
Hi Pax,Edwin,
You said, “Now the bible is a book of belief and is deliberately left open to interpretation,”
This is problematic in in light of 2 Peter 1:20 where we are told, “First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation,”
Individual interpretation is what has created the incredible number of divisions in Christianity. Our unity comes through the Church which 1 Timothy 3:15 says, “is the pillar and bulwark of the truth.” We cannot interpret and understand scripture properly without the Church as our guide.
2Peter 1:20-21 says very plainly that it is the Holy Spirit that reveals, not man’s wisdom.
Now the bible is not easy to understand and if you choose to believe what suits you, then so be it, on that you will have to live, perform what ever works your belief leads you to and then be judged on it. If you choose to believe what someone tells you well that too is your decision. We all some ability to compare what is told to us against holy scripture. We all seem to discover the joy of seeking to understand the bible in its entirety which is not possible. In stead we should be doing Gods work and He will reveal what is necessary for us to know.
Do you feel that Christ could have made the bible a lot smaller and a lot easier to understand. Could the kernal of truth be whittled down to a very easy digestable format. I think so because God is so wise. Remember Christ danced in worship and said how wise God was to hide the truth from the wise and reveal it to the children. So now if you choose to go into the bible without the Holy Spirit you will be lost, its truth is well guarded because it is so open to interpretation. The bible is a stumbling stone to the arrogant. Christ has consecrated Himself to meet our every need in understanding. That does not mean that Christ will start us at page one and more in numerical order. It will depend on the work He has for us. He is kindness personified.
From my own life, relevations of understanding come from doing Gods work. An example was His teaching me of the true meaning of " Do unto others." I can not witness here to easily as it would take too long, but for a simple and easy example, I dislike being handed multiples of coin in change. ie if someone gives me 6 one baht coins in change I am upset. ( Well I used to be) I would rather have a 5 baht coin and a 1 baht coin. I consider it rude to hand over a bunch of coins or notes etc greater in number than the next highest denomination coin or note. Now as this upsets me by God’s law ( which is my conscience revealed by the Holy Spirit) I can not do this to someone else. I am bound by the do unto others etc.
Your words " we cannot interpret and understand scripture properly without the church as our guide".raises that very difficult question of the role of the church and the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Christ be with you
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