Do pro-choice people ever say “looking at it from the pro-life point of view, I kind of get it, I kind of understand why they oppose it”?
Yes, of course pro-choice people understand your position. I do not think here are many women who do not understand abortion is killing a child.
That could be in individual cases, but the pro-choice propaganda does everything possible, to keep women from thinking about it this way. They probably can’t get by with the “clump of cells” thing anymore, so they speak of “the pregnancy”, the “products of conception”, the “products of pregnancy”, but never, never, “the baby”. Let’s say that a woman goes to have an abortion, and she says “I can’t be pregnant, but I’m afraid I’m killing my baby”. What do they tell her? I honestly don’t know. Do they say “if you’re that unsure, maybe you shouldn’t do it”? Even though there’s no money in it for them? Do pro-choice people
want mothers to hear the heartbeat? See a sonogram? Be shown a model or a to-scale diagram of what the “products of conception” actually
look like? Or would they prefer that the women block these things out of their mind, just go ahead, don’t overthink this, have the abortion, problem solved?
“Let’s make it illegal”? How to prevent it? Oh… prison terms for doctors. Take away their medical licenses. Make it
at least a misdemeanor to enable the abortion. And even though some mothers know full well what they’re doing, aren’t scared in the least, aren’t desperate,
just don’t want the baby, I would actually treat them more as
victims. Maybe in some cases that’s too generous. No matter. We don’t have to treat them as villains, and neither do
we need to be villains. And I cannot say contraception (the non-abortifacient kind) is “okay”, ditto for sterilization, but at least it’s not murder. It’s the lesser of two evils. I’d rather see a woman use contraception to avoid further pregnancies, than to see her conceive and abort, legally or illegally. If all Planned Parenthood did, were to provide non-abortifacient contraception and sterilization, I couldn’t say it is morally acceptable, but I wouldn’t have
nearly as much of a problem with them. Not even in the same ballpark. For those women who
do keep the baby, provide everything they
reasonably need to see them through all of this. If it can’t be funded by tax dollars, make it a “Catholic thing” to take up second collections for this. Catholics are very modest givers compared to many Christian confessions. Maybe this needs to change.