I think you’re close if not bulls eye with this. During the years following Trent it was reported Catholics following the teachings of Trent went very rarely to Communion. I don’t know why this is so but I suspect it had something to do with lack of worthiness to receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ, which is a pretty tall order. Who among us is really that worthy to receive? Then it was mandated that Catholics need to receive once a year until today we’ve reached the point we’re receiving communion in a very perfunctory fashion, that of communion in the hand from EMs in a bread line. We go because everyone else goes basically. And maybe it’s not so much we don’t believe in the Real Presence but we probably don’t even think about it or anything else. We’ve eaten our meal and we can walk out of Church. That’s it. Sad really.For the kid or adult in the pew, if receiving Holy Communion was truly the body of Jesus, the Church would make receiving difficult and probably rare, since we would be so seldom worthy to receive. We would be going to the Communion rail on our knees and back to our pews on our knees. Fasting would be a joy and our hunger would be a sacrifice we could offer up along with the Mass. Instead, we can eat in the car on the way to Mass and still fulfill the largely symbolic fast of today.