Three illegal immigrants shot dead crossing US border: police

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Do you realize that you are contradicting those posters who deny there is any even remote possibility that ANY “would-be terrorist” might even consider attempting to enter the United States by walking across the US-Mexican border. ???

How dare you challenge the “orthodoxy” of those who would prefer to protect the border with drones, UAV’s, and virtual reality.

Where has anyone said this?

No one has said illegal immigration is okay.

No one has said our borders should not be protected better and a stop to illegal immigration should be enforced.
…so excuse me if I don’t shed too many tears over people who should NOT even be in this country in the first place.
Then perhaps the rest of us should.

Heavenly Father, bless and keep the souls of these who were slain. May we always look to you for help in loving our neighbor as we do ourselves, following the admonition of Jesus who told us that when we welcome the stranger, we welcome you.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners now and at he hour of death.

Recently there were many terrorist cases highlighted in the U.S. so why not point out the ones who actually crossed the Mexican border?
From the link in post #44…
“A confirmed al-Qaida terrorist, an Iraqi national, was held in the Brewster County jail,” Rep. Culberson told ABC Radio host Sean Hannity. “He was captured in Mexico. This was within the last six weeks. He was turned over to the FBI.”

The Texas Republican said he obtained the stunning information about the terrorist’s capture "from the sheriffs who were directly involved.

“In fact, one was the sheriff who incarcerated him in the Brewster County jail [and who] confirmed this as well,” he explained. The same sheriff also confirmed “that this guy is on the FBI’s al-Qaida list,” he added.​

Just think of the ones who “got away”.😦

From the link in post #44…
“A confirmed al-Qaida terrorist, an Iraqi national, was held in the Brewster County jail,” Rep. Culberson told ABC Radio host Sean Hannity. “He was captured in Mexico. This was within the last six weeks. He was turned over to the FBI.”

The Texas Republican said he obtained the stunning information about the terrorist’s capture "from the sheriffs who were directly involved.

“In fact, one was the sheriff who incarcerated him in the Brewster County jail [and who] confirmed this as well,” he explained. The same sheriff also confirmed “that this guy is on the FBI’s al-Qaida list,” he added.​

Just think of the ones who “got away”.😦

*Border Tales
Local Republican congressman John Culberson took to the Fox News airwaves last month to raise the alarm about illegal immigration.
Two West Texas sheriffs, he said on Hannity & Colmes, “confirmed for me that they had an Al Qaeda terrorist…in the Brewster County jail.”
To which the two sheriffs in question have answered, in essence, WTF?
One of the sheriffs, Brewster County’s Ronny Dodson, told The Big Bend Sentinel that he had jailed one person “who had drawn a picture on his pants of Osama Bin Laden, and we don’t know if that was a joke or not.” He said Culberson must have been confused somehow by hearing various stories from border agents.
Tony Essalih, Culberson’s press secretary, says there’s no confusion. Two other aides of the congressman were present when the sheriffs told them of the terrorist prisoner, he says.
“We really haven’t figured out where the communication breakdown was. What he said on the show was what he was told by the sheriffs,” Essalih says.
Both sheriffs have been avoiding the non-local media since the story broke, but one staffer at the Brewster County Sheriff’s Department said Culberson’s people “were lying through their teeth…I told them if they’d bring me an Al Qaeda I’d slap him four times, make him pick up cigarette butts; you know, something really mean. But no, no Al Qaeda [here].”*
**Blyss, could you print a name as some believe Culbertson was less than honest. **
From the link in post #48…

“For years, Muslims and other ‘Special Interest Aliens’ from places other than Mexico have been streaming into the U.S. across our porous border,” Tancredo told Cybercast News Service. "These people are not paying $50,000 or more a head just to ‘take jobs no American will do.’

“Terrorists are working round the clock to infiltrate the United States,” he added. “Congress and this administration must address this gaping hole in our national security and they must do it now.”​

**To be honest about fighting the war on terror, Bush and his administration MUST be diligent in closing this border. We should put the armed military on the border…IMO.

