Locora, take this “dude” to the cleaners.
Um acutally you very wrong. I know many men with female friends but ressist having sexual realtions with them. The male gender isnt just full of men who will do anything for sex. If she had a best male friend and the husband wanted to go everywhere with them so he made sure nothing happened wouldnt you consider that intrusive? Maybe he needs someone to talk to and i find it easier to talk "deep? with someone of the female race because i can talk better with them. I think your making a presumption on a stereotype.Without going into too much history, here is the problem. My husband has a best friend who is a woman! I am very bothered by her place in his life
I don’t blame you. #1 your husband’s priority is you. IF he knows this makes you uncomfortable he should invite YOU to every outing with this woman.
#2. I don’t know of many men who have a women as a best friend who they are not physical with if you get my drift… Seriously you should be his best friend.
God will continue to provide the Graces you need to be faithful to Him. I am so glad to hear of the improvement in your situation. I wouldn’t say your back to square one, instead another cross. A cross without him hurts and destroys. A cross with Him, hurts and ends in victory.Thought I’d put in a little update, though - the friendship is no longer the issue; he isn’t really talking to her anymore! So prayers do work. We’re living together again, which has been good up until last weekend when our other issue raised its head again: he isn’t Catholic and doesn’t want to raise his children Catholic. So we’re back to square one. When we got married, I didn’t care about that as much as I do now. Please keep praying that God will provide a miracle - because I think that’s what it’s going to take!
He BETTER NOT leave you!!:tsktsk: I will be praying for you (and hubby).:yup:Thank you for the encouraging words! I just hope he will not decide to leave me before things come full circle…God works in His own time, but after 5 difficult years of marriage, my husband (whose faith also doesn’t bar divorce) may be tired of waiting!
That was simply beautiful Ana!I posted last night, but was too tired to go in depth. I think you have gotten validation for your complaint about your husband. Yes, he shouldn’t be doing what he is doing. That’s obvious. But I am disappointed at the lack of posts with encouragement and hope for your marriage. I thought this was a Catholic board.There were a couple, but the majority seemed to be the old high school … “yeah … he’s a big jerk!”.
I am not trying to invalidate your pain, BUT there is nothing that seems to be uncommen about your situation. ALL marriages have problems. I am not implying that you should be satisfied with the way things are. We should always strive to make our marriages more holy and staying in a bad marriage is not the same as working it out. But too many people give up too quickly, possibly missing the blessings that were just around the corner.
Yes, your husband is being a doo-doo head right now, and if your marriage is near normal then you’re probably being a doo-doo head too!
You need to decide if you are commited to this marriage. If you plan on honoring the vow you took before God … For better or for worse. Your marriage is three-way. You cannot trust yourself to pull this through, nor your husband, but you can trust God.
I remember when things were really bad with my husband. I pretty much hated him, and I could not wait to get out of the marriage. Whether or not I loved him was not an issue, I didn’t. He had killed my love for him. It got to the point where he was barely part of the equation anymore. It was between me and God. I took a vow, and I couldn’t just walk away from it. I wrestled with God. I prayed, grew closer to him and received the graces I needed from him. A tremendous change took place deep within me. It reverberated through my entire marriage. My husband changed also.
The love of Christ is self sacrificing. Is yours? Did in your vow, you place the condition of … as long as it doesn’t interfere with my career? If your vocation is marriage, then that is first and all other things must serve to enhance it. If it is causing conflict, then it must go. No matter how much it hurts. Dying to self is always painful.
Your probably thinking, but he is the one … why should I …? Because you are accountable for your actions before God, regardless of the behaviour of anyone else. His actions do not excuse yours. But more importantly. Your good example will encourage more change in your husband than all of the words you have used to try to convince your husband the error of his ways put together.
Does he look forward to being with you, to talking with you. Do you make him feel loved? Do you allow him to feel loved when he is good to you only, or do you love him for Christs sake. If you love him " the way He has loved you." Self-sacrificing, merciful, steadfast, unchanging … you will see change. For God’s love is faithful, fruitful and life-giving. You WILL see fruits. But first you must pray and be in the position to be the light for your husband. I would advise taking the concentration of off him and putting it on you and your spiritual growth. Leave your husband to God. Trust Him with your husband and with your marriage.
I will be in prayer for your marriage.
That sounds like very good news…and I will continue to pray for you…Well - it’s been a while since I logged on! I’ve been soooo busy with work (two different Catholic schools) I have hardly had time for anything.
Thought I’d put in a little update, though - the friendship is no longer the issue; he isn’t really talking to her anymore! So prayers do work. We’re living together again, which has been good up until last weekend when our other issue raised its head again: he isn’t Catholic and doesn’t want to raise his children Catholic. So we’re back to square one. When we got married, I didn’t care about that as much as I do now. Please keep praying that God will provide a miracle - because I think that’s what it’s going to take!
Absolutely. 15 years ago, I wouldn’t give a plugged nickel that my marriage would survive, much less THRIVE for the next ten years. Growth is hard. Dying to the world is hard. Giving up pride is hard. But sooooooo worth it.Pray.
I was advised to seek an annulment by many, including a priest. Five years later, we are HAPPILY married. The graces have outweighed the sufferings by far. If I had to choose the suffering again to enjoy the life I am blessed with, I would.
Well, perhaps I spoke too soon. Last night I caught him in a HUGE lie (he has a history of lying to me about this woman, because he says I’ll just get angry and we’ll have an argument, and he doesn’t want to deal with it). It was his birthday, and we both had to work, so we weren’t going to be able to spend it together. I called him last night, having discovered that he went to visit her a couple of weekends ago (she lives in another part of the state) and lied to me about it (and, by the way, he got very angry at me for not trusting him!!!). I asked him if she was with him now…he said no…I drove to his house anyway, and there was her truck in the driveway!
He says he doesn’t know if he wants to stay married. We have differences of religion that cause problems, too (he’s not Catholic, but evangelical/fundamentalist, sort of), and he’s not sure he wants to make the sacrifices necessary for a marriage in light of that. I was ready to move back in - was going to try to forgive him for the past - and now he says he wants time to think, and he’ll call me on Sunday!
Needless to say, I’m devastated. I told him that, although I was very angry and disappointed in him, I still love him and am willing to work through this. Unfortunately, I can’t force him to let me. I also told him I had wanted to move back in so that I could practice the things I’ve read and talked about here. Now I may not get the chance.
I’m going to ask him to read this thread. Please, please, continue to pray! Storm heaven for the next three days! I am so thankful for all the support I’ve seen here. Thank you - you are all saints in my book!