The subtle lie: Women must be powerful but not fruitful

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Even if she meant not paid monetarily, that’s false , the parent who stays home and raises kids is paid (monetarily) by parent who is bread winner in form of covering rent, expenses, etc
Is the parent who works the boss of the parent who stays home?
Define boss
I smell an upcoming discussion of “headship.” No thank you.
odd way to approach family life.
One parent stays home and raises kids to make sure they have healthy parent-child bonding vital to child

Other parent provides resources equally vital for child

It’s odd to me to call that odd.

The child has material and emotional needs. Unique needs met by parents in distinct roles. No parent is more important or less important than the other
The child has material and emotional needs. Unique needs met by parents in distinct roles. No parent is more important or less important than the other
Then how can one be the “boss” of the other?
To tie the fulfillment of the physical needs of one parent to their role as a stay at home parent seems odd. Those things should be provided to each other because they are married. Regardless of employment status.
One parent stays home and raises kids to make sure they have healthy parent-child bonding vital to child
Is that not implying that working outside the home is an impediment to a healthy parent-child bond?
@Aquinas11, perhaps others are struggling to understand your claim because you aren’t stating it clearly.
Right? And I said it in the kindest way possible. This place is getting weirder by the day.
The other reality of the world is that you can find women baking bread, gardening and raising kids (often by themselves) who would express discontentment with their life, saying they really wanted to be doctors, lawyers, or CEOs but didn’t get the chance for one reason or other.

The grass always looks greener on the other side. And often times the person expressing the wish to do something completely different has very little idea of what that something truly entails.

It reminded me of something I read today. A post written by a stay at home mom on Instagram. She’s a pastor’s wife, and her page is public so I don’t have a problem about sharing it here.
What I admire about her posts is that they are transparent and honest. She doesn’t try to sugar coat the hardships of the life she has chosen to live, nor does she try impose her way of mothering as “the right way to mother”.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

"I don’t like imaginary play, lego building, and playing candy land. (Gasp). I don’t really like parks either (double gasp). I can stare at them while they sleep for only so long before I hop on social media. Ive felt guilty about this for years.

But the truth is, motherhood is boring sometimes. It’s slow and mundane and repetitive. Guilt tells me I’m a bad mom because I’m not enthralled by my kids every second of the day. But, that’s a lie I’m refusing to believe. I’m obsessed with my kids even if I don’t play on the floor.

Don’t let the fear of not doing enough, being enough, or feeling enough - define you. You are loved, chosen and designed to raise the exact children in your care. Let boredom be the white space where we learn to pray the truth of our hearts. God makes beautiful things rise up even from the boring. Am I the only one who wrestles with this :woman_shrugging:t4:? My guess is I’m not alone. ❤️#stayawaketolove

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Satan knows, just as he did when he targeted Eve, that if he gets the woman, he gets everyone
Very true. This is why some professed Catholics want to see “priestesses.” They know that greases the slope to active homosexuals in ministry and so called same sex church marriages, then goddess worship etc.
It’s always the feminist progressives leading the charge.
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What is of interest to me is a similar group lives in Brooklyn, NY one of highest priced places to live.

They are able to support large families because they get section 8 housing and other benefits.They attend their own schools and the government helps

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