Trump Massive Rally in Washington DC (Nov. 14th) (Tens of Thousands Gather)

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At this point what would it take to convince everyone that the election of Joe Biden is valid?
I do not believe any such thing exists at this point or ever could at any point in the future
Let both sides go in and meticulously validate Georgia’s election results, kick out the bad ballots and see wheat the results end up would be a beginning because if they resolve just one state, it would cause people to have some belief that the election was not corrupt. GA or PA would be my choice…
Do you think that the United States Citizen and Immigration Service (USCIS) can track 22 million illegal aliens?
They don’t need to, they aren’t checking if someone isn’t a citizen, they’re seeing if someone is. Just like you do when you submit an i9 for employment.
Who do you think is checking that they are? If you feel this is the case, call for an audit of Georgia’s ballots, and let’s get going to resolve this.
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Who do you think is checking that they are? If you feel this is the case, call for an audit of Georgia’s ballots, and let’s get going to resolve this.
If the GOP feels there’s a good reason to believe this happened they absolutely will file a suit to do so. I don’t believe they have. Really curious why the state would enact a policy to help democrats so much though, especially their current governor.
Please read the form on the license-ID renewal form where it states you will be automatically registered A voter unless you opt-out. The red arrow points to it.
Are you worried a lot of underage kids were voting too?
At this point what would it take to convince everyone that the election of Joe Biden is valid?
I do not believe any such thing exists at this point or ever could at any point in the future
Let both sides go in and meticulously validate Georgia’s election results, kick out the bad ballots and see wheat the results end up would be a beginning because if they resolve just one state, it would cause people to have some belief that the election was not corrupt. GA or PA would be my choice…
I’ll bet one of my Sunday morning donuts that it wouldn’t even make a dent if the minds of many (most?) of the “non-believers”
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Who do you think is checking that they are? If you feel this is the case, call for an audit of Georgia’s ballots, and let’s get going to resolve this.
If the GOP feels there’s a good reason to believe this happened they absolutely will file a suit to do so. I don’t believe they have. Really curious why the state would enact a policy to help democrats so much though, especially their current governor.
They have already filed a lawsuit. I really don’t see why they can’t be allow to go forth. Just do an audit, both sides present and go forth.
Please read the form on the license-ID renewal form where it states you will be automatically registered A voter unless you opt-out. The red arrow points to it.
Are you worried a lot of underage kids were voting too?
Please don’t make light of this. People want to feel that their vote counts for something -. that only qualified citizens vote.
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They have already filed a lawsuit.
Are you referring to the one thrown out a day after it was filed? I cannot find another one. That one was tossed on 11-5-20. If there is another one, please, clarify which suit you refer to.
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Who do you think is checking that they are?
You have to submit your SSN number with your application. You can’t just say that you’re a citizen with no record of citizenship, but they’ll complete your registration.
Are you referring to the one thrown out a day after it was filed? I cannot find another one. That one was tossed on 11-5-20. If there is another one, please, clarify which suit you refer to.
No i am talking about the new lawsuit that was filed yesterday so let’s go forth and end this by allowing the audit.
I see the annual March for Life covered every year. This last year, the NYT did an article. google you will find coverage in the press.

It seems the marchers today expected 10,000. The count has not yet been published
NYT does a 2 second blip with phony attendance numbers… If you have ever attended it is a massive group. EWTN puts the whole march on and they let the camera roll from beginning to end and you can see the crowd marching up the hill. Sometimes an estimate is done.

Between 2003 and 2012 the marches drew crowds estimated in the hundreds of thousands. According to organizers, the 2011 event was attended by 400,000.[[14]) In 2013, Life advocates estimated the march drew 650,000.[[17]]#cite_note-NewYorkTimes-17) As with all large crowd estimates, the generated number of attendees reported differ, with some sources indicating a figure in the tens of thousands to low six figures
Immaculate Virgin , assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me herein and show me here you are my Mother . … O Mary , conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (three time)
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And if they did an “audit,” you’d complain it wasn’t a recount.

So, what happened to your massive fraud in Vermont?
Vermont has similar issues but Georgia vote tally was only 14,000 different. If there is no fraud why be concerned if there is an audit to determine which votes are legally qualified to vote.

The audit will check legal status and legal signature so, just allow it and maybe this will help to clear up people’s concern’s about this election.
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I’ve heard that You tube is putting disclaimers under a lot of prominent anti-Biden creators’ content.
They are putting disclaimers under false and misleading content. Everyone gets the same treatment.
And who decides who is false and misleading?
In WI for example, mail in ballots could only start being counted on election day, and a county could not report their mail in ballots totals until ALL the mail in ballots were totaled. Hence the “mysterious” jump in Biden voted at 3 a.m. when Milwaukee county finished counting mail in ballots, and as required by law , reported their mail in ballots total all at once .
It was the same in PA. PA could not even open the mail ballot envelopes until 7 am on Nov. 3. Florida, on the other hand, had been able to tabulate mail in ballots well in advance of Nov. 3 – hence why they were pretty quick with results.
Georgia vote tally was only 14,000 different.
Hence the recount.
If there is no fraud why be concerned if there is an audit
No evidence of fraud has been produced. “My guy didn’t win” isn’t justification for spending all that time & money.
People have a right to be concerned. the DMV did an automatic voter registration where you had to opt out not be enrolled to vote. We do not know of the 2 million new voters what percent did not realize that. /Recounts of the same ballots is not the issue. An audit of ballots would determine what ballot were not legal. They would check legal status and signatures.

You can’t keep claiming everything is legal. so just move on folks.
And who decides who is false and misleading?
Well, there are many fact checkers debunking all this nonsense.

But personally, nationally I’ll go with the head of the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the chairman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Both Trump appointees.

I’ll also go with the Governor, Lt Governor, and Secretary of State in GA, all Republicans.

I’ll also go with the city commissioner of Philadelphia, a Republican.

I’ll also go with Arizona’s Attorney General, a Republican.

Meanwhile the only documented case of voter fraud in which a person has been arrested and charged is Robert R. Lynn, who forged his deceased mother’s signature on an absentee ballot application in PA (and was cause BEFORE the election in the verification process). Lynn is a Trump supporter.
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Well, there are many fact checkers debunking all this nonsense.
Also, you can add in that what people say on the internet is NOT what they are saying in court, where it actually matters.

Trump, his sons, Guiliani and various right wing media figures have been just amplifying every random claim from the weirdest corners of the internet without real investigation. For example: A Philadelphia “poll watcher” that Guiliani had at his press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping is actually a convicted sex offender from New Jersey. “Dead people” who apparently voted have been found to be very much alive. It just goes on and on.
Except that videos I’ve seen with disclaimers didnt even talk about the election challenges
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