?
Dr Hahn, much as I admire him, is not speaking with the authority of the church in this matter, and 50 years is less than an eye-blink in the context of the 2,000 years of Christian history. The fact that their doctrines differ from those of the early church writings makes them even less attractive.

We don’t need Campus Crusade’s literature of help to evangelize. What we need are Catholics who know their faith and are living it out in their daily lives as well as suing the excellent materials that we already have to shamelessly and humbly offer the truth of the Gospel to any and all who will listen, just as St. Peter tells us in 1st Peter 3:15-17
15] but in your hearts reverence Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence; 16] and keep your conscience clear, so that, when you are abused, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. 17] For it is better to suffer for doing right, if that should be God’s will, than for doing wrong.
The second line needs to be understood in the context of what Campus Crusade considers “**a Good Church”. **What that means in Protestant-speak is a church where Sola Scriptura is the foundation of their belief system and n****ot a Catholic Church. If you get your hands on their follow up Bible study (which I completed several years ago) you’d see that what they offer is woefully incorrect and grossly biased. (Rightfully so…since they believe that all this stuff, [Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Eternal Security/OSAS) is the fullness of truth.
Good points Militant. There are some other elements of that follow up too that are problematic besides just CC idea of a “church where the Word is preached”.

The moment that you received Christ by faith, as an act of the will, many things happened, including the following:

Christ came into your life (Revelation 3:20 ; Colossians 1:27).
Your sins were forgiven (Colossians 1:14).
You became a child of God (John 1:12).
You received eternal life (John 5:24).
You began the great adventure for which God created you (John 10:10; 2 Corinthians 5:17 ;
1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Although many people do have a conversion experience when they pray this prayer, including the OP, these steps are not consistent with what Jesus taught about being born again.

It is also misleading to say to a person that because they prayed this prayer “you received eternal life”. This is a very Calvanistic framework about salvation, and implies that eternal life cannot now be lost (Once Saved Always Saved).

On the contrary, Scripture records that we become a child of God when we are baptized by water and spirit.

I am not entirely opposed to the 4 spiritual laws tract, but I think it has the potential to be misleading.

For the OP, the main reason not to “join with the Protestant Evangelicals” is that these small items lead to great big heresies. When the 4 spiritual laws tract refers to being separated from God by “sin” it is a reference to total depravity, which is a very serious heresy.
Answer me this. Why can our Church, [with the ‘fuller truth’ and history/experience of 2000 years] …a Church promised by Christ it will not fail, allow itself to become complacent, luke-warm, & ho-hum ?
As you have testified, it is not the Church that is complacent. On the contrary, the Holy Fathers are calling for us to evangelize. You are right, though, there are many individual Cathlolics that have become this way. I think it is a valid question. Why are there some Catholics like that?
Why have our Catholic schools fallen into such a sad state of affairs, why have so many Nuns left their calling, why the recent Priestly moral scandals ? We must be in the last days … when even the ‘elect’ will fall back into disbelief!
There is a serious need. I think that when someone like yourself develops a passion like this, it is usually connected to a calling. So what is the Lord calling you to do?
Lets find out on this. Lets you/I apply to be Campus evangelists for them. Let’s tell them we are former Protestants, now Catholics, —who wish to win lost souls for the Lord.

If we are as good at Evangelism as they … they will love to have us on board !! 👍
I would prefer a FOCUS group myself.

I tried to apply for an evangelical initiative one time and was told that Catholics were not welcome, because we have a deficient “church service”.:eek:
Well, the Jesuits do a good job ... they are to be applauded and saluted.  But, how many of us would qualify to join their 'exclusive' ranks ?
Don’t know. Have you tried?
But, let us recall what scripture says on this matter of us against them, Catholic vs Protestant ideas.  'If their mission is not of God ... it will fail'... now tell me this.  Has the Campus Crusade mission failed ... after 50 years ?  Does Scott Hahn not know of what he speaks ?   Am I not a lost soul, they claimed from satan ... and introduced to the
Savior King ?
I don’t think anyone was suggesting that we hinder their work, or speak against it. Just not JOIN. 😃
    I would. :-) When I evangelize, I don't use the sinner's prayer. I've been against it for years. That's one big reason why I would have a difficult time doing evangelism with most evangelicals. I'm not going to guarantee someone they are genuinely converted and on their way to heaven just because they prayed a prayer. Scripture says SO much more about how to have assurance, and praying a single prayer is NOT one of the ways it indicates.
Wow Koine…this is very Catholic of you to say!
The sinner’s prayer does not exist in either Scripture or tradition. It is a modern, man-made tradition that started with Charles Finney.
Yes. And not all man made tradtions are harmful. There is nothing WRONG with praying this prayer, but the claim that it has all the effects listed is the issue.

