After reading , hopefully all of the threads, a most important point has been entirely forgotten. This is most unifying.
Faith is not like being pregnant. Faith is a gift, and it comes in degrees. The bible is full of examples, ie faith as large as a mustard seed really tells us exactly how little faith we have and surely must halt us in our tracks. So therefore as faith is in degrees so are works and like the people in the parable who visited the sick etc many of us aren’t even aware we are doing good works. If you have faith, and if you pray to Jesus in private, you do have faith (otherwise you wouldn’t pray, so simple) then by the grace of God you will have works. So you can not work your way to heaven, and I am sure Christians would all agree, but many arrogrant people who refuse to bow to Jesus think they are good enough to get to heaven by their own wisdom and their version of good works.
Now the bible is a book of belief and is deliberately left open to interpretation, bearing in mind that we will be judged on individual choices, no one being perfect. Seek and you shall find is not a guarantee of finding the truth, but of finding what you seek to support your belief. We have to be very careful of what we seek, where our heart is, for if we seek to justify our position we will find evidence to support our point of view. Always seek the truth.
Jesus wont bruise the most tender Christian and neither should we. We should use our faith to edify the faith of others who have less than we have, because it is a gift, we didnt earn it. Love the people concerned, edify them and by our love help them to increase their faith, which can be exercised, ( works waters the vine of faith) and increased. Then these people will be of more value to Christ.
So in summary, Faith is variable between Christians and so therefore are works. Dont judge the degree of faith in others by their apparant lack of work. Leave that to Jesus.
Every time you obey what you think might be the leading of the Holy Spirit, ( and if what you think is outside Holy Scripture it is not from the Holy Spirit) Christ will reward you. If you were wrong, but what you did was in accordance with scripture what difference does it make, you have just expended some enery and done a good work. If it was really a leading of the Holy Spirit, you are going to feel unreal and your faith will grow. Man does it feel good. The more you do the more work you will receive. Come Lord Jesus come.
Chirst be with you ,
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