I don’t blame you for being “afraid” that your children will be seduced to the Dark Side of Christianity–Protestantism.
But they’ve got nothing on you! What are you worried about?
I’ve been Protestant for the first 46 years of my life! It’s nothing compared with Catholicism. Catholics live in a castle, Protestants live in a tent.
So they have a few rock bands? So get some Catholic rock bands! There’s nothing in the Bible or Catechism against it! Our Catholic Church Lifeteen Mass is PACKED on Sunday evening–mainly teens, but quite a few adults as well, who like the rock music.
So the Protestant Youth Group is cool and the Catholic Youth Meeting is yawn? Well, change that! Get some parent youth sponsors and get moving and do some cool things! Don’t wait for the Protestants to capture their interest!
Our Catholic Church somehow attracts hundreds of kids to their various youth meetings. And the teens seem to be extremely nice; I know a few of them, and I’ve met others in passing, and they are great kids.
Our Church even advertises concerts and activities by other Christian groups who are NOT Catholic. I think that is so cool, and what a witness to Protestants when a group of on-fire-for-the-Lord Catholic Christian kids shows up!
If you have taught your children well, I don’t think they’ll be seduced. I could be wrong, but I don’t think the Protestants have anything. The one thing the Protestants might have is someone of the opposite sex to get interested in, and I realize that this is scary. You really want your kids to date Catholics, I’m sure, and the idea of them hooking up with a Baptist or AGer is very scary.
HOWEVER–the best way to create desire for something is to forbid it. We all know that when you go on a diet, everything looks good, even things like pickled pigs feet and Twinkies (together even!).
So allow things. Ease up on the boundaries, and you will find that the kids themselves will figure out that Protestants don’t have much to offer. And all you can do is pray that God will lead them to a person that will be a blessing to their faith rather than a hindrance. If you forbid relationships, teenagers dig in their heels and become even more determined to be in love with the wrong person.
One of the things that I would suggest, but I’m new enough that I don’t know if Catholic Churches ever do this. Invite ex-Protestants who have converted to Catholicism to come to Youth Meetings and give a talk. I would be very HAPPY to talk to youth about just what Protestantism is all about, and I think after hearing me talk, they will never be interested. I don’t want to sound like a braggert about my own speaking abilities, but I do have a list of 17 “problems” with Protestantism that other Protestants have a difficult time answering.
Another thing that might be possible is to do a panel discussion with spouses who are both Catholic and spouses who have “mixed marriages.” It would be good for the teens to be able to hear first hand about the difficulties of being married to someone from a different church.
Kids will listen to anyone except their parents, right?
Again, I am new to Catholicism and certainly don’t know it all. But I do know that godly Catholics that I knew when I was a teenager helped me to be “ready” to convert to Catholicism when the time came. If I had never met any “Christian” Catholics, I probably would have been a lot less willing to even consider Catholicism.