If your husband was physically ill would you stay with him? Being addicted is a problem that will need your love and support.
and here
and here
Well yeah, duh! But it doesn’t mean you start packing bags right away.Four sexually suggestive letters, to a minor, doesn’t raise red flags for you?
Good grief! Breaking up a marriage is an even greater psychological risk.Since this has been a problem for the past 5 years - to the extent that he has not been able to secure and maintain gainful employment, and the scandal which followed - that is a grave psychological risk to the children.
Thank you very much, it’s nice to know that you don’t consider me with the ranks of rational people.…Other than most rational people would recognize it as a danger to their children.
I do see a danger sign. But I don’t yet see that the wife and children are the ones in immediate danger.I am surprised you don’t see a danger sign in an adult male writing sexually explicit notes to a teenager.
Wow, you can justify separating over just about anything with this advice.Believe me…Keeping a marriage together “for the sake of the kids” isn’t always the best thing FOR the kids…They deserve a stable and loving home. No child should be made to live in circumstances that are destructive and chaotic…
**It really is best…legally, at least…for HIM to be the one to leave the home…DO NOT PACK HIS CLOTHES UP AND PUT THEM ON THE PORCH OR STEPS…This will put you in a bad place legally speaking. But…do insist that he leave while you are going through all of this…It may be the only way to bring some kind of peace to your home…
Man alive Lily! I can just see you with an uzi, shootin’ from the hip, shoot first, ask questions later, sprayin’ lead all over, laying waste to friend and foe alike.Sparkle, stop living in denial…you say the guy never touched the girl. Guess what? Where there is smoke there is fire.
I don’t think that it should matter how “provacatively” this girl dressed! She’s a child. He’s a grown, married man with kids. That’s wrong. And writing 4 explicit letters to a minor IS abuse, and harassment, in my opinion. What else could it be? Romance? I don’t think so.It seems that the women think this man is a big risk to his children and are encouraging the hard line. “He does not deserve respect so give him the boot and protect your children.” I firmly believe that this man has just as much responsibility to his children as sparkle does.
He screwed up big time but that does not mean he is a predator. Why do we have to equate writing letters to some young women with child endangerment. Let’s not forget that our Blessed Mother was probably only 14 or 15 at the Annunciation. You all must admit that many teenagers act and dress very provocatively and these days young women develop very early. I say this not in defense but to point out that this does not appear to automatically equate to child abuse, endangerment, or being a predator. We simply do not have the facts to jump to any judgements.
Unless there is some evidence this man has done something against his children there is no reason to ask him to leave because of this incident. We should not assume facts that are not in evidence.
My adive to sparkle is to fine a trustworthy man (ideally a priest) to advise her.