What have I said that makes you think I wish to return to Baptist roots ?
Actually, it is what you are saying on this thread that makes it clear you have never left your Baptist roots.
You clearly believe that using an evangelistic tract that is based upon, and leads into heresies is perfectly fine for a Catholic. You have not been swayed in your Baptist opinion, despite many people in this thread telling you why this is not a good idea.
I went from Baptist .. to Non-denom ... to Prodigal [for many years] ... to recovery from satan by Catholic Church !! Don't you, I, G-4, and zillions of others realize life is a Drama being lived out. Sometimes we are advancing cause of Christ ... often we fall back into errant living as Seculars. But, we have 'beginnings', 'present tense' & our 'futures'.
So part of the “drama” is to participate in heresies?
Life is not over til we see Peter @ the Gate, or perhaps Mary … and for sure Christ, who will burn off all the dross, purging us of it and making us fit for the Kingdom.
I don’t see how this relates to the topic…
Its not what we call ourselves [this denom or that one] … but, that we cooperate with the grace Christ sends us … and live as his Disciples, fully confessed, and filled with his spirit.
So basically it seems like you are saying that, like the Cru, it does not matter where you go to Church.
Our priests and Popes understand this, they know many Protestants are God’s children, and will see the Kingdom.
Yes, but to accuse the Holy Father of promoting a mortal sin is over the top, brb3.
Ask them yourself ---- I've had Bishops ask me why I converted !! They know God saves us 'where we are', even if outside the CC ...
No, brb3, you are in error. There is no salvation outside of the CC.
provided we are steadfast followers of Christ --- til our last day. We know JP2 believed Billy Graham was Christ's steadfast disciple and evangelist .. and instead of telling Billy "there is no salvation outside the Church", as some here are want to do, he told Billy "Mr. Graham, we are Brothers [in Christ]" !!!
You are accusing JP2 of heresy, brb3.
Yes, we are brethren with those of ecclesial communities that have been validly baptized, but that does not mean that we an set aside the infallible teachings of the Church.
Now, I'm a strong proponent of the CC .... it's amazing. So, I have no plans to return to Protestant beginnings.
It is clear you have never left them.
But, I wish all God’s children to join together as ONE Church.
There is ONLY ONE CHURCH, brb3. Jesus only founded one. All other ecclesial communities lack the four marks of the true church. The reason no one is saved outside the CC is because all who are saved are saved by Jesus, and He is the Head of the One Church of which they become a part to be saved.
Ecumenism is our desire for all. And, if it is not realized by some of God's children in this Kingdom come World, it surely will happen for them in the Kingdom come in Heaven.
No, brb3. Everyone in heaven is Catholic. Didn’t you know? There is no need for ecumenism anymore at that point.
nope …
the 4 Laws and Sinner’s Prayer are c/w Catholic theology. They are scripturally based and formulated on firm theologic grounds.
But, the basic 4 Laws and Sinner’s Prayer is ‘rock-solid’ Apostolic understanding of the 11 and Paul … given them by Tradition, and later expressed in scripture when it was inspired of God and penned by the Christian writers of 1st century.
It is ok for you to keep your Baptist theology, brb3. We all are made free to choose, and if you choose anti-Catholic theology, you have exercised the free gift of choice given to you by God.
The 4 laws are formulated on firm Protestant theological grounds. You like them because your theology is Protestant. You claim you are a “firm proponent” of the CC, which is certainly kind of you, but when you place Protestant ecclesial communities, founded by men, on par with the Church founded by Christ, you demonstrate that you lack Catholicity.
Maybe, to avoid confusing readers, you could consider changing your affiliation to “firm Catholic Proponent”?
… I’m saying my Bishop, upon hearing my conversion to Catholic Church … was surprised I felt so compelled to leave my Protestant brethren, saying that the Protestants were saved just like the Catholics, and didn’t need to convert to Catholic Church.
If indeed he said this, he is in grave error.
… He said the CC’s understanding on this changed with Vatican 2. Before, it was believed an imperative— but after Vat. 2, no longer essential or taught as so by the Pope and Magi.
Was he wrong ?
Yes. It is an infallible teaching of the Church that there is no salvation outside of her.
But that was not what we were talking about. We were saying that it is wrong to recommend or encourage anyone to stay outside the Catholic faith. If JP2 did this, he committed a grave sin. You are accusing him of heresy.