Trump Will Withhold $200 Million in Tax Dollars From California for Forcing Christians to Fund Abortions

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You are being obtuse.
You are being stubborn and repeating empty platitudes. No poor have been harmed by this. No poor will be harmed by this. Gov Newsom has already indicated they will get the funds from elsewhere. So, again, which poor people are being “PUNISHED!”?
You guys are pitiful in your effort to avert the blame from Trump. Medicaid is necessary for millions of poor people. Depriving them of this resource hurts / punishes them for something they have no control over.
Medicaid is necessary for millions of poor people . Depriving them of this resource hurts / punishes them for something they have no control over.
Again, platitudes. There is no reduction in coverage. No loss of funds. Gov Newsome said they can cover the loss in federal funds. Nobody has been hurt by this. Nobody will be hurt by this.

Unless you know of someone?
No one has been deprived of medical coverage.
Medicaid is still alive, for the time being. Hopefully it will be alive under the new administration - when Trump will not be able to kill it.
Again, platitudes. There is no reduction in coverage. No loss of funds. Gov Newsome said they can cover the loss in federal funds. Nobody has been hurt by this. Nobody will be hurt by this.
So, it looks like that Medicaid is simply not necessary… we could get rid of it, and no one would be hurt. Another useless federal expenditure. Sheesh! And even if all monies could be obtained from other sources, then THOSE, who will cover it, would be PENALIZED for something they have no control over. Of course, there is nothing new in this vicious charade and revenge. When Trump feels that he has been wronged, he becomes vengeful, and hurts whomever he can.

And, of course, California - the abominable BLUE state needs to be punished for depriving Trump from his well-deserved second term. 😦 Typical. What is it? 32 more days?
So, it looks like that Medicaid is simply not necessary
No one said or implied this.
Straw man.
we could get rid of it, and no one would be hurt.
Well, if you think so. Sure.
Another useless federal expenditure.
Your words. No one else said this.
even if all monies could be obtained from other sources, then THOSE, who will cover it, would be PENALIZED for something they have no control over.
Not quite how this works. But you probably don’t know how a state budget works.
Of course, there is nothing new in this vicious charade and revenge.
The straw man being drawn up as well as the platitudes seem to be tired and worn.
When Trump feels that he has been wronged, he becomes vengeful, and hurts whomever he can.
Says the person that cannot name anyone that has actually been affected by this…save the governor himself.
abominable BLUE state needs to be punished for
Forcing religious institutions to pay for abortion.
They are being punished by the governor who is pro-abortion like you.
You guys are pitiful in your effort to avert the blame from Trump.
The governor was the one that chose abortion over $200 million dollars.
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Maybe you should recruit more dead people to vote for your side.
Well, their leader has already told them to vote twice. Maybe someone should investigate those 75 million votes for Trump.
Notice the attacks by pro-choicers and other leftists on another of President Trump’s pro-life actions. Sad.
Notice the attacks by pro-choicers and other leftists on another of President Trump’s pro-life actions. Sad.
Sad that anyone considers punishing the most needy among us to be a “pro-life” action.
Sad that anyone considers punishing the most needy among us to be a “pro-life” action.
The money was shifted according to the governor so they should be fine if what he is saying is true.
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Sad that anyone ignores the killing of unborn babies and spends no time whatsoever criticizing pro-abortionists, and that they just want to criticize the most pro-life President. Abortion: “fine.” Trump: “not”,…
Sad that anyone ignores the killing of unborn babies and spends no time whatsoever criticizing pro-abortionists, and that they just want to criticize the most pro-life President. Abortion: “fine.” Trump: “not”,…
There are many issues out there to be upbeat and positive about.
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