Sorry, the Colors got mixed up. Subsititue Mr. Green for Mr. Yellow.
I wanted to confirm this by showing that scripture clearly teaches this:Well, Jesus Christ tells you:
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves.” ( John 6:53 )
So those Gentiles in Acts 10:44-48 and those Muslims who believed in the Lord, ate the flesh of the Lord and drank His blood when they believed, before being baptized! It is not the water thrown on your body that gives you Life, but the Spirit!
So eating the flesh of the Lord and drinking His blood is not Baptism nor Eucharist. Thinking otherwise would make all the pagans who became alive by faith AN EXCEPTION to the truth that Jesus Christ declared in John 6:53… And if we go to the first century, this exception would be the MAJORITY!
It seems that Mr. Red wrote just this sentence.Merry Christmas!
AMEN! I’m glad we finally agree! Let’s look at the word of Mr. Red!
AMEN, my brother! That’s what Catholics do!
AMEN! Let’s look at the Word of the Lord, which is both the written AND the oral word. What kind of generation ignores St. Peter’s admonishment in his epistle?
And St. Paul quoted pagan Greek poetry and St. James quoted apocryphal works to emphasize what they were explaining. I see this as biblical.
YES!!! Because when I die (unless he comes in glory during my lifetime), I will be joining my personal Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I’m looking forward to it!
Anyways Mr. Red wrote 100 years ago: “I never said you stole money.”
Mr. Blue read this as, “Inever said you stole money.” He then preached the Mr. Red thought that this person never stole money, he only suspected it, he never accused this person.
Mr. Green read this as, “I never said *you *stole money.” Mr. Green then preached that Mr. Red meant that this person lost the money; he never thought that this person stole it.
Mr. Yellow read this as, “I never said you stole money.” Mr. Yellow then preached that Mr. Red meant that this person stole his sheep, or his tunic, or something else, but not his money.
Mr. Orange read this as, “I never said you stole money*.*” Mr. Orange noticed that this sentence sounded like another sentence in a book written 400 years ago. Mr. Orange then preached that Mr. Red was making a reference to this book and that that what Mr. Red wrote weren’t even his words, he took them from another book and so the “I” does not refer to Mr. Red at all, but some one else.
A simple six word sentence has five different interpretations, which one is right? Well Mr. Yellow was Mr. Red’s best friend. Mr. Purple and Mr. Yellow were best friends, but Mr. Red died and Mr. Purple never met Mr. Red. Mr. Yellow showed Mr. Purple what Mr. Red wrote. Mr. Purple tells Mr. Yellow that the words that Mr. Red are the ifallible truth. Mr. Yellow then told Mr. Purple that Mr. Red was writing about how Mrs. Pink lost the money he gave her, and he was assuring her that he was not convicting her of stealing, because someone told her that he did. Mr. Red told Mr. Yellow to tell everyone and that the power he is infusing in Mr. Yellow will not permit him to tell a lie. What Mr. Yellow preaches is Mr. Red’s infallible word! Thanks to Mr. Yellow, Mr. Purple knew what Mr. Red was saying. Mr. Purple even wrote letters to his friends telling them what Mr. Yellow told him. Mr. Purple told me what Mr. Red was really saying because Mr. Yellow died before I was born. Now I know what Mr. Red was saying, and now I’m telling you.
You’re right! I’ll go to Mr. Purple’s, since what he preaches is the infalibe word of Mr. Red, and then I’ll know!
It seems that Mr. Red wrote just this sentence.
But God wrote all what He wants us to believe. So you can explain one thing He said by another thing He said also.
That goes to what the Apostles preached to the world before there was a written gospel too.What the Church Fathers taught is not the Word of God, but an EXPLANATION of the Word of God.
OK, here goes:Read them, and you will see how they are explaining Scripture by Scripture.
