It is no wonder that Christianity in the change-worshiping and change-jaded West came out a bit beaten up.
In the USA, we also had about two decades (1960s and 1970s) where we had, simultaneously,
- Major changes in Catholic practices and attitudes created by Vatican II
- Major changes in the country’s law and attitude towards civil rights/ racial equality
- Major changes in the country’s law and attitude towards gender equality and sexual behavior, including an increased availability and social acceptance of birth control and abortion
- An unpopular and morally questionable war (Vietnam) that caused many younger people to seriously question the values and traditions of older generations
This was just a huge amount of social change at once. It had far-reaching effects, both good and bad, on US society. Those in USA seeking a modern Church often felt that even the post-Vatican II church wasn’t relevant enough for them or wasn’t keeping up enough with the changes they wanted to see. Those in USA seeking a more traditional Church often found it unavailable at least up through about the 2000s, when some of the more traditional attitudes, practices and devotions began to come back.
I was in the generation for whom major social change, riots, marches, upheaval in society and the Church etc seemed normal because I don’t have any memories or firsthand knowledge of an earlier time when that stuff wasn’t going on in a big way. Let’s just say this stuff didn’t exactly foster confidence in society, tradition, or the Church. if you didn’t have a parent or other trusted older adult conveying Catholic teachings and setting a good Catholic example while still respecting human dignity (in other words, not being a bigot or hypocrite and not having their own life in a shambles) you were probably pretty adrift.
Regarding the Church, humorist Erma Bombeck had a joke in the 1970s about going to Confession and discovering that the priest she is confessing to just witnessed a murder, hasn’t made his Easter duty in years, and wants to talk about his mixed marriage. While that is exaggerated for humor purposes, there were indeed a large number of off-the-wall priests running around during my formative years, many of whom later dropped out of the priesthood. This was later compounded by all the sexual abuse scandals involving priests in the 80s, 90s and 00s, resulting in even more priests being removed from their duties.
The Church simply wasn’t that reliable as an institution for a couple decades. Those of us who hung in there were blessed with strong faith and/or some strong role models, such as good Catholic parents, or committed priests who avoided scandal.