E. – Seeking the Lord’s plan, desiring a part in his Kingdom plans on Earth. To share the Gospel every day. To do as Paul … and preach Christ and Christ Crucified everyday, in a small or great way. To keep on keeping on … everyday a new day, with opportunity, hope and the Paraclete in the Authority, setting the daily agenda ! To recall my spiritual birthday, and visualize my final day — one just a good and rich as on the day I first believed/received !
It is also misleading to say to a person that because they prayed this prayer “you received eternal life”. This is a very Calvanistic framework about salvation, and implies that eternal life cannot now be lost (Once Saved Always Saved).
Actually, it’s Arminian: believe first, then you are born again. In the Calvinist view, people are born again first, then they believe. The sinner’s prayer is strongly Arminian because of this.

Also, it has nothing to do with Once Saved Always Saved. It has more to do with the Protestant view of a once-for-all justification as opposed to the Catholic view of ongoing justification.
Protestants are neither “unbelievers”, or a demon called Belial, nor are they unclean.

I am astonished to hear some peoples view of protestants. I just left a thread where a person was agreeing with burning and torturing protestant leaders. But there are many people in the protestant church with hearts just the same. I can see a thing for what it is.
Please be aware that these are not common attitudes, and not taught by the Church, either. You will find religious zealots everywhere, and the posts you refer to do not reflect the doctrines of the Catholic faith.

On the contrary, the Catechism says the opposite.

It is pretty clear that Jesus did not teach us to shun our siblings, or to put them to death.😉
Originally Posted by Koineman View Post
I would. 🙂 When I evangelize, I don’t use the sinner’s prayer. I’ve been against it for years. That’s one big reason why I would have a difficult time doing evangelism with most evangelicals. I’m not going to guarantee someone they are genuinely converted and on their way to heaven just because they prayed a prayer. Scripture says SO much more about how to have assurance, and praying a single prayer is NOT one of the ways it indicates.
Actually it’s Calvinistic. Calvinists believe fully that, in order for one’s profession of faith to be genuine–and indeed, one’s faith itself–one’s life must be changed and exhibit holiness. Much of the current way of using the sinner’s prayer is a distortion of biblical teaching.
Yes. And not all man made tradtions are harmful. There is nothing WRONG with praying this prayer, but the claim that it has all the effects listed is the issue.
I agree. It certainly is ironic, though, that the very people who would probably criticize the Catholic Church for having “man-made traditions” added to the Bible are the very ones who will swear by this sinner’s prayer methodology, which is a theological novelty.

If I ever used this prayer at all, I would do so with great caution, accompanying it with some definite teaching:
  • The gospel should be carefully and clearly explained.
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    The cost involved in following Christ should be conveyed (count the cost!).
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    It should be emphasized that a single prayer cannot be relied upon for salvation. Only Christ can be relied on for salvation, and He must be relied on every day for the rest of one’s life.
The moment that you received Christ by faith, as an act of the will, many things happened, including the following:

Christ came into your life (Revelation 3:20 ; Colossians 1:27).
Your sins were forgiven (Colossians 1:14).
You became a child of God (John 1:12).
You received eternal life (John 5:24).
You began the great adventure for which God created you (John 10:10; 2 Corinthians 5:17 ;
1 Thessalonians 5:18).
Indeed, all the above are scripturally based, and c/w the free-will adoption of the 4 Laws and subsequent praying of a ‘confessional’ Sinner’s Prayer

Since Protestants don’t have the Confessional Booth … God can use this Protestant evangelization Sinner’s Prayer as a means to draw the lost into making full examination of conscience & full, public confession. Per scripture, by St. Paul the Great … Romans 10:9 “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” !

Romans 10:9 is the scriptural basis for the Sinner’s Prayer … and it is extremely ‘efficacious’ !! Paul was the first evangelist to the Gentiles … and he was the expert on how to win souls to the Lord. Much of what Paul writes was divinely revealed to him by the Lord. You can take it to the bank — that Romans 10:9 was straight from Christ ----- and when believed and prayed, it will redeem the lost 100 %, bringing ‘fire’ down from Heaven ! 👍
A…On the contrary, Scripture records that we become a child of God when we are baptized by water and spirit.

B…I am not entirely opposed to the 4 spiritual laws tract, but I think it has the potential to be misleading.

C…When the 4 spiritual laws tract refers to being separated from God by “sin” it is a reference to total depravity, which is a very serious heresy.
A— The Sinner’s Prayer gets one the Spirit, then head for the Water !!