Yes, but I didn’t know him when he walked the Earth, but Mr. Green did and through his testimony, that he told to Mr. Purple, I know that Mr. Red existed and what he said. Mr. Blue, Yellow, and Orange all know that Mr. Red existed through his writing, but they are all interpreting it differently.By the way: are you not the friend of God??? Didn’t you meet Him yet? If you did, then you are like the friend of Mr. Red…
From Peter’s response at the end of John 6, I would suspect that the apostles were really puzzled.Actually Jesus tells us exactly what he is referring to (by bread) a little later on in that chapter:
How “a non-Catholic Christian” might wish Jesus had answered:
John 6:51 “…if any man eat this bread, he shall live forever, and the bread that I will give is my example, my teachings, my Word, for the life of the world.”
What Jesus really said:
John 6:51 “…if any man eat this bread, he shall live forever, and the bread that I will give is my FLESH, for the life of the world.”
Isn’t it amazing that,rather than leave us wondering what he meant by “Bread”, Jesus actually defines what He means by “bread” in John 6:51?
Yes, it’s preposterous to hear such words.
I guess that’s why many of His followers left him in verse 66. They didn’t leave him because they misunderstood him, they left him because they understood Him, but just couldn’t accept, on raw faith, what Jesus really said, because it was too “hard”.
Sorry, the Colors got mixed up. Substitute Mr. Green for Mr. Yellow.
Merry Christmas!
(The Deacon who was taught by the Apostles interpreted the scriptures.)
- What the Catholic Bible says: ‘So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “How can I, unless some one guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him… And the eunuch said to Philip, “About whom, pray, does the prophet say this, about himself or about some one else?” Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this scripture he told him the good news of Jesus.’ (Acts 8:30-31, 34-35)
What YAQUBOS’ bible says: So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “How can I, unless some one guides me?” And Philip answered, “scripture interprets scripture, is the sole rule of faith, and does not need an interpreter.” The Eunuch then replied, “Does scripture say that?” Then the Deacon said, “Yes, just look at Acts 17:11.” Then the Ethiopian Eunuch looked confused and said, “What is Acts 17:11?”
Who told you this? Satan?
- How do you know what is scripture and what is not? There is no list in the Bible.
What did they preach before was a written New Testament?That goes to what the Apostles preached to the world before there was a written gospel too.
You talk about canon and quoting Scripture, as if you are talking about a human book… My friend, do you know why the Scripture is not called “the Word of Man”???OK, here goes:
‘The Letter of Barnabas
“Since, therefore, [Christ] was about to be manifested and to suffer in the flesh, his suffering was foreshown. For the prophet speaks against evil, ‘Woe to their soul, because they have counseled an evil counsel against themselves’ [Is. 3:9], saying, ‘Let us bind the righteous man because he is displeasing to us’ [Wis. 2:12.]” (Letter of Barnabas 6:7 [A.D. 74]).
Clement of Rome
“By the word of his might [God] established all things, and by his word he can overthrow them. ‘Who shall say to him, “What have you done?” or who shall resist the power of his strength?’ [Wis. 12:12]” (Letter to the Corinthians 27:5 [ca. A.D. 80]).
Polycarp of Smyrna
“Stand fast, therefore, in these things, and follow the example of the Lord, being firm and unchangeable in the faith, loving the brotherhood [1 Pet. 2:17].
. . . When you can do good, defer it not, because ‘alms delivers from death’ [Tob. 4:10, 12:9]. Be all of you subject to one another [1 Pet. 5:5], having your conduct blameless among the Gentiles [1 Pet. 2:12], and the Lord may not be blasphemed through you. But woe to him by whom the name of the Lord is blasphemed [Is. 52:5]!” (Letter to the Philadelphians 10 [A.D. 135]).’
They quoted the deuterocanonicals to explain the protocanonicals. (The Deuterocanonicals are scripture in the Catholic and Orthodox churches) They also quoted from the Shepherd of Hermas, the Apocalypse of Peter, and the Protoevangelion of James. St. James quoted from the Assumption of Moses and the Book of Enoch in his epistle. St. Paul quoted the pagan poets Epimenides, Aratus, and Menander in Acts, 1 Corinthians, and in Titus. So to say the Fathers used scripture to explain scripture is an understatement, the canon was still up in the air back then.
