Trump Will Withhold $200 Million in Tax Dollars From California for Forcing Christians to Fund Abortions

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By Planned Parenthood’s one statistics, 12% of the population is African American but they get over a third of anbortions.
Can you share some stats on affluent white women obtaining safe legal D&Cs within the comfort of their private doctor’s offices?
You haven’t offered any alternative to getting CA to dump the abortion mandate
What do you mean I haven’t offered any alternative. I am not part of the Trump administration. I can speak out against government policies.

Which means I can speak out against the governments abortion policies AND I can speak out against government attacks on the poor
This is what Im telling you.
I can do both
Telling me i can only do one or the other is a false dichotomy
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Gavin Newscom twitter response - “Patriarchal system” =Bitter clingers, bible thumpers
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What do you mean I haven’t offered any alternative. I am not part of the Trump administration. I can speak out against government policies.
You asked the following:
Do you honestly don’t believe that there are no other strong measures the Trump administration to take other than targeting the poor?
Which means I can speak out against the governments abortion policies AND I can speak out against government attacks on the poor
Emphasis mine.

Sigh. Ok then. Speak all you want. I’m glad someone is actually doing something against abortion. And as Gov Newsome stated, “California will survive without this $$ for now.” So apparently CA has chosen to keep abortion mandates and support the poor.

Will you speak out to Gov Newsom now? Or should we wait for someone else to do something?
The only difference between my post and @qui_est_ce is the number.
Yes, it is true, but it does not cover the whole picture. There are several variants of the Decalogue - within the Bible, and the differences are not superficial. That is what I was alluding to. The “no true Scotsman” fallacy still holds.

And the important parts is that Trump still holds the Medicaid system as “hostage”.
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Will you speak out to Gov Newsom now
No I am not a California resident. My voice to him regarding California law isn’t even worth the pixels on this screen.
Or should we wait for someone else to do something
Yes, you’ll need to wait for someone else.

God willing it’ll be someone who doesn’t attack the poor as a means to an end
That’s abhorrent
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No I am not a California resident. My voice to him regarding California law isn’t even worth the pixels on this screen.
But a random stranger on the internet is? You care about the poor in CA, but the unborn aren’t with your effort?
Yes, it is true, but it does not cover the whole picture. There are several variants of the Decalogue - within the Bible, and the differences are not superficial. That is what I was alluding to. The “no true Scotsman” fallacy still holds.
Ah. I had trouble translating emoji blasts into English. Thank you for the translation.
You care about the poor in CA, but the unborn aren’t with your effort?
You’re making a mighty large leap about me.

Are you pretending that you know me so well, that you are claiming I do not care for the unborn
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You are making a leap if you read my post to say anything about caring for the unborn. I’m only commenting on where you put in your effort. And this is based on your posts. You seem quite happy to argue with an internet stranger about health care funds, but not to Gov Newsome about abortion mandates.
You seem quite happy to argue with an internet stranger about health care funds,
Yes this is Catholic Answers forum. This is a place where strangers gather together to discuss issues.
Moreover, this is the world news forum. Which is a forum in which strangers gather together to discuss political issues
but not to Gov Newsome about abortion mandates
I’m not a California resident. It is not my state. There is not even forum for me to directly do that with him
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It might be a good idea to remind everyone that “you cannot commit evil, even it would lead to some good”. Basic Catholic principle. And blackmailing IS evil. What else is there to say?
But you can commit a morally neutral act, even if a bad outcome is foreseen and that outcome is not the end in itself, to achieve a good.

Withholding funds is a morally neutral act, and potential harm to the poor is not intended nor the end, and the good is to entice CA to abandon a great evil.

