I would suggest prayer for peace in your heart.
My wife is Baptist (evangelical) and strong in her faith. Although our religious difference cause us not to see eye to eye, I would not expect her to lie to me.
I know our religious differences have caused us to drift apart, and I know we can’t be “soulmates” so to speak because of it. Even before our religious differences I knew that if me and her bestfriend were falling off a cliff, I had better have gone to confession earlier that day…
Although, I can’t feel the same insecurity you have because your husband’s friend is a women, I can share a sense of rejection with you.
My wife looks to friendship now primarily only with
Christians. (She has told me in not so many words that I am the only Catholic she knows that is
It is not fun having a mixed-marriage. My wife has refused to allow me to have our children baptised.
The fact that your husband is at another women’s house and lies about it would make me question not only his devotion to you, but possibly his evangelical moral compass. On the other hand if its truly a platonic relationship he has with her, I can share with you that I think in some circumstances my wife would help a member of her church before she would help me, and have seen her become evasive or nuanced if she didn’t want to share the exact nature of a church related activity with me. ie getting me to go to a “Bible Study” which when I get there is really a “Growth Group”. Or saying “there will be Christians from other backgrounds there”, when it really turns out she should have said “Baptists who used to be Anglicans and Catholics”.
I pray every day for my wife.
Also, I had a friendship with a girl in highschool that from my point of view was strictly a friendship. It wasn’t until I moved on to university in another town, that people would tell me of the manipulative things she would do to keep other people away from me. Emergency phone calls to get my attention and console her etc etc.
I would talk to you husband and see if you can’t agree to have the nature of their frienship changed so that get-togethers involve more people then just him and her. Pre-arranged dinner parties. That sort of thing.
I am not sure you wanted to hear all this, but sometimes other peoples stories make your own a little more bearable
Prayer, prayer, prayer gets me through each day.
May God bless you and help your marriage.