Trump Will Withhold $200 Million in Tax Dollars From California for Forcing Christians to Fund Abortions

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Actually, you cannot accuse me of “playing the race card” on this one. I was responding to the original poster who attempted to use black abortion rates in her argument! However, as a black person, I will use “the race card” whenever I feel it is relevant. DEAL WITH IT!
Yes, it comes into the conversation. The exact figures few know but most abortions do get reported. The actual papers recorded with actual numbers that I have seen through freedom of information act do not tell race but tell age and town/city that the women are from.

At any rate, this is not about that but whether Gavin Newsom(California) should be pressured to comply with the federal law on abortion funding.
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Yes, color is reported. Try the CDC, Guttmacher Institute may be backing away from this because the statistics are so skewed and in trun, shcoking. Guttmacher Institute use to be Planned Parenthood’s own research arm. I believe they are independent now, in some shape or form…

CDC: 36% of Abortions Abort Black Babies​

Those stats are easily ascertainable for past years.

Also, checking where Planned Parenthood clinics are located is available.

If abortion is higher in some communities, nothing wrong with taking note of that.

For states, California, New York, Delaware (not necessarily in that order) have been among leaders with states) vs. low abortion states which are out there too.

All of that is recorded.

Also, Mexico City Policy bans monies from going overseas, it does not fund abortion, it prevents abortion from being funded.
The Mexico City policy, sometimes referred to by its critics as the global gag rule,[1] is a United States government policy that blocks U.S. federal funding for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide abortion counseling or referrals, advocate to decriminalize abortion, or expand abortion services.
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So I take it you all are ok with a mother to be not being able to get prenatal care because she cannot afford it without Medicaid.
I am not ok with my tax dollars going to fund abortion. If you want Medicaid restored in CA, write a letter to the governor. Also, there are certainly many other ways for poor mothers to get medical care, starting with the Gabriel Project.
So I take it you all are ok with a mother to be not being able to get prenatal care because she cannot afford it without Medicaid.
So, are we to take it that Democrats are okay with infanticide? And so vote for it?
By punishing those who have no control over the abortion laws.
Nope. The folks in charge who refuse to stop funding and promoting the murder of babies in the womb are the ones doing the punishing.
Nope. The folks in charge who refuse to stop funding and promoting the murder of babies in the womb are the ones doing the punishing.
Quoted for the truth, the voters enable it all to begin with.
Seems that some are worried about choice.

It seems obvious that Gavin Newsom made his choice.

His choice has hurt a lot of the poor in the communities he was elected to care for.

He made a choice knowing the consequences. I don’t think he believed President Trump would respond by giving him what he told him that he would get.

Another failure in the ever growing list for CA under Governor Newsom.
So I take it you all are ok with a mother to be not being able to get prenatal care because she cannot afford it without Medicaid.
Apparently Gavin Newsam is. Forcing people to perform abortions is important to him.
I am not ok with my tax dollars going to fund abortion.
We have no direct say-so in the ways our taxes are spent. You have two choices, either move somewhere else, of vote against those you disagree with.
I did, but a lot of dead people voted for the other guy.
Please, don’t be cruel. I almost had my covfefe come back through my nose. Maybe you should recruit more dead people to vote for your side.
Well, I’m not OK with my tax dollars going to build a wall or putting kids in cages, etc.; but here we are!
Well, I’m not OK with my tax dollars going to build a wall or putting kids in cages, etc.; but here we are!
Then find a legal means to prevent it. Trump found legal means to entice CA to give up their abortion mandate. Maybe you can find something just as enticing to stop your “ax dollars going to build a wall or putting kids in cages, etc.”
I did! My legal means will be in place on January 20th at 12:00 noon!
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