And, no, withholding funds is not blackmail. Unless you think refusing to give money to a drug addict unless they get clean is blackmail.
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Withholding funds is a morally neutral act, and potential harm to the poor is not intended nor the end, and the good is to entice CA to abandon a great evil.
Not true. Withholding medical services from someone who needs it, is NOT neutral.
And, no, withholding funds is not blackmail. Unless you think refusing to give money to a drug addict unless they get clean is blackmail.
Incorrect analogy. A drug addict can come clean. It is not easy, but with will power it can be done. Someone with a real disease needs more than willpower. I used to be a smoker. Addicted to nicotine. And nicotine is MUCH more habit forming than cocaine or heroin. I was able to kick it. A friend of mine has lung cancer. He cannot “will it away”.

And the people who need Medicaid are NOT the ones, who can change the laws. Withholding Medicaid does not hurt the legislators, it hurts the people. It is blackmail, where the harm is not done to the people who are in charge of the laws, it is done to the ones who are unable to do anything.
Not true. Withholding medical services from someone who needs it, is NOT neutral
What services? These are funds even Gov Newsom admits the don’t need. Don’t conflate tax dollars with individual care.
Incorrect analogy. A drug addict can come clean. It is not easy, but with will power it can be done. Someone with a real disease needs more than willpower. I used to be a smoker. Addicted to nicotine. And nicotine is MUCH more habit forming than cocaine or heroin. I was able to kick it. A friend of mine has lung cancer. He cannot “will it away”.
I disagree. CA is addicted to abortion. If they want the money, they can work to get clean. Call it an intervention. And like a drug addict, it can admit no wrongdoing. CA and it’s druggie friends scoff at those who have the temerity to clean up their act. And they go so far as to blame the very people trying to help them give up their habit.

But you might be right one sense. It is more like cancer. Cancer of the soul. The disease runs so deep, there might be no way back. Indeed, they can’t seem to will it away. Perhaps more intense treatment is necessary.
Not that I think you care all that much about black babies… but the only reasons CDC can collect that information is because planned parenthood is required to report it. Most white women get their abortions in private practices that are not required to report it. So, because of that, those numbers are skewed in the direction of blacks having more abortions than the actually do. Also, black women are also more likely to be at an economic disadvantage. Statistics have consistently shown that improvements in the economy lead to a decrease in abortion. So, perhaps your focus should be more on fostering an environment of economic equality than on forcing black babies to be born into poverty!
Not that I think you care all that much about black babies… but the only reasons CDC can collect that information is because planned parenthood is required to report it. Most white women get their abortions in private practices that are not required to report it. So, because of that, those numbers are skewed in the direction of blacks having more abortions than the actually do. Also, black women are also more likely to be at an economic disadvantage. Statistics have consistently shown that improvements in the economy lead to a decrease in abortion. So, perhaps your focus should be more on fostering an environment of economic equality than on forcing black babies to be born into poverty!
Always the race card. Lots of women get abortions and when someone tries to do all the things to not fund abortion that Trumps has done, he is criticized.

Again Trump did not re-instate the Mexico City Policy which will not allow money for overseas abortions. If he had done way with Title X funding for abortion clinics in US and if he had not taken away the UNFPA Funding for abortions but he has taken all this abortion funding away since 2016
President Trump signed a law allowing all states to now defund Planned Parenthood. Trump also did away with Fetal stem cell research at NIH.
Since 2017, Trump has defunded the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) of tens of millions of U.S. tax dollars because it pushes abortions on other countries and has worked with China for decades to implement its oppressive population control policies. Under the pro-abortion Obama administration, U.S. taxpayers gave more than $300 million to UNFPA.
Under previous Republican administrations, the restrictions in the Mexico City Policy applied specifically to US family planning funds, approximately US$575 million .

Trump’s policy extends restrictions to an estimated $8.8 billion in US global health assistance
Under this rule, that group must now choose between losing its US funding—slashing its operating budget in half— or restricting or cutting its reproductive health programs
Lots of funding goes overseas but not for abortion funding.
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Actually, you cannot accuse me of “playing the race card” on this one. I was responding to the original poster who attempted to use black abortion rates in her argument! However, as a black person, I will use “the race card” whenever I feel it is relevant. DEAL WITH IT!
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