Conscience is part of the survival instinct.
I can agree with this so far as it goes. I’m curious, what would you see as the distinction(s) between the conscience of a Christian and the conscience of an atheist?
I’d say there is not much difference. Both learn what’s wrong or right from their social environment. Both have “build-in”, i.e. genetically predetermined, barriers to harm the society to an extend. Both can ignore it.
I see only one diference: An atheist of course does not behold his conscience as God-given. He therefore looks for other reason, where it comes from and why it is like it is. But that’s only the reason for conscience not conscience itself. What I mean is, the process of getting a conscience does not say anything about its quality.
You said in this thread, that Christians will follow the law or might I say moral standards more than the non-religious (please note that, it is not the same as an atheist), because they fear unescapable punishment. I agree to that. But that is out of fear not because of their conscience. Anyway, I don’t care whether I am not robbed or not killed by a Christian out of fear or out of conscience, it is a good thing either way.
Believe me, I as nearly everybody else wish there should be justice, and if it not carried out in this life then please in the next. But wishful thinking doesn’t make it true.
Oh, btw, if that means anything to you: The teaching of the purgatory makes much more sense in this context, than the protestants’ “if you accept Jesus, you’ll get (directly) into heaven, no matter what you have done before, if you don’t you’ll burn in hell forever.” stuff. . Punishment
and hope in the afterlife, much more effective to keep the people in line.