From the link in post #48…
To avoid apprehension, we feel many of these terrorists attempt to blend in with persons of Hispanic origin when entering the country." Gonzalez stated. “We feel that terrorists are already here and continue to enter our country on a daily basis.”

Sheriff Arvin West of Hudspeth County, Texas, told Cybercast News Service that he believes some Mexican soldiers are operating in concert with the drug cartels to aid the terrorists.

“There’s no doubt in my mind,” he said, “although the Mexican government and our government adamantly deny it.”

Statistics made available through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) show more than 40,000 illegal aliens from countries “Other Than Mexico,” designated as OTMs, were apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol in the period ranging from October 2003 to June 2004, as they attempted to cross the southwestern border. An overview of border security challenges produced through the office of Texas Gov. Rick Perry indicates that almost 120,000 OTMs were apprehended while attempting to cross into the state from January through July 2005.

Local authorities are particularly concerned about illegal aliens arriving from Special Interest Countries (SICs) where a radical version of Islam is known to flourish. Perry’s office cites Iraq, Iran, Indonesia and Bangladesh among those countries. A Tancredo spokesperson said the list also includes Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen.

The border security report delivered by Perry’s office focuses attention on the “Triborder region” of Latin America, which spans an area between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.

“The Triborder Region is a focal point of Islamic extremism,” the report states. “Al Qaeda leadership plans to use criminal alien smuggling organizations to bring terrorist operatives across the border into the U.S.”

Carlos Espinosa, a press spokesman for Tancredo, said his office is aware of a training camp in Brazil that actually teaches people from outside of Latin America how they can assimilate into the Mexican culture.

“They come up as illegal aliens and disguise themselves as potential migrant workers,” Espinosa said.​

***Illegal immigration is NO longer just a case of a Hispanic who wishes to come to the USA for a better life. It is a dangerous situation…

From pnewton’s link…

West does acknowledge that it’s possible that a terrorist could cross a Far West Texas border.

“In talking to my counterparts in Mexico, they were telling me of four Pakistanis trying to hire coyotes,” said West. “The potential is there. We’ve got a lot of wide open spaces and a lack of manpower.”​

I think it is reasonable to assume that more have gotten through than we will ever know…until it is too late…😦

Did you name a terrorist in those posts? How about all those famous 9/11 terrorist how many of them came from Mexico?
Tell me Tex…on September 10, 2001…would you have thought that a handful of foreigners who had been living in this country and taking flying lessons etc…would have flown airplanes into the WTC the next day? Would you have even thought that scenario would have happened pre-9/11? Of course, you didn’t…no one did…so how can YOU or anyone else say with a 100% degree of CERTAINTY that terrorists planning another attack on this country might not at some point or already have entered this country through the Mexico-US border? Unless you are psychic…you can’t. Point being…why should we take the chance?

I have never had anyone break into my house, that doesn’t mean I am going to leave the doors open for them.FYI Tex…this is an analogy…LOL:D

Tell me Tex…on September 10, 2001…would you have thought that a handful of foreigners who had been living in this country and taking flying lessons etc…would have flown airplanes into the WTC the next day? Would you have even thought that scenario would have happened pre-9/11? Of course, you didn’t…no one did…so how can YOU or anyone else say with a 100% degree of CERTAINTY that terrorists planning another attack on this country might not at some point or already have entered this country through the Mexico-US border? Unless you are psychic…you can’t. Point being…why should we take the chance?

I have never had anyone break into my house, that doesn’t mean I am going to leave the doors open for them.FYI Tex…this is an analogy…LOL:D

yes and a poor analogy it is. If some one thinks you are a terrorist should we take that chance? Terrorist did have ties to Canada, I notice you do not write on Canada. Canada has another issue common to others you support---------
yes and a poor analogy it is. If some one thinks you are a terrorist should we take that chance? Terrorist did have ties to Canada, I notice you do not write on Canada. Canada has another issue common to others you support---------
Well…I am not surprised you feel that way…but I don’t know of anyone who thinks I am a terrorist:D .:rolleyes:

Could you make yourself a little more clear, I am not sure what you are trying to say…are you? thanks…👍

I have a question… Does anyone here believe that a terrorist could not cross the border into the US from Mexico? If so, I would be interested in the reasoning that they would be impaired in such a crossing. Patriotic, pro-US coyotes?

