So could we please start with some honesty here. In the many state referendums approved by voters to amend their state constitutions, voters not only rejected same sex marriage, they voted against “ANY” recognition of gay partnerships by forbidding civil unions or any similar legal rights for gay couples. Many gay people never dreamed they would see a decision like Obergefell in their lifetimes, but because Christians blocked any rights/recognition for same sex couples, what choice did they have but to push for same sex marriage? None.
Gay people exist. What do you want or expect them to do? Should they just accept the mistreatment they have so often experienced for the sake of upholding traditional marriage? Why is it that Christians define their own religious freedom in terms of the ability to deny rights to those who want legal protections precisely because of the oppression and mistreatment they’ve experienced by this so called “loving” community? Have you ever considered the fact that they have no intention of attacking Christianity, that it is you that has defined any push for rights to protect their relationships as an attack against Christianity? In other words, the only way they could accept not being seen as attacking the traditional family is to accept second class status, or more accurately after all of the amendments that were passed banning any recognition, they were just suppose to accept no protections at all.
Gay people could have legally asked for certain rights but why “gay marriage”? The Catholic Church has always been against unjust discrimination, but they created a situation where first, they went to the ballot box in states and asked the public to give them one to one, equal to heterosexual marriage rights. That did not go well. It was voted down twice in California. After this, the verdict was not enough money and advertising. One gay marriage advocate site made it very clear: “civil unions” were not acceptable because it would make gay people second-class citizens.
Then, the Supreme Court steps in. What were heterosexual people to think when the next generation of human beings depends on heterosexuals? What was the Court’s rationale? I recall watching on TV as two women were walking out after getting a “marriage license,” and one said, “Now, we’re equal.” Equal in what way?
Why are kids in public schools being given story books like King and King that shows two men picking each other for marriage?
I worked with LGBT people in the past. We got along. We did our jobs. I saw an employee at the hospital where I worked get surgery to go from being a woman to appearing like a man. There was no outcry. She just kept doing her job.
Anyone who mistreats anyone should be held accountable, not the entire country. I spent a lot of time with ER patients and asking a patient if they were LGBT was not one of the questions. At any Church, no one is standing by the door asking anyone what their sexual orientation is as they enter. All are welcome.
Gay people have had access to lawyers to help with various issues, but have chosen the route they’ve chosen.
Now “gender theory” is the new ‘pick your gender’ concept. Facebook now has 71 gender options. 71? From where?