A— In fact, Paul himself said that he didn’t baptize people.
B–Unless I’m mistaken, in the early church, as today in the CC, there was a considerably long period of instruction and catechism that had to precede baptism, contrasted with the quick sinner’s prayer method used today: fast presentation, then convince the person to say a sinner’s prayer, and bang! they’re now saved for sure and on their way to heaven.
C-- Brb, you might want to do some research on the roots and origins of the sinner’s prayer. Theology drives practice, and so it is in this case, and you’ll find that the theology driving the contemporary sinner’s prayer method is anything but Catholic
A – Wrong on this. 1 Cor. 1:14 “I thank God I baptized none of you [disputers … implied here] except Crispus and Gaius.”
Paul baptized many of his converts … just not many of these disputers he was addressing in letter to Corinth Church.
B – Nope … The Church began with a big bang on Pentecost, 3000 families quickly brought in and baptized on a single day. Also, we know Peter quickly accepted Cornelius and family, in a single day, and baptized them pronto !!! Same with the Eunuch, who Phillip promptly baptized at first opportunity.
In those first days … the emphasis was on prompt Baptism/Confirmation … formation of Baby Christians. Then, the young Christians were catechized over time, by learning at the feet of the Apostles and their mature disciples. Just as Christ had done for them. Choosing his 12 quickly … and then letting them learn at his feet. Same with Saul … converted in very short order … Confirmed and Baptized at once !! Then, Paul takes years to learn from Christ/HS and from the Apostles about the ‘fuller’ truths. Recall also how quickly Christ accepted confession and request of Thief on Cross ! Scripture is clear on this, saying “today is the day of salvation”. When the HS convicts one … Christ is not wishing to wait … for their full understanding of the faith. He will adopt them at once !!!
That is the beauty of the 4 Laws and Sinner’s Prayer. It is in the form of Peter’s Pentecostal Sermon … it convicts the soul of the sinner, and demands prompt confession and baptism in both water and spirit. If you give a long delay … often satan swoops in and sows his thistles, and steals the good intentions of the convicted sinner. Thats why Protestants have Altar Calls. When the person has true conviction/contrition … that is when Christ and HS perform the miracle, the justification of that soul, and breathe an indwelling ‘fire’ into the heart/mind. Recall also how Christ called the Good / Righteous Son who inquired of Jesus what he must do … to give up all ‘then and there’ … and to immediately follow Christ in discipleship. But, the young man would not … and walked away. Did Christ tell him to go study & pray for a fortnight … and then return, then ready to be his follower ? No … when Christ calls … we must immediately drop all and follow !!
C – I do, I will. Yes, I know it is more prevalent today with the Protestant evangelicals … but, in the beginning … it was very Catholic. Everything had its origin in the Catholic Church !! But, we still have our Jesus Prayer, or Act of Contrition prayers, or Our Father Prayers, our ‘personal’ prayer … based on all of scripture. Christ teaching us to go into a quiet, private location … and petition him and the Father in personal prayer, daily … just as he did with the Father.
It is only in later times that we started reversing the order. Long catechism before entry into the Church.