Thoughts on Marijuana Legalization?

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Do we have the right to make people’s choices for them just because they’d be better off? By that same logic why don’t we ban tobacco, cars that go over 70mph, fast food, etc?
Wait: are you saying these guys don’t make for a productive workforce?

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By that same logic, why legislate against abortion?

If you’re so radically pro choice, that is…
A very bad idea.
  1. Marijuana for medical use is not regulated by the FDA. Why not? It should be sold in pharmacies, not dispensaries. Who determines potency, quality or safety?
  2. In the case of organized crime, they have this all figured out. Marijuana “grow houses” are found and the growers are arrested. If legalized, the State’s price (and cut) will be higher than what your local drug dealer will sell them for.
  3. Irresponsible use. More drivers in fatal crashes in Colorado are testing for marijuana use, at higher levels
  4. Google marijuana rehab
I would never vote to legalize it. As far as medical use: do the clinical trials, get FDA approval, and sell it like any other drug if it passes all tests, like any other drug.
If someone chooses to use drugs they’re only causing immediate harm to themselves. I don’t think I have to explain why abortion is evil.
But what about the famly of that opiate addict who is in the street because of their addiction?
What about the family of the drunk in the same position? Why is one legal and the other not?
In the case of traffic accidents involving marijuana, not always true. There are physiological effects. Would an insurance company pay for injuries caused by voluntary marijuana use?
Yes. If alcohol and tobacco is to be legal there’s no reason other substances shouldn’t be as well.
All substances that alter mind states and have a risk of physical dependency carry the same risks. It is logically inconsistent to condone some while condemning others.
Logic doesn’t apply in this case. Different drugs have different effects. Get FDA approval, not opinion approval.
All substances that alter mind states and have a risk of physical dependency carry the same risks. It is logically inconsistent to condone some while condemning others.
They don’t have the same probability of addiction. So no they don’t carry the same risks.
So the government is supposed to be everyone’s nanny and hold their hand so they don’t make poor choices?
So the government is supposed to be everyone’s nanny and hold their hand so they don’t make poor choices?
The government is there to ensure law and order, justice and defence. Even Milton Friedman agrees with that much government. Heroin and crack cocaine work against the public good due to how addictive they are.
And that’s fine. But I’d argue if we’re going to ban things based on whether or not they cause harm we need a much longer list.

As it is, the war on drugs has broken families, broken communities, led to excessively offensive police tactics, corruption and a host of other wrongs. At best I’d say it’s a wash right now. The current legal status hasn’t been good for anyone.
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