If, then, terrorists can cross the border into the US from Mexico, shouldn’t this country make every attempt to prevent such an occurance. There are a lot of people in the world that want to kill Americans.

Remember this thread started about people being shot and killed at the border areas. Additionally we find others are being kidnapped. Let me address 2 things
  1. Terrorism - Muslim based terror is not common to the Mexican border because there is no reason for it. The Muslims usually use the legal methods to enter our country. Second Muslims intermediary countries are typically white well educated countries because the Muslims use the education system to allow their movements.
Occasionally as the anti-terrorist money was free flowing some people at the border attempted to mislead the government to receive these funds. At one point the Dallas Cowboy’s claimed the plans for their public funded football stadium should be secret (reducing public accountability) as an anti-terrorist measure. Similarly if you get mad at some one and call them a terrorist, should the police lock them up immediately? The problem here is basing rights on emotional over reactions not morals
  1. Coyotes, drug dealer, and criminals of all sorts love what you and Blyss are doing. I know that is not your intent, but it is true. Coyotes say the Minutemen are their best friends! The reason is honest moral people are scared, yet they have to provide for their families, so thanks to all this fence, shadow people with guns, no tears for people shot attitude, they end up having to work with the criminals! How can they call the police when they read how some misinformed American want them to be treated?
In summary the best method for everybody is fair treatment for everybody. When I go outside the U.S., I do not contact the other government in advance, do you? I simply show up and show my passport and tell them why I “wish to enter”, along with how many cigarettes I have (I do not smoke cigarettes), and the cash on hand. Now if you can with stand the honesty, if my family were starving and living with hideous medical conditions, I would lie to the immigration agent and say we are going to visit our relatives when in fact we are going to try to get jobs, and medical care. But that is just me maybe no one else would do that.
Well…I am not surprised you feel that way…but …

Blyss you are so omniscient so tell me how will I feel tomorrow?, maybe you could just plan out a chart for me a year in advance, that would be helpful.
  1. Coyotes, drug dealer, and criminals of all sorts love what you and Blyss are doing…
I simply show up and show my passport and tell them why I “wish to enter”, along with how many cigarettes I have (I do not smoke cigarettes), and the cash on hand. Now if you can with stand the honesty, if my family were starving and living with hideous medical conditions, I would lie to the immigration agent and say we are going to visit our relatives when in fact we are going to try to get jobs, and medical care. But that is just me maybe no one else would do that.
I seriously doubt that any coyotes would like my view on immigration. You said you just show your passport. I would agree with you that free passage is what is needed. That is the difference between me and Blyss. I want to see a major loosening of immigration. I want it to be so easy for a person to cross the border, to work or be a citizen, that there is no reason to cross illegally. That way anyone that does cross illegally will have no excuse. Such people would probably be limited to criminals and other undesirables. Not much work for coyotes and we can at least have an identity of those coming over.

Everybody that came across at an illegal point should have been able to walk across at a legitimate border crossing with minimal hassle.
I for one, with no qualms, can say I will never shed a tear over illegal immigrants. They should not be here. Kendy, what dont you understand about illegal!? We have means for LEGAL immigration here. These people are coming into our country and trying to turn it into the United States of Mexico. They refuse to speak our language, they rob our jobs, they murder our citizens, and now you think they should get hospital benefits?! What do you say to the illegals rioting in LA shouting all sorts of racial slurs toward white Americans!? What do you say to your children when they cant get a job because an illegal immigrant is stealing it from him or her?! Oh yeah and dont accuse me of being some heartless racist, because guess what? I am an immigrant.
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