I totally agree!!!I always try to remind people that if Catholics really believed what some people *think *we believe, we would be in serious need of salvation. And if I thought Catholics were worshiping idols and such, in fact desecrating My Lord and My God they way they think, I might have trouble not displaying "righteous anger" at the "deceit" practiced by the Catholic church. I believe most people who do these things are motivated by trying to save people from Hell. Unfortunately, just like some of us here, they don't always go about it the right way.
There have been alot of ugly posts on the board lately about our Protestant brothers and sisters. Although I personally do not think this thread has passed over to that direction, there are a few posts that failed to give non-Catholics the best possible motive for their actions. That along with the very real hate being spewed on the board at large, I feel, is what Bengal Fan is reacting to.
For those of us who have been there, in a Protestant denomination working our way home to the CC, and those of us who never had to go through that remember this:
When God is showing us a very real truth, most all of our fellow Christians, Christians whose opinion we have respected over the years in spiritual matters are telling us we are wrong. It can be as mild as I think you are mistaken, to Satan is deceiving you and you are going to go to Hell if you become Catholic. Friends that you have had for years no longer speak to you. In Bengal Fans case, his very job is going to be lost, as a Minister if he becomes a Catholic.
So here we have a man who has a very strong and real passion for Christ. A man who worships God to the best of his knowledge. A man probably more knowledgable about Christ than I will ever be. A devoted man of God. A Protestant. From his Protestant brothers and sisters he gets little understanding and is told his walk to the Catholic Church is a mistake. Maybe the same from his family. And from the very Christians he is trying to walk *to* his Christianity is being questioned. "Why do Protestants even bother going to Church" "Are Protestants really Christians" And even some of the posts, well intentioned, that compare Protestants to children playing at church. How exactly would that make you feel if you were a Protestant Minister on his way home to Rome?