B — Any truth can be twisted and made misleading

C-- Well, can it be so wrong if it brings us to Christ ? Later, we can learn the nuances of Justification/Sanctification/Total vs Partial depravity !! Just get us on the ‘milk’ … then feed us the ‘meat’ !
Indeed, all the above are scripturally based, and c/w the free-will adoption of the 4 Laws and subsequent praying of a ‘confessional’ Sinner’s Prayer

Since Protestants don’t have the Confessional Booth … God can use this Protestant evangelization Sinner’s Prayer as a means to draw the lost into making full examination of conscience & full, public confession. Per scripture, by St. Paul the Great … Romans 10:9 “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” !
Confession of sins and confessing that Jesus is Lord are two different things. Protestants - that I know of - do not have public confession of sin - unless one is giving testimony.

Confession of sin does not have to take place in a “confessional booth” - it is the Sacrament of Reconciliation that is important. I never heard of examination of conscience until I became Catholic. It simply wasn’t done in the Protestant churches I’m familiar with.
No … The Campus Crusade for Christ is an organization, non-denom, that witnesses for Christ — via their Tract, THE FOUR SPIRITUAL LAWS.
Which have little if anything in common with Catholic teaching, or the majority of Christianity as it has been practiced for more than 2,000 years. You don’t need 4 Laws to “get saved” - you need 7 Sacraments. 😉
Indeed, all the above are scripturally based, and c/w the free-will adoption of the 4 Laws and subsequent praying of a ‘confessional’ Sinner’s Prayer

Since Protestants don’t have the Confessional Booth … God can use this Protestant evangelization Sinner’s Prayer as a means to draw the lost into making full examination of conscience & full, public confession. Per scripture, by St. Paul the Great … Romans 10:9 “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” !

Romans 10:9 is the scriptural basis for the Sinner’s Prayer … and it is extremely ‘efficacious’ !! Paul was the first evangelist to the Gentiles … and he was the expert on how to win souls to the Lord. Much of what Paul writes was divinely revealed to him by the Lord. You can take it to the bank — that Romans 10:9 was straight from Christ ----- and when believed and prayed, it will redeem the lost 100 %, bringing ‘fire’ down from Heaven ! 👍
Yes, and then…after the prayer?
 A--- The Sinner's Prayer gets one the Spirit, then head for the Water !!
B — Any truth can be twisted and made misleading

C-- Well, can it be so wrong if it brings us to Christ ? Later, we can learn the nuances of Justification/Sanctification/Total vs Partial depravity !! Just get us on the ‘milk’ … then feed us the ‘meat’ !
Nothing is “wrong” that leads to Christ. But nuances of justification/sanctification and depravity are already woven into that prayer. That is why Catholics don’t use it.
Confession of sins and confessing that Jesus is Lord are two different things. Protestants - that I know of - do not have public confession of sin - unless one is giving testimony.
They do, it is the “altar call”. People publicly identify themselves by raising their hand, or by going forward to say they are a sinner in need of a saviour.

But I have also talked to Protestants that don’t believe Jesus called us to repent and turn from our sins. They believe that “repentance” in the NT refers to turning from unbelief to faith. I have even been told that Jesus never said we had to repent of our sins.
Confession of sin does not have to take place in a “confessional booth” - it is the Sacrament of Reconciliation that is important. I never heard of examination of conscience until I became Catholic. It simply wasn’t done in the Protestant churches I’m familiar with.
Many Protestants subscribe to the notion that all of our sins have been forgiven and were paid on the cross, past, present, and future, so there really would be no point in examining one’s conscience, since the sins were already forgiven. I have been told by Reformed Christians that Catholics are lost because we still have a “sin issue”. Sin should be put behind us,and we should not think about it or focus on it.
Campus cruscade is very anti catholic to get involved you need to sign something that says your faith is based on sola fieda, sola scriptora and the bible only has 66 books

There is a great organization call st Paul street evangelation get involved it that
Since Protestants don’t have the Confessional Booth … God can use this Protestant evangelization Sinner’s Prayer as a means to draw the lost into making full examination of conscience & full, public confession. Per scripture, by St. Paul the Great … Romans 10:9 “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” !
Indeed that’s true. But does a scripted “sinner’s prayer” that you get someone to pray necessarily involve the spiritual reality that Paul described–believing in the heart? For that matter, why is it even so necessary to have people pray a sinner’s prayer? Don’t you think that if they are truly sorry for their sins and want to repent, they will have plenty of prayers of their own to pray, rather than having to use a scripted one?
Romans 10:9 is the scriptural basis for the Sinner’s Prayer … and it is extremely ‘efficacious’ !! Paul was the first evangelist to the Gentiles … and he was the expert on how to win souls to the Lord.
You make it sound as if Paul actually used the sinner’s prayer. He did not. It has its roots in the ministry of Charles Finney, and he came very late in church history. One has to wonder how people ever became Christians throughout all the centuries of church history that the sinner’s prayer was unheard of … ?
Confession of sins and confessing that Jesus is Lord are two different things. Protestants - that I know of - do not have public confession of sin - unless one is giving testimony.