(The Encyclopedia of Judaism, vol 15 page 117)" says that the limit of the third part (Writings) was not finalized until mid of second century. In addition, the Hebrew Canon was also not accepted by Ethiopian Jews who accept Septuagint to this day "
Sirach was considered scripture by some Rabbis in the second century, showing that there was no official canon at the time of Chirst. The Ethiopian Jews still use the larger LXX canon today. (Even in 2005 Judaism cannot agree on what is scripture.)
Jesus told us that the Spirit will teach us everything.Yes, but I didn’t know him when he walked the Earth, but Mr. Green did and through his testimony, that he told to Mr. Purple, I know that Mr. Red existed and what he said. Mr. Blue, Yellow, and Orange all know that Mr. Red existed through his writing, but they are all interpreting it differently.
They also didn’t say “We don’t really know exactly how you’re going to offer everyone your flesh to eat… but we’ve seen you do some amazing things, Jesus… We’ve got to stick around because we believe in you.”.From Peter’s response at the end of John 6, I would suspect that the apostles were really puzzled.
They didn’t say "We’re staying with you, Jesus, because we know you were only speaking symbolically to get their attention!)
It was more like “We don’t really know exactly how you’re going to offer everyone your flesh to eat… but we’ve seen you do some amazing things, Jesus… We’ve got to stick around because we believe in you.”
How in the world was Jesus going to pull this off? But a Passover later, on the night of the last supper, their questions were answered…
Jesus didn’t explain everything he spoke figuratively. For example: Mat 13:10-16. I think it is safe to say that Jesus motive for not explaining his expression “eat my flesh” are the same as why he did not explain his parables.Several times in Scripture, when Jesus is being misunderstood, He clears up the misunderstanding. You even reference one of these in your post, Jeff. (with the Samaritan woman at the well).
He had several chances in John 6 to clear up the “misunderstanding”. But Jesus just kept on hammering it home literally.
Because if you interpret it literally in one part then you have to take it to it’s completetion. Did Jesus mean we were to eat his body as it stood there?I can surely see why many of us want to see John 6 as symbolic and not literal… I just think we have to fool ourselves to interpret it any way except literal.
They also didn’t say “We don’t really know exactly how you’re going to offer everyone your flesh to eat… but we’ve seen you do some amazing things, Jesus… We’ve got to stick around because we believe in you.”.From Peter’s response at the end of John 6, I would suspect that the apostles were really puzzled.
They didn’t say "We’re staying with you, Jesus, because we know you were only speaking symbolically to get their attention!)
It was more like “We don’t really know exactly how you’re going to offer everyone your flesh to eat… but we’ve seen you do some amazing things, Jesus… We’ve got to stick around because we believe in you.”
How in the world was Jesus going to pull this off? But a Passover later, on the night of the last supper, their questions were answered…
Jesus didn’t explain everything he spoke figuratively. For example: Mat 13:10-16. I think it is safe to say that Jesus motive for not explaining his expression “eat my flesh” are the same as why he did not explain his parables.Several times in Scripture, when Jesus is being misunderstood, He clears up the misunderstanding. You even reference one of these in your post, Jeff. (with the Samaritan woman at the well).
He had several chances in John 6 to clear up the “misunderstanding”. But Jesus just kept on hammering it home literally.
Because if you interpret it literally in one part then you have to take it to it’s completetion. Did Jesus mean we were to eat his body as it stood there?I can surely see why many of us want to see John 6 as symbolic and not literal… I just think we have to fool ourselves to interpret it any way except literal.
Jeff, I agree with everything you said. It was very reasonable and follows good exegesis. Way to bring out of the text what is already there rather than reading your theology into the the text. Good stuff. It was worth posting twice!Hi Kurt,
They also didn’t say “We don’t really know exactly how you’re going to offer everyone your flesh to eat… but we’ve seen you do some amazing things, Jesus… We’ve got to stick around because we believe in you.”.
In short we don’t know what they were thinking. We can’t argue from silence here.
