The Very Early Eucharist---Jesus not present in the Bread and Wine?

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Kurt check out this site and see what you think? God bless you Brother.
Yes, this is exactly the false teaching the the original post pointed to.
My friend, do you know why the Scripture is not called “the Word of Man”???
Yaqubos, don’t you know that God use His Church, the Catholic Church for this purpose?
Do you believe that the SAME Spirit who taught the Fathers is teaching you today?
The same Holy Spirit through the same Church. Yaqubos, don’t you know that that is why Jesus founded His Church.

Peace be upon you.
exrc said:
“do this in remembrance of Me” - Luke 22:19

Since Christ our Redeemer said that that which he offered under the appearance of bread was truly his body, it has therefore always been held in the Church of God, and this holy Synod now declares anew, that through consecration of the bread and wine there comes about a conversion of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord, and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of his blood. And this conversion is by the Holy Catholic church conveniently and properly called transubstantiation. (session 13, “Decrees Concerning the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist”, chapter 4)

According to the Catholic Church, transubstantiation is the view of the eucharist always held by the Christian church. Some Catholics try to redefine this claim of the Council of Trent by saying that what Trent meant is that there was always some sort of belief in a presence in the eucharist, which was later defined more specifically as transubstantiation. While it’s true that Trent doesn’t claim that the word “transubstantiation” has always been used, Trent does claim that the concept has always been held by the Christian church. There are two sentences in the quote above. The first sentence refers to a view of the eucharist always being held by the Christian church. The second sentence says that this view is transubstantiation. The way in which Trent describes the view always held by the Christian church makes it clear that transubstantiation is being described. The council refers to the whole substance of the bread and the whole substance of the wine being converted. That’s transubstantiation.

Why do Catholic apologists attempt to redefine what the Council of Trent taught? Because what Trent said is false. Let’s consider just some of the evidence that leads to this conclusion.

Though Catholics often cite some alleged references to their view of the eucharist in the Bible, the truth is that there’s no evidence of the Catholic eucharist in scripture. John 6 is often cited as referring to eating Christ’s flesh and drinking His blood by means of a transubstantiated eucharist. There are a lot of problems with the Catholic view of John 6, however, such as the fact that Jesus speaks in the present tense about how He is the bread of life and how people are responsible for eating and drinking Him. Jesus doesn’t refer to how these things will begin in the future, when the eucharist is instituted. Rather, He refers to them as a present reality. And John 6:35 identifies what the eating and drinking are. The passage is not about the eucharist. (See for a further discussion of the problems with the Catholic interpretation of John

Jesus is always with us, not sitting on a throne far away, as Calvin would have it. We see him now under the appearance of bread and wine, and if we eat and drink of him worthily he nourishes us. He is our manna in the desert. Sometime he will appear again in glory. Until this time, this is how we know him best , thru his Church in the Scriptures and in the Blessed Sacrament.
Peace be with you!
The please provide me the list of what is scripture within the scriptures.
It’s clear again that you didn’t understand what this “list” is…

In Love,
Peace be with you!
Everyone is just going to have to agree to disagree. Jesus prayed that we’d be one, and I see that we are not.
The Lord was praying for His DISCIPLES.

In Love,
Yes, this is exactly the false teaching the the original post pointed to.
That site is a joke…That so called preacher has about ZERO actual knowlege of what the Catholic Church actually teaches… I looked at some supposed letter from some dude who talked about a "revolving door " of guilt that made confession a problem. It was stupid because any Catholic that actually KNOWS the truth knows that all venial sins are simply dealt with with an Act of Contrition and by taking the Eucharist. That’s the reason for the penitential rite at the beginning of every Mass! Confession is primarily for mortal sin…just how much of that do we do on a daily basis?
Peace be with you!
Church Militant:
That site is a joke…That so called preacher has about ZERO actual knowlege of what the Catholic Church actually teaches… I looked at some supposed letter from some dude who talked about a "revolving door " of guilt that made confession a problem. It was stupid because any Catholic that actually KNOWS the truth knows that all venial sins are simply dealt with with an Act of Contrition and by taking the Eucharist. That’s the reason for the penitential rite at the beginning of every Mass! Confession is primarily for mortal sin…just how much of that do we do on a daily basis?
I have heard many Muslims say the same thing… They say we are not understanding their laws and their ways of thinking and what the Qur’an teaches…

But this is not what we have to know. To find the right Way, we don’t have to find a system very consistent with ITSELF. We have to find JESUS CHRIST.

