I never said anything about a woman’s shoulders,knees, or ankles that should be hidden. The CCC doesn’t say anything about any specific clothes but rather a general of what modesty in dress is. Again, modesty does differ from one culture to another and it also changes with time. I am not denying that.Uh, no it does not. I don’t see anything pertaining to clothes anywhere whereas another part of the CCC specifically states that forms of modesty vary.
Here it is not so specific. It does not specify the exact, physical nature of what is to be hidden. What so special about a woman’s shoulders that it should be hidden? What about knees? Ankles?
The only thing “special” is a fictional value placed upon by perverts. Honestly, repeating your argument is not going to get you anywhere.
Who are you to say that God is a fashion critic? To say so would be a direct contradiction 1 Samuel 16:7. I once said that I thought only the Devil was a fashion critic (she wears Prada after all).
One just has to fill in the blanks and see from where it says it protects the intimate center of the person and it guides how one looks at others and behaves toward them in conformity with the dignity of persons and their solidarity.
One can see from above that clothing such as miniskirts and short shorts that they are immodest.
Also you give me 1 Samuel 16:7 as a point in your agrument that modesty in dress doesn’t matter at all. At least that is what I am getting from you. To prove to you that God is often offended by such sexual appealing clothes, I quote Sacra Propediem from 1921 by Pope Benedict XV.
“One can not sufficiently deplore the blindness of so many women of every age and station. Made foolish by a desire to please, they do not see to what degree the indecency of their clothing shocks every honest man and offends God. Most of them would formerly have blushed for such apparel as for a grave fault against Christian modesty. Now it does not suffice to exhibit themselves on public thoroughfares; they do not fear to cross the threshold of churches, to assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and even to bear the seducing food of shameful passions to the Eucharistic Table, where one receives the Heavenly Author of Purity.”