Trump Massive Rally in Washington DC (Nov. 14th) (Tens of Thousands Gather)

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If there was voter fraud, I want to hear all about it. So I am thrilled they are marching to exercise their free speech and not simply follow the media and the left as sheeple.
Whether or not Trump could win due to recounts, it is important to note that the Trump era is definitely NOT going away anytime soon. 1/2 the American people voted for him, and they are fired up. The left spent four long and tedious years attacking our President in every way possible. It will not be forgotten. I predict this is just the beginning.
There are thousands and thousands of pieces of evidence of fraud.
LOL! Then why are there no successful lawsuits to change the election result? I know this only proves how big the conspiracy really is. If you would have pointed to some examples of evidence, that would have been significant. But this whole thing about thousands of pieces is telling.

I am sure Rudy will be right on top of it.
They’re all meeting up at Four Seasons Landscaping to walk over to the Mall.
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LOL! Then why are there no successful lawsuits to change the election result? I know this only proves how big the conspiracy really is. If you would have pointed to some examples of evidence, that would have been significant. But this whole thing about thousands of pieces is telling.

I am sure Rudy will be right on top of it.
Honestly, I do not think some people even believe there was a giant fraud conspiracy. It is just a justification for nullifying the results of an election.
The Washington Post and USA Today are describing thousands of marchers, not a million. Where are folks going to get accurate numbers?
The Washington Post and USA Today are describing thousands of marchers, not a million. Where are folks going to get accurate numbers?
"March for Life "numbers I suppose when none of the main news media outlets covered it.
Yeah, I’m just wondering if the organizers are reporting numbers anywhere? Or conservative outlets doing that?
They say 1,000,000 plus but people are still coming in… March for Life always had great numbers. If they video the whole march like EWTN does, it helps to give an estimate of turnout.
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Here’s the problem with this – these folks are believing the stop the steal stuff being pedaled. I’m all for investigating any irregularities but these lawsuits filed by Trump’s campaign are being tossed for a specific reason: they’re baseless. Now we have, potentially, millions who are convinced that the election was stolen and they’re pinning this belief on discredited theories. Doesn’t bode well for the future…
Why would he concede to a fraudulent election without challenging that fraud and fighting for justice? That doesn’t sound right.
Because there is no evidence of fraud that would overturn the election. It was all made up by him. and it undermines our government.
I do not know how many showed up. Unless all the hotels filled up, I doubt there are a million people there. Washington, D.C., has a population of 600k+ and 30k hotel rooms. The Greater D.C. area has only 111k hotel rooms. That is why the largest of marches have to be planned well in advance.

I do not doubt there were a million or two who would want to march, just whether the logistics made that possible. But then it looks like math is not the strong suit of the Trump camp.
One group that promoted the rally on social media, the Proud Boys, has faced extra scrutiny. The [Southern Poverty Law Center] defines them as a hate group.
The Greater D.C. area has only 111k hotel rooms. That is why the largest of marches have to be planned well in advance
March for Life always had approx . 1 million when main media would downplay their numbers but ETWN would show their massive march and they came in the extreme cold. Weather is beautiful .in D.C.
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The Southern Poverty Law Center are not a reliable source for what is and is not a hate group. They are very left wing biased. One of the categories on their website list of hate ideologies is “radical traditional Catholicism”.
The Southern Poverty Law Center are not a reliable source for what is and is not a hate group.
Kirkpatrick Sale, a leftist, even said the SPLC labels everyone a hate group. I wouldn’t take their word for it.
As much as I enjoy a good rally, the middle of a COVID spike is not a good time for a million man march.

Glad I’m staying home and praying.

Also, this was definitely NOT well publicized. I looked at Trump’s usual campaign website a few times this week to see updates and this must have either been buried or not there because nothing about it popped up on the site, only pleas for funds.
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Somewhere between “the whole thing is a fraud” and “it’s the most secure election in history”, there are some troubling aspects of this election that need discussing. For me at least an important question remains unanswered. How did so many of the late mail in ballots go so overwhelmingly for Biden? In one county in Georgia, for instance, the mail in ballots were 87% for Biden. That sort of a majority should make anybody suspicious, I don’t care who you voted for. Maybe it is legit. But an advantage of that magnitude should make us all wonder how it could happen.

One side is rushing me to accept the results, and the other side is rushing me to think the whole thing a sham. Both extremes are eliminating any possibility of the discussion we need to have.
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