Reasoning is NOT the only thing that we have at our disposal, we also have our experiences as a human being and our emotions and other things that make us human, reasoning is only part of what makes us human.Let say that we are the result of whatever which is more conceiving than your God. I can claim that I believe on that. Would you accept it? No. You need to give me a reason that why you don’t drop your belief and not mine. That is the only thing we have in our disposal, our reasoning.
As far as, “You need to give me a reason that why you don’t drop your belief and not mine”, the “reason” that I have many of the beliefs that I have is because I have met God the Father and I have met the Holy Spirit, among other things that I have experienced, and I have used my reasoning ability to “ponder” on my experiences.
As far as “have an understanding of subject matter”, do you understand absolutely everything about the “known universe”?What is the difference between your God and whatever if we could not have an understanding of subject matter.
If you do than you, most certainly, have a better understanding of that subject matter than I do.
If God did indeed create the universe and you don’t know everything about the creation, why would you think that you could know, by reasoning, everything about the Creator?
I never claimed that you believe in something that you do not understand, I said that it would be a “puny god” if you knew everything about God with your reasoning, however this is merely my opinion.Well, that doesn’t grant any usefulness. You cannot claim that I believe on something i cannot understand.
That said, at least part of why I said “that it would be a “puny god” if you knew everything about God with your reasoning” is that I was taught that God Is Love in second grade and when I met God the Father, I came to the realization that the statement, “God Is Love” is quite literal and even though I “know” it, I also know that it is beyond my reasoning ability to “know” it.
My question was, “It doesn’t matter if you believe in a God that created everything but just for a “thought experiment” try to think of a Being that could create something out of nothing?”I don’t believe on such a God.
I did not ask you to “believe” it, just to think about it.
Also, as far as “I don’t believe on such a God”, do you believe in any kind of God, god or gods?
Since you gave it some thought, do you have any comments concerning your “thoughts”?I have been thinking about it for a while.