Trump Massive Rally in Washington DC (Nov. 14th) (Tens of Thousands Gather)

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Interestingly, later they will organize a huge march to the Supreme Court.

Video of the crowd on Twitter which shows not just part but a panoramic view of the whole crowd BELOW

Quite a few people watching on this one site and other news sources. Remember to hit the" like"

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He needs to concede and let these people know it is time to accept reality for the good of the country they claim to love.
People rally when they want - freedom of assembly.
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Why would he concede to a fraudulent election without challenging that fraud and fighting for justice? That doesn’t sound right.
Why would he concede to a fraudulent election without challenging that fraud and fighting for justice? That doesn’t sound right.
No one would do that. No one has asked anyone to do that. But then, you are just begging the question.

I wonder if there will be a demand for a recount on this millionMaga rally. At least the marchers aren’t armed.
The only thing fraudulent about this election is the fraud that Trump is peddling that the election is fraudulent, that does sound right.
If I provided you evidence of voter fraud would you accept that it existed or have you already made your mind up on this, evidence or no evidence?
Federal election officials have said in a joint statement that this has been the most secure in American history, obviously you reject that, I don’t, so no, I’m not interested in “your” evidence.
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People rally when they want - freedom of assembly.
I hope they are wearing a mask. We don’t need more COVID-19 cases.
Trump supporters wearing masks? Bwaaaaaaaaaaa
Federal election officials have said in a joint statement that this has been the most secure in American history, obviously you reject that, I don’t, so no, I’m not interested in “your” evidence.
So has the Department of Homeland Security, which is part of the executive branch.
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Ok, if you’ve closed your mind on this then there’s nothing to debate! That’s fine.
If I provided you evidence of voter fraud would you accept that it existed
Evidence is not proof. No one should take as fact something based on some evidence. If there is credible evidence of fraud, there that only means the allegation is credible. If there is sufficient evidence, even that only means some votes should not be counted, whether they are for one candidate, or another.

There is always some fraud. In this case, there will be more evidence of fraud on the part of Democrats simply because Republicans are the only ones looking for fraud. This would be a significant issue for this election if were close, which it is not.

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There are thousands and thousands of pieces of evidence of fraud. Depends on whether one wants to see or accept that or not! But I’m sure it will all play out in the courts.
I’m going to the President Al Gore Rally that I just dreamed up. In my conspiracy theory, President Gore has been leading the nation all this time from his secret eco fortress. Saying it makes it true. There’s gonna be a gazillion people there.
The disclaimer on Youtube. under broadcast.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Further to this, I strongly suspect President Trump is an artificial being constructed by a race of aliens living on Io, circling the planet Jupiter, and as such, he is not eligible to be elected president under our constitution. Evidence to follow …
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The aliens also printed his serial number on his upper forehead. The combover was meant to be a temporary fix.
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