This is not normal - A guide to what the next president will have to unwind

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How is it anything like blackmail? There just wouldn’t be the energy left to mobilise these kind of protests without Trump in the office. All of the liberal-left people who view Trump as a “fascist” wouldn’t feel the need to protest.

There’s this weird element to American politics which leads people to view everything as the conscious work of certain political groups or individuals. It’s like none of you believe that broad social movements can emerge without someone arranging it and causing it to happen.
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I am hoping for this chaos as well. It makes for interesting reading.
Not me. I did enjoy the 2000 election, waking up every morning to see what new developments there were. but, fundamentally, I knew there would eventually be a peaceful transition of power.

I’m not so sure with Trump. I don’t want any drama. I just want him to accept the result and move on. Or, move out. Preferably move out.
I saved that off in a word document for latter reading. WOW. I wish I had been aware of this piece long ago.
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Need a cooler title than king for the 21st century. Maybe something like “High Lord of the americas, protector of both genders, guardian of his majesty’s wall, space force admiral, and emperor of the Western Hemisphere”
Can we get the tiger from the Cheetos to be the new chief of staff?
Well Rhodesia fell to a foreign backed communist insurgency, which instituted terrible economic reforms, took the land from people who actually knew how to work it and gave it to those who didn’t, and basically did commie things which ruined a once prosperous country.

Trump, not being a foreign backed communist, smarter than our domestic communists, isn’t likely to make those mistakes. He may even go so far enough to remove our domestic communists/leftists/progressives from having any say in the public sphere which would be just fantastic, and hopefully usher in a Pinochet like economic miracle such as Chile experienced when a good leader rose to the top there. Rhodesia however had the opposite.

Americans are also much better armed than my Rhodesian kinsman ever were, and don’t constitute a minority rule in the US.
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WE really need a US politics forum for this.

This is not news.

This is an opinion. People can have their opinions, but this is a News Forum. We need a forum to place opinions.
I was brought here when I was 5, at a time when the US was considerably better than it is now, morally speaking. Democracies only work with a moral populace. As they become more degenerate more authoritarian measures are needed to keep it in check.

As to the tomahawk missile, lol, good luck. That hasn’t stopped the US from losing in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Vietnam.
Too bad a similar study was not done for Obama, Bush or Clinton.

How many changes by previous administrations did not lead to better outcomes for the American people? As opposed to the loud blaring horns for those that did?

Let’s look at H1-B visas for instance: Clinton, Bush and Obama all supported the program at the behest of Big Tech and Big Corporate. Trump’s changes to this program were clearly better for the American worker.

Now Biden wants to bring us much higher numbers of H1-B’s. No wonder Big Tech loves him.

Many more where that came from.
offers us a road map back to normalcy and democracy.
We’ve got normalcy now, at least in the areas where liberal rioters aren’t destroying everything. We never lost democracy.

This probably isn’t the best place to try to gaslight folks.
Your first mistake is assuming the military would even side with the feds. No one I served with would, no one I currently know in a combat arms MOS would. Even if the majority did side with the feds, in a war on American soil against American citizens at least some soldiers would defect and take arms and materiel with them.

And I didn’t say the armed resistance would win. Just that the US hasn’t been successful against relatively small insurgencies with nothing but small arms.
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An interesting view that those who plan an armed resistance to a federal government will win despite the overwhelming force of the US miliatry.
That is probably the same observation that was made about a bunch of untrained colonials contemplating action against the greatest military power of its time… around 1776.
That is probably the same observation that was made about a bunch of untrained colonials contemplating action against the greatest military power of its time… around 1776.
To be fair, the power disparity then vs. now is quite a bit different.
To be fair, the colonials were getting stomped pretty thoroughly. The only reason the American revolution was successful was because of the distance between Britain and the colonies, which caused logistical strains, and the French getting involved on behalf of the colonies. France won that war for the revolutionaries.
Asymmetrical warfare fought on US soil would be bloody to the point of making the breakup of Yugoslavia look like a game of two hand touch football. The night of the US military is pretty useless against an insurgency, because the big bombs create big collateral damage. And as soon as the feds have started shelling American cities, raid a wrong house, run over a civilian, etc. the people who used to be supportive of the feds, and those who were apathetic about them, start becoming sympathetic to the insurgents. We saw it happen again and again in Iraq. Every good counter insurgency expert knows you don’t win with overwhelming force, but that’s what big army does best, and that’s why big army hasn’t ever beaten an insurgency. And probably never will.

I fought the Iraqi army, I fought Shia militias, and I fought Saddams paramilitary. Tactically we were superior, yet we still lost that war.
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