Jesus didn’t explain everything he spoke figuratively. For example: Mat 13:10-16. I think it is safe to say that Jesus motive for not explaining his expression “eat my flesh” are the same as why he did not explain his parables.
Now did he explain to his apostles what he meant by “eat of my flesh”? They may have put two and two together, and remembered what he said from his statement in chapter 4 when he said “My meat is to do the will of the Father”.
In addition to that it is safe to say that Jesus did actually explain himself.
He stated in John 6 that we have eternal life by believing on him. And then again he said we have eternal life if we eat of his flesh. See John does this in his gospel and in 1 John. He states the same thing in different ways. For example John says that we are to abide in Christ refers to living by the Spirit. And then he refers to living by the Spirit again when he says we are to live in the light.
So Jesus did explain himself.
Also the idea that we are to eat of His words is a constant thought in the bible. notice the reference to the idea in Joh 6:63:
Joh 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
*Mat 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. *
*Mat 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. *
*Jer 15:16 Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts. *
*Job 23:12 Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. *
*Psa 19:8 The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. *
*Psa 19:9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. *
*Psa 19:10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. *
*Psa 119:103 How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! *
*Eze 3:1 Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel. *
*Rev 10:9 And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. *
It is quite possible that Peter and the other disciples knew what Jesus meant by revelation. Just as Peter knew that Jesus was the Christ by revelation.
Because if you interpret it literally in one part then you have to take it to it’s completetion. Did Jesus mean we were to eat his body as it stood there?
I mean it seems pretty easy to say you are eating of his flesh, when the bread has no physical evidence of being flesh. But what if you were there, would you really think Jesus meant that you were to eat of his flesh as he stood there?
ooops!!! I didn’t realize it got posted twice. Anyway thanks for your complementJeff, I agree with everything you said. It was very reasonable and follows good exegesis. Way to bring out of the text what is already there rather than reading your theology into the the text. Good stuff. It was worth posting twice!
As did Arianism that took scripture passages out of context.Peace be with you!
This is what happens with human philosophy.
In Love,
As you say we conjur up the dead is compleatly wrong and is a sin.This shows how your understanding of “Scripture explains Scripture” is totally wrong. This is not what I say. You are giving a wrong witnessing, and that’s a sin.
Can Satan drive out Satan?Who told you this? Satan?
The please provide me the list of what is scripture within the scriptures.There is a clear spiritual “list” in the Scripture. If you just understand what “Word of God” means, you will see that “list”. My friend, what is the Word of God?
The teachings that the Catholic church still teaches today.What did they preach before was a written New Testament?![]()
That is because you will not accept the Church’s interpretation of the scripture.N.B.: When I asked a question about the Eucharist, people began to tell me that I am out of topic… While Psalm45:9 is talking about a wholly other topic, and no one is telling him anything…
Because it was inspired by the Holy Spirit? But how do you know which writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit?You talk about canon and quoting Scripture, as if you are talking about a human book… My friend, do you know why the Scripture is not called “the Word of Man”???
Yes, becuase Jesus told his apostles that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church. The Holy Spirit has chosen bishops to rule the church, as scripture states.Jesus told us that the Spirit will teach us everything.
- Do you believe that the SAME Spirit who taught the Fathers is teaching you today?
Where does the Bible say the Holy Spirit is a person?
- Do you believe that the Spirit is a PERSON, not a power?
Yes, he taught me to come home! All roads lead to Rome!I mean, do you believe that He can teach you now, as He taught the Fathers?
Does that mean that everyone in the world believes in Jesus already, before the gospel can reach them?
- Do you know that, in order to understand God, we don’t need to know God in flesh, but spiritually?
No this is incorrect. Read Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp, Barnabas, Clement, Justin, and all of the other first and second century patristic writers. Many were direct pupils of the Apostles and give witness to those teachings handed down from the Apostles themselves. There are also the Teachings of the Apostles, the Didache and numerous other early writings.I was surprised to read this. Is this true that the early Church did not really think of the Eucharist as being the body and blood of Jesus?