Well spotted, old chap! Yes, it is a typo – I meant to say amphibians have a double-circulation heart, which allegedly evolved from fish, which have a single-circulation heart. Sorry about that.
No, the science has, and we’ve found lots of linking fossils that appear to be ancestor forms
Stephen J.
Gould : "The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persist as the
trade secret of paleontology . The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils…”
And you forgot to mention that the distinct lack of transitional fossils before the Cambrian explosion is an embarrassment to Darwinian theory.
along with DNA evidence pointing right at common descent.
Quite true - DNA points to sheep dogs and poodles sharing a common ancestor – the wolf. However, DNA does not demonstrate that humans and birds share a common ancestor, for example.
Yeah, my useless appendix and wonky eyeballs are brilliant design. So is my best friend’s back, or her boyfriend’s deadly peanut allergy.
Have you ever considered the possibility that the Fall (original sin) might have something to do with these ailments, including your so-called useless appendix?
You don’t have to be atheist to accept evolution.
No one except atheists needs to accept the Darwinist explanation for the history of life on earth – it’s irrelevant, both theologically and scientifically. However, a good reason for rejecting Darwinist folklore is that it is not a convincing explanation for the fossil record.
You just need to be reasonable and think about it.
I was reasonable and thought about it … then I rejected Darwinism at as an adequate explanation for the history of life on earth. The truth can set you free, too.
all available scientific evidence points to universal common descent via evolution being the cause of Earth’s biodiversity.
That is excellent Darwinian propaganda, but what a pity it isn’t true. The Cambrian explosion flat-out contradicts “common descent” and Darwinian evolution.
In these instances, belief that these miracles occurred means that life arose from non-life with no need for evolution.
When we are (hopefully) resurrected into our glorified bodies, will we have to wait billions of years for those bodies to evolve from a bug? I hope not.
In these instances, belief that these miracles occurred means that life arose from non-life with no need for evolution.
This is what the Cambrian explosion appears to demonstrate – life-forms appearing suddenly without any evidence of evolution. For some odd reason, theistic evolutionists have a great deal of trouble accepting this demonstration of God’s miraculous creative power.