
Yaqubos,Peace be with you!
Where do you read in the Scripture that Salvation is by Grace ALONE?
What is Sola Fide?
In Love,
For grace alone read:
Romans 11:6
“But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.”
Ephesians 2:5
“…by grace you have been saved,”
This is about as close as scripture gets to saying you are saved by “grace alone.” The reason the Church is willing to say grace alone is because there is no contradicting scripture and it makes perfect sense. Faith alone is contrary to James statements and we therefore cannot say faith alone.
Sola Fide means by faith alone. It means that you are saved regardless of works and that works have nothing to do with salvation. But this is contrary to James and Paul. James makes it crystal clear that both faith and works are inextricably intertwined. You cannot have a living faith and you cannot live the faith without works. Without works faith is dead.
We do not claim that works come first, nor do we claim that we work our way into heaven. We merely mirror scripture and adhere to it. I do not believe that the book of James follows Paul’s epistles by accident. Moreover, I suspect [no proof] that the letter of James was written after Paul’s letters and it was for the express purpose of clarifying the issues. I also believe that Peter’s cautions concerning Paul’s letters are there for the same reason. There really is no other logical explanation.