We don’t have to be deceived by figures of Life, but we have to REALLY HAVE LIFE.

In Love,
Peace be with you!

It’s clear again that you didn’t understand what this “list” is…

In Love,
Well YOU sure do help to clarify things…
Thanks a lot…
Peace be with you!

I have heard many Muslims say the same thing… They say we are not understanding their laws and their ways of thinking and what the Qur’an teaches…

But this is not what we have to know. To find the right Way, we don’t have to find a system very consistent with ITSELF. We have to find JESUS CHRIST.

We don’t have to be deceived by figures of Life, but we have to REALLY HAVE LIFE.

In Love,
Yaqubos…with all due respect,
You know so little of what you speak as to qualify as nothing more than a bigot. You TELL us all the time that WE don’t know what you believe, yet you clarify nothing and sit around making snide remarks about Catholism. Comparing us to Moslems is just lame…all that says is that they know what they believe and that you try to convert them without having the common sense and common courtesy to actually read or study what we really do teach. Tell me…aside from the posts on this site or others, just what REAL Catholic writings have you read? The Catechism? ANYthing by Scott Hahn, Karl Keating, John Cardinal Newman, Pope John Paul II, Ignatius of Antioch, Augustine of Hippo or any of the REAL Catholics? please tell me?
Peace be with you!
Church Militant:
Well YOU sure do help to clarify things…

Thanks a lot…
How can two deaf talk to each other?

Won’t you first tell me what is your definition of “Word of God”?

In Love,
Peace be with you!
Church Militant:
Yaqubos…with all due respect,

You know so little of what you speak as to qualify as nothing more than a bigot. You TELL us all the time that WE don’t know what you believe, yet you clarify nothing and sit around making snide remarks about Catholism. Comparing us to Moslems is just lame…all that says is that they know what they believe and that you try to convert them without having the common sense and common courtesy to actually read or study what we really do teach. Tell me…aside from the posts on this site or others, just what REAL Catholic writings have you read? The Catechism? ANYthing by Scott Hahn, Karl Keating, John Cardinal Newman, Pope John Paul II, Ignatius of Antioch, Augustine of Hippo or any of the REAL Catholics? please tell me?
I know Roman philosophy more than what you think.

Lord, open their minds. Amen.

In Love,
Merry Christmas!
It’s clear again that you didn’t understand what this “list” is…
Well there is no “list” in the Bible, but the Holy Spirit provided one:

"It was by the apostolic Tradition that the Church discerned which writings are to be included in the list of the sacred books.

This complete list is called the canon of Scripture. It includes 46 books for the Old Testament (45 if we count Jeremiah and Lamentations as one) and 27 for the New.

The Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Esther, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs, the Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah and Malachi.

The New Testament: the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the Acts of the Apostles, the Letters of St. Paul to the Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, the Letter to the Hebrews, the Letters of James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2 and 3 John, and Jude, and Revelation (the Apocalypse). " (CCC Part 1, Section 1, Article 3)
Merry Christmas!
Peace be with you!

How can two deaf talk to each other?

Won’t you first tell me what is your definition of “Word of God”?

