Anyway, man has always tried to understand his world and his purpose in life. Buddhism is a path to liberate one from suffering. It doesn’t seek to solve the mysteries of life and death. Shakyamuni Buddha did not speculate on the existence of gods. He thought to dwell on such things was a waste of time and energy. On the outside Buddhism looks like it is a coping mechanism, but that is not true. The same can be said of Christianity - that God is a crutch for the weak minded. But, of course, this is not true either.
This is what makes Buddhism wise, but also why it isn’t true. In this sense, buddhism isn’t a ‘religion’, but it is often treated as such. What Easterners dislike about Christianity is what I dislike about Eastern thought - that it gets dragged into simplistic ‘rules’ and ‘canons’.
I still practice Zen, because Zen is not a religion. Zen, like many Buddhists sects, is simply
a way to live - but it has no real beginning or end in and of itself - it is
wisdom, and totally at the feet of Jesus who was himself more ‘zen’ than ‘jewish’.
Christianity is worthless unless its revelation came from God - unless its path was paved by Truth Himself. As St. Paul said, ‘If Jesus was not raised form the dead, our faith is in vain…’
Christianity is not just a way, it is either The Way, and other ways imitate it imperfectly, or it is not. It is either the Faith that man needs or it is not.
With respect to Cherubino’s experience (thank you for sharing that btw), I can certainly relate to that. However, once I felt at peace - I still yearned to know why there are flowers, why my experience was so beautiful no art (no forms) can imitate it, and why I am still alive. Being at peace doesn’t mean the end of thought, although it may mean the end of indulgence.
I know its somewhat futile to argue over what Buddhism holds as actual (I guess I can’t call it truth), but I would like to know how Buddhism could claim ‘no soul’ or ‘no self’ when such an idea is so rigidly impressed upon us, and so intangible in its nature that no one really knows what a ‘soul’ actually is, how can such a thing be negated if it is, in essense, misunderstood to begin with? Surely, one must know what it is he is avoiding if it is to truly be avoided.