Confession of sin does not have to take place in a “confessional booth” - it is the Sacrament of Reconciliation that is important. I never heard of examination of conscience until I became Catholic. It simply wasn’t done in the Protestant churches I’m familiar with
Baptist are taught to frequently reflect on their lives and ‘walk’ with the Lord … and to ‘repent and rededicate’ their lives to Christ — when the Lord’s HS directs them to. They are encouraged to come before the church body, up to the altar, and to make publicaly known their intentions. First shared with the pastor … who then tactfully summarizes their intentions to the general assembly !!

If you think about it … it almost the equivalent of the Catholic Priestly Confession we do. Indeed, IMO … it can be more ‘contrite’ and sincere … than what we do as Catholics. And, it is definately ‘efficacious’ … for ones soul.
Which have little if anything in common with Catholic teaching, or the majority of Christianity as it has been practiced for more than 2,000 years. You don’t need 4 Laws to “get saved” - you need 7 Sacraments. 😉
True … but, God’s ways are oftentimes mysterious and adaptable to where and what the Lost Person needs. God uses the 4 Laws & Sinners Prayers with the Evangelicals … to bring them the Protestant ‘equivalent’ of our 7 Sacraments.

They are not God’s final word to the Protestant Evangelicals … but, they are often the ‘beginning point’ …bringing justification/baptism/confirmation] to them. Later, Christ will use the HS to guide them to the full 7 Sacraments they need to discover.

Recall … JP2 took a look at these Protestant Evangelicals and their ministries … and he was heartened and perceived them as his Christian brethren … with whom he could communicate and work with … to jointly Evangelize the World. Yes, he desired them Catholic in the full sense of the word … and he has brought many of them into the CC over the years since he reached out to them.
Baptist are taught to frequently reflect on their lives and ‘walk’ with the Lord … and to ‘repent and rededicate’ their lives to Christ — when the Lord’s HS directs them to. They are encouraged to come before the church body, up to the altar, and to make publicaly known their intentions. First shared with the pastor … who then tactfully summarizes their intentions to the general assembly !!

If you think about it … it almost the equivalent of the Catholic Priestly Confession we do. Indeed, IMO … it can be more ‘contrite’ and sincere … than what we do as Catholics. And, it is definately ‘efficacious’ … for ones soul.
I’m sorry but you cannot equate that with a sacramental confession. A Baptist minister has no capacity to bind or loose and I know for a fact that he does not hear specific sins and then offer any absolution, which is only found in sacramental confession where “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” Nor will any Baptist minister even claim to.

My point is that despite your somewhat twisted thinking, that is not efficacious in the way that scripture and the Catholic Church mandate it.
True … but, God’s ways are oftentimes mysterious and adaptable to where and what the Lost Person needs. God uses the 4 Laws & Sinners Prayers with the Evangelicals … to bring them the Protestant ‘equivalent’ of our 7 Sacraments.
Again, I’m sorry, but there is no “Protestant ‘equivalent’ of our 7 Sacraments” and although it may bring a person to a form of conversion, the scriptural context of the New Testament does not in any way allow for your interpretation. If you are a Catholic then you need to get on the same page as the Church. And again, evangelicals will be pretty quick to tell you that they have no sacraments. Note the following blog article which stemmed from just such a discussion with several n-Cs.
“I Find No Sacraments In the Bible” he said.
They are not God’s final word to the Protestant Evangelicals … but, they are often the ‘beginning point’ …bringing justification/baptism/confirmation] to them. Later, Christ will use the HS to guide them to the full 7 Sacraments they need to discover.
Good luck trying to tell them that. Even you, a convert, don’t seem to grasp the differences or you wouldn’t be espousing this sort of error.

It does not bring them Baptism in the scriptural sacramental sense, since they errantly teach that it is merely a symbolic profession of faith that does not effect forgiveness of sins. Even in an emergency baptism, one must actually intend to do what the church does, and that is decidedly not there.

Nor does it bring about the sacrament of Confirmation and in fact most, even my Lutheran friends who recently had their daughter’s confirmation, do not even consider it sacramental and again, it is not efficacious as you have suggested.
Recall … JP2 took a look at these Protestant Evangelicals and their ministries … and he was heartened and perceived them as his Christian brethren … with whom he could communicate and work with … to jointly Evangelize the World. Yes, he desired them Catholic in the full sense of the word … and he has brought many of them into the CC over the years since he reached out to them.
You need to provide some links to these statements by both HH JPII and Dr. Scott Hahn so we can look at the context, because I suspect that that will clarify what exactly was said and what was meant in each case.
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