In Love,
God’s revelation to humanity. Which is the written word (the Bible) AND the oral word (Apostolic Tradition).
Merry Christmas!
I have heard many Muslims say the same thing… They say we are not understanding their laws and their ways of thinking and what the Qur’an teaches…
I would have to say you don’t understand our doctrines and dogmas.
But this is not what we have to know. To find the right Way, we don’t have to find a system very consistent with ITSELF. We have to find JESUS CHRIST.
AMEN! And Catholics believe that Jesus IS their personal Lord and Savior, and that they have no Savior but him.
We don’t have to be deceived by figures of Life, but we have to REALLY HAVE LIFE.
Merry Christmas!
I know Roman philosophy more than what you think.
I see that you don’t understand our dogmas and doctrines that come directly from the Holy Spirit, which guides us to all truth.
Jesus told us that the Spirit will teach us everything.
Lord, open their minds. Amen.Ditto!
The Lord was praying for His DISCIPLES
A Christian is a disciple of Christ. Catholics and Non-Catholics are Christians, and there are divisions.
Peace be with you!

I know more than what you think.
On the contrary, you know virtually nothing of the Catholic Church. You are as the blind man who thinks he knows what it is to see. don’t mean to be unkind, but I am embarassed for you and your ignorant statements. Please, do a little homework; I mean real genuine study. Start with the earliest writers after the Apostles, proceed through the writers of the first 1000 years or so.
YAQUBOS, do you know anything at all about the Church Fathers? I’ll admit as any informed Catholic would, there was a broad consensus among the Fathers, BUT there is MUCH MORE than enough difference to require an authoritative decree by the Church to put the matter to rest. Not to mention the Church was in it’s early stages of DEVELOPMENT; yet the MAGORITY of the Fathers believed exactly what Catholics believe today: THE REAL PRESENCE, Mary being the Mother of God, Baptismal Regeneration, infused justification, confession, commuion of Saints, purgatory, APOSTOLIC TRADITION (and not each mans own veiw points) etc.

I used to be a Protestant, anti-Catholic, to non-denominational, to strictly Calvinist. I despied Catholicism and made the same arguments you did. But with a humble and honest heart for the truth I began to study it, seriously. Well PRAISE THE LORD because I am now a Catholic:)

Protestants deny papal infalbillity yet make themselves into super popes! Why have an infalliable Bible if there is no infalliable interpreter? God protects his Church. Yet Protestants enjoy their “freedom” too much to accept this. That is why there are NUMEROUS Protestant denominations with each claiming to be guided by the Holy Spirit and each coming to different conclusions. God is NOT the author of confusion. Christ promised the Spirit would lead His people into ALL truth. And there is to be ONE FAITH, period. Protestants claim they only differ on “secondary doctrines,” really, like: TULIP, BAPTISM, THE EUCHARIST, CHURCH GOVERNMENT, REGENERATION, WOMEN CLERGY, DIVORCE, ABORTION (I have even heard someone quote from the Old Testament trying to JUSTIFY abortion), Alcohol, FEMINISM, SABBATARIANISM, THE PLACE OF TRADITION, FREE WILL, THE END TIMES, etc, etc, ETC!!

Please, be humble in your belifs at least.

God give you peace my friend:)
Peace be with you!

I know Roman philosophy more than what you think.

Lord, open their minds. Amen.

In Love,
Nice…Now tell the truth…Just what have you read that was written by any legitimate Catholic author? Don’t be shy…name some names and titles…
I wager that you can’t because you haven’t and you refuse to have the courage of your “convictions” and read our stuff because you’re afraid we MIGHT have a valid case at some point.

BTW…"Roman philosophy’? Rubbish! What you’re (NOT) saying is that you haven’t read one blessed word written by any of us Catholics…only stuff written by anti-Catholics about what they’ve TOLD you about us. Sadly…they are as ignorant of our real teachings as you are so it’s just the blind leading the blind. I also accuse you of not being honest, since you tell us that you know what we believe yet have NO first hand knowlege of Catholicism. I personally, would be embarrased and ashamed to go into a forum and make the kind of attacks that you do without being 100% certain of what I was talkin’ about. I think you should be too my friend.
Has anyone ever visited this forum?

It’s a great and friendly forum and there are some experts there on Catholic theology. So if you still wish to debate YAQUBOS, you should go there and ask a question. They could probaly help you (or you help them as you believe).

God give you peace:)
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